• 文中利用射影几何射线比特殊性质解决了透视图板外的透视图画法。

    According to the nature of projective scale, it has solved the problem of drawing a cars perspective when perspective vanishing point is out of the drafting board.


  • 听诊器X 射线圆珠笔、《大众科学》以及医生诊所里绝大部分物件还要古老。

    The stethoscope is older than the x-ray, the ballpoint pen, Popular Science and pretty much everything else in your doctor's office.


  • 穿浅色衣服深色衣服吸收太阳射线,浅色白色衣服能够将反射出去,因此深色衣服、白色衣服的温度

    Wear light colors: Darker colors will absorb the sun's rays and be warmer than light or white clothing, which reflects light and heat.


  • 一类寻常对象超亮度X射线恒星释放出更多X射线类星体

    An unusual class of objects, ULXs emit more X-rays than stars, but less than quasars.


  • 这些射频电波调频收音机信号要强,其强度大约相当于X射线致癌射线十亿分之一。

    Stronger than FM radio signals, these RF waves are still abillionth the intensity of known carcinogenic radiation like X-rays. (See pictures from an X-ray studio.)


  • 两项最新伽马射线天空观测研究表明如果此种神秘物质粒子则要大约一个质子质量44400亿电子伏还

    Two new looks at the gamma-ray sky suggest that if the mysterious matter is a particle, it is heavier than 40 gigaelectronvolts, about 44 times the mass of a proton.


  • 但是NICE证据表明针灸昂贵X射线治疗注射治疗有效遭受困扰超过6患者可以尝试一下这种治疗方法。

    NICE, however, say there is evidence that acupuncture may be more effective than expensive X-rays or injections, so patients who have been suffering for over six weeks should be given a choice.


  • Fievet实验室中所用射线放射性水平福岛周围水域中的放射性高出许多

    The level of radiation Fievet USES in his lab is many times higher than the radiation in the water around Fukushima.


  • 另外生活准则可以什么直线,可以是一条向上射线可以是一条向下射线

    In addition, the criterion of life can also be a ratio what all straight line, can be a up ray, more can be a downward radiation.


  • 磁共振成像仪X射线更安全一些但是病人们不喜欢扫描过程中发出嗡嗡噪音

    MRI scans are considered safer than X-rays but are disliked by patients to the loud buzzing noise made by the scanner as it processes images.


  • 弯曲射线追踪反演结果线追踪反演结果符合真实情况

    Compared with straight ray tracing, inversion of bending ray tracing is better when data of test are accurate.


  • 文学家探测到一些较较小M型它们发射X射线实际上太阳更加光辉灿烂,而先前人们认为它们十分幽暗的。

    Astronomers have also detected older and smaller m stars, previously thought to be quite dim, that actually outshine the sun in their X-ray emission.


  • 研究制定了X射线荧光光谱分析中适用多类型地质样品稀释技术。

    A sample preparation method with low dilution factor has been applied to the analysis of geological samples by X ray fluorescence spectrometry.


  • 射线晶体结构表明糊精与客体分子1:1 的化学计量键合

    X-ray crystallographic analysis displaces that the cyclodextrin includes guest molecule with 1:1 stoichiometry.


  • 结果表明尼龙6复合材料X射线屏蔽性能随密度厚度增大而提高,同时遵守朗伯-定律

    The results showed that the X-ray shielding of the nylon 6 composite increased as the thickness density increased. Moreover, the test results observed the Lambert-Beer law.


  • 结论新的细胞亚系d6 R亲本射线更加抗拒,并且显示出与亲本不同细胞周期特征。

    Conclusion The new subline D6-R is more radioresistant as compare to its parent D6 cell line, and has a different cell cycle distribution.


  • 并且,两种金属聚合物相同单种金属聚合物能更好地吸收X-射线

    An interesting resut is that the copolymer containing both Ba and Pb absorbs X-ray better than the copolymers containing only Ba or Pb of the same amount.


  • 人工合成硫酸型钙石和酸型钙矾石晶体的X射线衍射谱显示,铬酸型钙矾石的晶格硫酸型钙矾石的稍大一些。

    The lattice of chromate ettringite appears a little bigger than that of ettringite according to their X-ray diffraction patterns.


  • UV A射线uv B射线容易穿透云层即使阴暗日子里,也有皮肤灼烧其他皮肤损害风险

    UVA rays also penetrate clouds more readily than UVB rays, putting those that head outdoors, even on gloomy days, at risk of a burn or other skin damage.


  • 杜伦大学Breckon致力于自动化X射线分析检测客舱乘客包里物品

    Toby Breckon of Durham University is working on automated x-ray analysis to detect small items of the sort that might be contained in passengers' cabin and hold bags.


  • 如此多射线其成因仍然是个谜,因为太空风化效应粉尘积聚太阳风衰减水星月球强烈。

    The rays prevalence is a mystery because space weathering effects such as dust accumulation and solar wind attenuation should be greater on Mercury than on the Moon.


  • 射线定向放射治疗作为一种精度很高治疗技术提高治疗重要物理措施

    Beams of X of gamma rays in three dimensional (3D) conformal radiotherapy is one of very accurate treatment techniques, and also the important physical methods increased treatment ratio.


  • 射线定向放射治疗作为一种精度很高治疗技术提高治疗重要物理措施

    Beams of X of gamma rays in three dimensional (3D) conformal radiotherapy is one of very accurate treatment techniques, and also the important physical methods increased treatment ratio.


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