• 俄罗斯车臣暴行可以追溯到19世纪场血腥殖民运动之后,这个面积石油丰富地区并入沙皇帝国

    Russia's atrocities in Chechnya go back to the 19th century, when the diminutive but oil-rich region was annexed to the Czarist Empire after a bloody campaign of colonization.


  • 虽然两个传统航天竞争对手美国俄罗斯发射宇宙飞船多于任何其他国家,但许多竞争对手正在紧追其后

    Although America and Russia, the traditional space-race adversaries, have launched more spacecraft than any other countries, a slew of smaller players are nipping at their heels.


  • 但是经济社会走向不近人意背景下,纵使比例俄罗斯承受失去受过精英教育的年轻人才

    Though, given Russia's unfavourable economic and social trends, it can ill afford to lose even a small number of its best educated young people.


  • 当天,赖斯俄罗斯中央陆军体育俱乐部滑冰场会见30滑冰选手。 选手赖斯进行了冰上表演,还有幸与这位美国高级外交官合影。

    Rice met with around 30 young ice-skaters at the Russian Army Sports Club rink who gave the top US diplomat a demonstration of their skills before posing for photographs.


  • 其中有一部分责任甚至应当均摊,去年运行中的铱星艘作废的俄罗斯宇宙飞行器相撞,增加了将近2000碎片

    Some of the blame can even be divvied up; last year an operational Iridium communications satellite collided with a spent Russian Cosmos spacecraft, spawning nearly 2,000 pieces of smaller debris.


  • 俄罗斯还有超过1000家的银行

    There are still over 1,000 smaller Banks in Russia.


  • 俄罗斯还有超过1000家的银行

    There are still over 1, 000 smaller Banks in Russia.


  • 俄罗斯央行停止铸造硬币1戈比5戈比已经坚持了许久。

    The Central Bank of Russia has been long insisting on ceasing the minting of small coins, that are one and five copecks.


  • 用好几个时间谈论了自从苏联后期以来发生许多事情俄罗斯影响,以及高加索共和国生活命运

    She spoke for many hours about her life and fate in the small Caucasus republic that has shaped much of what has happened in Russia since the end of the Soviet Union.


  • 位于俄罗斯高美尔市放射医学学会”的血液病科,患者弗拉迪斯拉夫•彼得罗夫在和鸽子玩耍

    Vladislav Petrov, a young patient in the hematological department of radiology and nuclear medicine institute in Gomel, Belarus, plays with paper pigeons. (AFP)


  • 加拿大俄罗斯中国

    It is smaller than Russia, Canada and China.


  • 虚构的故事定义的喧闹选举年里,哈里斯一名自学成才从业人员,一个精品作坊,俄罗斯情报机构马其顿的谎言制造工厂没有关联

    In a raucous election year defined by made-up stories, Harris was a home-grown, self-taught practitioner, a boutique operator with no ties to Russian spy agencies or Macedonian fabrication factories.


  • 方案采用俄罗斯的产品VG 949p作为实验仪的敏感元件,该产品具有体积质量轻、性价比高等优点

    This scheme adopts VG949P produced in Russia as a sensor that includes some merits such as small volume, low weight, high performance and price ratio and so on.


  • 2014年2月27日夜晚俄罗斯士兵夺取了克里米亚议会这些士兵因穿着军徽绿衣而很快人们称作绿”。

    ON THE night of February 27th 2014, Russian soldiers without insigniassoon to be known as "little green men"—seized the parliament of Crimea.


  • 中国艺术品受到其国内投资者青睐同时俄罗斯热衷于收藏法贝热制作的装饰品以及俄罗斯油画

    Chinese art is becoming popular with Chinese investors while in Russia knickknacks by Faberge and Russian paintings are much sought after.


  • 原来他们准备飞往俄罗斯领养一个孤女他们第一见面。

    They were flying to Russia to adopt an orphan, a little girl. This would be their first time to meet her.


  • 然而,相对于中国队来说,俄罗斯爱沙尼亚一点优势——最后中国队轮空的时候,他们机会采取一定策略。

    However, Russia and Estonia have one more small advantage over Chinese team - they will have the chance to decide the strategy before the last round while China is resting.


  • 马里兰的家中,自己不遗余力地实践这种观念。他们俄罗斯的一家孤儿院收养了一名叫莎莎侏儒。

    At home in Maryland, Susie's own family has gone to extraordinary lengths to extend that philosophy. They adopted a young dwarf named Suscha from a Russian 5 orphanage.


  • 西蒙兹:卡拉什尼科夫步枪足够斗犬转换vepr布局俄罗斯的OC - 14格罗佐芬兰的瓦尔·梅特m 82狙击步枪,中国式86南非铬21

    PS: there were plenty of conversions of Kalashnikov rifles to bullpup layout before the Vepr, like Russian OC-14 Groza, Finnish Valmet M82, Chinese Type 86 or South African CR-21.


  • 这位年幼天才参加俄罗斯电视真人了不起人们》,并用非凡语言才能莫斯科评委赞叹不已。

    Thee young talent participated in the Russian reality TV show 'Udivitelniye Lyudi' (Incredible People), impressing judges in Moscow with her remarkable 4 language skills.


  • 这位年幼天才参加俄罗斯电视真人了不起人们》,并用非凡语言才能莫斯科评委赞叹不已。

    Thee young talent participated in the Russian reality TV show 'Udivitelniye Lyudi' (Incredible People), impressing judges in Moscow with her remarkable 4 language skills.


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