• 你们中的大多数可能面对家庭工厂主意逡巡不前,但是的。

    Many of you might balk at the Home Depot idea, but hear me out.


  • 自豪我们嗡嗡祖拉打进南非世界杯特别是因为我们仅是一个小型家庭工厂”,吴说

    "I'm very proud that our vuvuzelas made it to World Cup in South Africa, especially since we have such a small family factory," Wu said.


  • 阴暗潮湿工厂里苦作的人们精疲力竭了,无法享受家庭生活

    People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.


  • 常,废水来自家庭工厂、医院等。

    Usually, wastewater comes from homes, factories, hospitals and so on.


  • 这家工厂在1980年一些家庭妇女搞起来的。

    This factory was started around 1980 by housewives.


  • 现在工厂发生一切将会办公楼家庭一种不同方式取得进展。

    What happens on the factory floor will make its way, in a different form, to office buildings and homes.


  • 威尔逊离开通用汽车的时候美国几乎一半家庭达到了中等收入水平而多数一家之主并非专业人士高管而是技能娴熟熟练工厂工人

    By the time Wilson left GM, almost half of all US families fell within the middle range of income. Most were headed not by professionals or executives but by skilled and semi-skilled factory workers.


  • 克鲁格还是年轻人时候,极力反对父亲单一的职业规划;他的父亲波罗的海地区家庭火柴作坊工厂主。

    As a young man, Kreuger had rebelled against the monotony of his father's job as a factory manager in a small family match business on the Baltic Sea.


  • 事实上畜产品生产不是一小动物家庭农场而是类似大型有组装线的工厂

    The truth is that farm production does not depend on the family farmer witha small herd of animals but instead resembles a large, assembly-line factory.


  • 克拉科夫很多污染物来自家庭工厂燃烧纽约市小汽车卡车巴士尾气排放主要来源

    In Krakow, most of the compounds come from coal burning for home heating and factories, while in New York City, exhaust from cars, trucks and buses is the major source.


  • 绝大多数地震失去了亲人,因为地震袭来的时刻是下午时候,那时候各个家庭的成员们散布田间工厂商店学校

    Most were separated from those they loved - the quake struck in early afternoon, when families were scattered across fields, -factories, shops and schools.


  • 我们目标就是机器人工厂进入家庭而不用任何安全,”丰田公司ToruMiyagawa

    "One of our goals is to move robots from the factory to the home without any safety fence," says Toru Miyagawa of Toyota.


  • 我们目标就是机器人工厂进入家庭而不用任何安全,”丰田公司ToruMiyagawa

    “One of our goals is to move robots from the factory to the home without any safety fence,” says Toru Miyagawa of Toyota.


  • 这家工厂处理来自当地居民的生活垃圾,生产足够合成气以为超过2万个家庭发电之用。

    It will be fed with waste from local households and should create enough syngas to make electricity for more than 20,000 homes.


  • 尽管当地明文规定工厂不得建在居民区方圆500米以内,患者仍然是来自工厂最近家庭

    Those affected came from homes close to battery factories, despite laws prohibiting factories from being located within 500m (1, 600ft) of residential areas.


  • 被解雇工厂员工往往选择返回农村老家,依赖家庭维持生计。

    Laid-off factory workers tend to return to the countryside and rely on their extended families.


  • 一向家庭劳动妇女现在愉快地在新的工厂工作着。

    Women who used to work only in their own houses are now happily working in the new factories.


  • 如果中国愿意重整经济拿出份额增加家庭收入增加工厂工人报酬时,中国国内消费应该还会有所增长

    This will grow as China reforms its economy to give a bigger share to household income, for example by lifting wages for China's factory workers.


  • 年前贝尔德那时还没离婚一名中产阶级家庭主妇,偶尔工厂或者美国邮政公司打打零工闲适生活。

    A decade earlier, before a divorce, Baird was a middle-class homeowner, working occasional part-time jobs in factories and for the U.S. Postal Service.


  • 乐高也地下市场成千上万的家庭工厂

    There's a whole gray market for Lego, thousands of home-based businesses.


  • 每个家庭都是一个微型工厂有了这个概念工业结构物流的结构都会调整

    Each family was a miniature factory, with this concept, the structure of industry and logistics would be adjusted.


  • 这个家庭从内蒙宁夏,只为了家中的父亲可以在附近工厂找到一份工作

    This family of migrants moved to Ningxia Province from Inner Mongolia so that the father could work at a nearby factory.


  • 然而大规模生产技术改变这种方式。由于人们开始场所集中工厂办公室上班家庭生活便和工作过程分离开来。

    However, mass production technologies changed all this, separating work life from home life, as people began to travel to centrally located factories and offices.


  • 谢尔盖尤丁出生莫斯科一个工厂家庭

    Sergei Yudin was born in Moscow into the family of a factory owner.


  • 事情这样发生了工程师一家较大家庭音响部件工厂工作,那里一个新的项目需要一个检查小组

    It just so happened he was an engineer for a major home audio component manufacturer that needed a small group of inspectors to work on a new project.


  • 事情这样发生了工程师一家较大家庭音响部件工厂工作,那里一个新的项目需要一个检查小组

    It just so happened he was an engineer for a major home audio component manufacturer that needed a small group of inspectors to work on a new project.


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