• 生物分子活动最终目标常常化学分子的代谢

    The ultimate goal of the biological activity of large molecules are often metabolism of small chemical elements.


  • 人们认为生产主要问题消除分子葡聚糖减少排泄率

    It was believed that the chief production problem was ridding the dextran of the small molecule, to reduce the rate of excretion.


  • 细胞活性增加活性氧物种生成增多经常导致这种分子损耗

    Depletion of this small molecule is a common consequence of increased formation of reactive oxygen species during increased cellular activities.


  • 人类细胞分子分解分子能力;从而自身活动释放足够能量

    Human cells have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to liberate sufficient energy for their activities.


  • 最近引进采用官能抗体分子抗原的两步法在一定程度上满足了这个要求

    A recently introduced approach satisfies this requirement to some extent: the use of low molecular weight haptens with bifunctional antibodies.


  • 第一转变发生温度范围内,可能与木质素磺酸钙脱水甲醛等分子的反应相关

    The first change relating with removing of water and aldehyde took place at a lower temperature.


  • 热解后废弃印刷电路板中的有机树脂降解分子石油产品同时无机惰性组分分离

    Pyrolysis, discarded printed circuit boards in the degradation of organic resin into small molecules of petroleum products, and at the same time inorganic inert component of the separation.


  • 分子的化学药物相比蛋白质多肽的特点是相对较浓度下就有较高特异性和活性。

    In comparison with small chemical drugs, protein and peptide pharmaceuticals have high specificity and activity at relatively low concentrations.


  • 研究人员结论表示,选择性抑制HBV进入而不具有抗ntcp转运能力分子第一个实例

    This is the first example of small molecules that selectively inhibit HBV entry without anti-NTCP transporter ability.


  • 通过研究蛋白与分子的结合筛选出合适的气味,从而开发棉铃虫引诱剂驱避提供理论依据

    By studying the binding affinity, some special binding odorants can be selected. This may provide the theoretical basis for developing attractants and repellents of the cotton bollworm.


  • 分析显示银屑病患者较高分子的LDL颗粒胆固醇依赖于传统危险因素肥胖

    This analysis revealed that patients with psoriasis had a higher number of smaller LDL particles, or "bad" cholesterol, which was independent of traditional risk factors and obesity.


  • 允许分子进入孔道同时具有扩散限制,微孔则作为分子吸附场所,使小分子能够很好的催化

    The mesoscale pores are benefit to the diffusion of larger molecules with low resistance, while the micro-scale pores can provide effective catalytic sites of small molecules with high selectivity.


  • 比较了含分子偶氮化合物分子薄膜MAAAB共聚物的光控释放分子的能力,发现后者具有较强的光控功能。

    The photoresponsibility of polymer film which contains small molecule of azobenzene compound by mechanical mixing was compared with that of film of MAAAB copolymers.


  • 这个基因编码一种蛋白质激酶,并环状GMP分子调节。基因以前过研究知道它有一定的睡眠调节作用

    This gene, which encodes a protein kinase and is regulated by a small molecule called cyclic GMP, has been previously studied but not suspected to play a role in sleep regulation.


  • 具有代表性的是,这些工具仅仅能够检测到分子窄范围选用群,为了进行复杂的分析这些细胞必须破坏进行样本制备

    Typically, these tools can detect only a narrowly selected group of small molecules or, for a more sophisticated analysis, the cells must be destroyed for sample preparation.


  • 农药分子免疫化学研究可以是针对单个化合物制备特异性抗体,也可以针对一类化合物制备“簇特异性”抗体从而进行多残留免疫分析

    The enzyme immunochemistry of pesticides including the preparation of the specific antibody for single compound and the "broad specific" antibodies for multi-residue analysis.


  • 模型引入基团概念蛋白质划分成若干个残基基团,通过这些残基基团的运动近似表征整个蛋白质的运动情况,将配体分子的运动处理为平移、转动柔性键旋转三部分分量。

    In the model, a concept of residue groups is introduced to describe the protein movement approximately and the movement of ligand is described by the translation, votation and torsion motions.


  • 为了利用这种基质金属蛋白酶,钱博士荧光染料一些正电荷一同连接在一个发夹形状的蛋白质分子一端

    To make use of the MMPs, Dr. Tsien attaches his fluorescent dye, along with some positive charges, to one side of a small hairpin-shaped protein molecule.


  • 左翼分子烧毁了照片右派对他进行了激烈的批评一位主要保守派电台主持人呼吁下台

    Small groups of leftists have burned his photo, and fiery criticism has also come from the right with one leading conservative radio host calling for him to step down.


  • 在线液相色谱-质谱联用法一种通量方法,用于分析生物流体中的分子

    On-line liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry is a high throughput method for the analysis of small molecules in biofluids.


  • 核仁小分子 RNA 具有改变能力

    This snoRNA has the ability to change.


  • 分子能够廉价合成的。

    Small molecules can be extremely cheap to synthesize.


  • 但是这项研究巨大花费在于,找出分子如何制作并且剂量多少。

    But it was an enormous cost in the research to find out how the molecule should be done and how it should be dosed.


  • 现在我们考虑分子看看振动能量

    Now let's go to a small molecule and look at the vibrational energy.


  • 血液分子一些大分子例如蛋白质无法渗透隔膜分子仍然可以通过

    The membrane is impermeable to blood cells and large molecules such as proteins, but small ones can get through it.


  • 生命来源于海洋,海洋是地球循环系统关键环,这些不稳定分子使我们生存基础

    It's the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world, a precarious molecular edge on which we survive.


  • 所以我们需要种新的力学,也就是量子力学,来解释这个尺度下分子行为

    So, we need a new kind of mechanics, which is quantum mechanics, which will accurately explain the behavior of molecules on this small scale.


  • 玉米植株细胞作为RNA中继消息分子帮助细胞保持活性

    Inside the cells of a corn plant, tiny molecules called RNA relay messages to help with cell activity.


  • 这样能够打断碳水化合物形成而可用分子同时生物燃料中的移除保持住其中能量成分

    It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining the energy content of the biofuel.


  • 这样能够打断碳水化合物形成而可用分子同时生物燃料中的移除保持住其中能量成分

    It was thus able to break down long carbohydrate chains to form small, useable molecules while simultaneously removing the oxygen and maintaining the energy content of the biofuel.


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