• 采用全新结构架设计,双臂支撑传动平稳。

    The new construction for spring loading is adopted to improve stability and reliability.


  • 转子承受加速度时径向上受力结构更好

    When the rotor bears a high acceleration, the busbar has a better stress structure radially.


  • 加入工艺冲制造工艺保证转子整齐,扭一致导条容易

    It can ensure tidiness of groove shape for skewed rotor, accordance of the sheets tilted and easy to insert these conducting bars with the manufacturing process of inserting stamping sheet.


  • 电路方程用于描述定子绕组连接及转子导条端环连接,电压可以是任意电压波形

    The circuit equations were used to describe the winding connections to support voltage source with arbitrary waveform.


  • 通过直接计算损耗磁场能量得出了频率影响转子导条电阻与转子漏感。

    The rotor bar resistance and slot leakage inductance considering frequency effect are gotten by mean of bar loss calculation and leakage magnetic field energy calculation.


  • 利用功率方法异步电动机发生多根断裂故障进行了模拟仿真,包括连续间歇故障。

    In this paper, the method of cross power spectrum is used to simulate rotor bars breaking faults of induction motor, including continuous breaking and intermittent breaking of rotor bars.


  • 本文提出模型能够电动机的正常运行外部故障以及转子或端断裂故障进行精确仿真

    Because the squirrel cage rotor real structure is considered, the model can be used to simulate the motors normal state, external faults and broken bars and rings faults exactly.


  • 食品输送带主要用于食品加工行业具有无毒油,环保特性,皮带上面导条,挡板等等

    Food conveyor belt mainly used in food processing industry, with non-toxic, anti-oil, environmental protection etc., can also add lead at the top belt, the guard, and so on.


  • 由于工作环境恶劣,或者电机频繁起动原因,转子经常会发生开焊和断裂故障因此有必要电机进行转子断在线检测

    But mechanical faults such as breakage of rotor bars often happen owing to various stresses. Therefore online detection on induction motors is necessary.


  • 每年干旱几个月里有一简易渡轮往返于塞拉利昂东南河流两岸。人们通过开过固定的木棒推进能承载车辆的浮筏。

    In the dry months of the year a simple ferry crosses a river in southeastern Sierra Leone; a car-carrying pontoon propelled by men with notched wooden sticks that lock to the guiding cable.


  • 也许应该里面再掺入第三线,包括帮大老爷们坐在一起这部电影,互相讨论他们觉得宛如自己被缠起来一样。

    Maybe Mr Wang should have stuck in a third strand, in which a bunch of men sit and watch the film, and chat about how they, too, feel as if they're having their feet bound.


  • 用户代理搜索引擎等等可能会对这些链接类型进行不同方式解读例如:用户代理可能会通过提供链接文档访问机制

    User agents, search engines, etc. may interpret these link types in a variety of ways. For example, user agents may provide access to linked documents through a navigation bar.


  • 本文认为自然先验的范原理,具有前的必然性

    The paper argues that uniformity of nature is a transcendental regulation principle and transcendental necessity.


  • 介绍了引线角多工位级进,叙述多单元切断方法一种新颖结构

    The lead wire parts multi-position progressive die is introduced, the method of multi-units strip material cutting off is stated, and a novel guide pin structure is introduced.


  • 而且还要确定进行宽度料板距离计算最后

    Moreover must determine that side builds the value and carries on the strip material width with to lead between the yard lumber the distance computation, finally draws a row of specimen map.


  • 生理记录仪记录模型大鼠振幅频率胃肠张力和频率。

    The model rats amplitude and frequency of gastric electricity, frequency and tensile force of gastrointestinal muscle in vitro were surveyed with multipurpose polygraph.


  • 工作伙伴张家振告诉新浪(一家中国新闻网站),周润发提出了73附加

    Woo's business partner, Terrence Chang, told Sina. com, a Chinese news website, that Chow had demanded the addition of 73 clauses.


  • 全面提供建站流水服务配对专业客服一对一,省时省力省心

    Comprehensive site through-train service, water matched one-to-one guidance, professional customer service more save worry save time and effort.


  • 适用于汽车装饰标志字母密封镜子,晴香水各种面板。

    For automobile decoration, signs, letters, articles hydraulic conductivity, seal, mirrors, rain or shine file, perfume bottle, and other panels.


  • 依据调查普通校高中学生智能分布特点,研究尝试制定6多元智能数学教学策略:(1运用思维

    This study tries to develop 6 mathematical teaching strategies of multiple intelligence: 1. The use of Mind Mapping; 2. Get to work "to do math";


  • 依据调查普通校高中学生智能分布特点,研究尝试制定6多元智能数学教学策略:(1运用思维

    This study tries to develop 6 mathematical teaching strategies of multiple intelligence: 1. The use of Mind Mapping; 2. Get to work "to do math";


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