• 方法特征估计尺度滤波两部分组成。

    The method is composed of feature estimation and multi-scale smoothing.


  • 基于人眼视觉机理启发提出了一种新的尺度滤波模板构造方法

    Secondly, a novel approach is proposed based on a mechanism of human vision model.


  • 基于EMD时间尺度滤波特性,引入相关度分析基础提出EMD相关度去噪方法

    Based on the idea of the correlation degree and the EMD (Empirical Mode Decompositon) time scale filtering, the EMD de-noising method based on the correlation degree is proposed.


  • 基于正交二进小设计了一个滤波图象进行尺度滤波得到不同尺度的小波变换

    A filter based on orthonormal wavelet bases is designed to do wavelet transform with images. Different scale image edges can be detected form different scale image wavelet transform.


  • 首先根据原始图像直方图尺度空间特性尺度滤波结果选取最佳阈值图像分为多个类。

    Firstly, according to the properties of the histogram scale space of an original image and the result of the multiscale filtering, optimal thresholds were determined for classifying the cells image.


  • 本文研究尺度滤波基本分解问题。基于所得结果,对于任意给定尺度滤波,给出了正交小波矩阵构造方案。

    In this paper, the factorization of scaling vector filters into prime factors is considered. A construction of bi-orthogonal wavelet matrix with pre-asigned scaling filter is given.


  • 为了满足局部放电在线监测在线实时要求,提出了改进尺度空间滤波算法,将其应用于局部放电脉冲提取

    In order to satisfy the quasi real-time requirement of generator PD online monitoring, an improved scale space filtering technique is proposed and applied in PD pulse extraction.


  • 提出一种用于尺度边缘检测小波变换滤波系数计算方法并且具体例子进行了检验,表明了方法的有效性

    A method of calculating wavelet transformation filter coefficients for multiscale edge detection is given in this paper, and the efficiency of the method is clarified.


  • 信号多分辨经验分解方法可以解释信号极值特征尺度为度量的时空滤波过程。

    The multiresolution empirical mode decomposition method of signal can be interpreted as spatial filtering based on the signal's extremum characteristic scale.


  • M小波变换拟合状态在各尺度空间投影关系建立了满足标准卡尔曼滤波条件系统模型

    M-band wavelet is used to approximate the projection relationship between the scale Spaces, and system model that satisfies Kalman filter condition is built.


  • 小波变换局部极大滤波方法利用信号噪声不同尺度变化特性区分信号与噪声,将噪声信号中分离出来。

    A filtering method based on wavelet transform with local maximum value was discussed. The method could distinguish signal from the noise according to the different features of scale change.


  • 同时太阳毫秒级资料作带通滤波不同时间尺度快速起伏分离出来。

    In this paper, a band-pass filter is used to separate the components of rapid fluctuations with various time scales from ms-resolution data of solar bursts.


  • 由于周期性纹理纹元是以周期为单位的纹理,该文试图对周期性纹理图像进行方向滤波后找出纹理周期,然后以周期尺度采样块的大小和采样间距,进行纹理合成

    Because the texel of periodic texture is the patch with the textures period, here try to calculate the period by direction filter, and then synthesize the periodic texture by sampling with the period.


  • 算法图像进行多结构尺度适应形态滤波处理,从而抑制图像噪声暗纹理细节

    The algorithm first executed the adaptive morphological filtering of fusion to restrain dark noise and texture details of the images.


  • 论文提出一种基于高斯滤波尺度相乘边缘检测算法

    This paper presents an algorithm to edge detection by scale multiplication based on Gaussian filter.


  • 分别研究了所有滤波长度45双正交多尺度分析(MRA)的构造

    The construction of biorthonormal MRAs with filter length 4 and 5 is studied respectively.


  • 文中还给出了三和滤波下的相关峰值与旋转角度尺度因子的关系曲线。

    Correlations against rotation Angle and scaling factor for all the three filters are also presented.


  • CB形态滤波灰度进行滤波构成CB形态学尺度空间实现拐角尺度检测

    Filtering the intensity image by CB morphological filters, the idea of CB morphological scale space is constructed, by which to realize multi scale corner detection.


  • 针对这种相关性结合薄雾退化图像特点采用了一尺度处理方法,对处理后的图像采用自适应滤波器滤除噪声

    According to this correlation and the features of the degradation images by fog the method of multi-scale process was used in this paper.


  • 针对复杂情况下尺度目标跟踪问题,提出一种基于粒子滤波的自适应尺度目标跟踪算法。

    To track objects with scale changes in a complex scene, a particle filter based object tracking approach is proposed in this paper.


  • 论文基于这思想,平滑函数出发,并根据尺度级数变化特点导出了一尺度小波滤波

    According to the peculiarity that the scale exhibit progressional variety, this paper deduces a group of multiscale wavelet filter from two dimensions smooth function.


  • 针对处理图像特点,对分割提取的真菌图像应用了多尺度cb形态滤波噪声,并利用结构元素的串行分解原则提高运算速度

    According to the characteristic of bacteria image processed using our system, we have improved the fast methods of multi-scaled CB morphology filter to remove noise.


  • 两种滤波尺度空间常数很大时,它们时域频域性基本相近。

    When the scale space constants of the two filters are large enough, the characteristics and performances are almost the same.


  • 这种滤波实现平移旋转尺度三重不变光学图像识别,且较高

    By this filter, the shift, scale and rotation invariant optical pattern recognition was realized with a high signal noise ratio of correlation output.


  • 提出一种贝叶斯估计尺度空间滤波相结合滤波方法

    This paper proposes a method of denoising by the use of jointing Bayes estimation and scale space filtering.


  • 该算法小波变换中的滤波器理论为基础,通过将图像序列时间尺度分解相应统计计算获得红外焦平面校正中起影响置和增益系数

    With the scale decomposition of image sequences on the time field and the corresponding statistics' calculation, the offset and gain coefficients in IRFPA NUC were obtained.


  • 滤波方法得到产生风暴的中尺度天气系统

    The mesoscale systems generating severe storms are separated through filtering.


  • 针对变换分辨分析(mra)特点本文提出一种尺度分级自适应模糊权重滤波去噪方法

    According to the feature of the MRA, this paper presents a noise filtering method of adaptive fuzzy threshold for wavelet classification base on multi resolution.


  • 针对尺度乘性噪声系统尺度滤波融合的基础上,进行状态最优固定域平滑算法的研究。

    Based on multiscale optimal filtering fusion, an optimal state fixed-interval smoothing algorithm is developed for systems with multiplicative noise.


  • 针对尺度乘性噪声系统尺度滤波融合的基础上,进行状态最优固定域平滑算法的研究。

    Based on multiscale optimal filtering fusion, an optimal state fixed-interval smoothing algorithm is developed for systems with multiplicative noise.


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