• 现有专任教师550名,其中讲师工程师实验师200余名,教授副教授高级工程师、高级实验师130余名。

    More than 550 full-time teachers, including lecturers, engineers, teachers more than 200 experiments, professors, associate professors, senior engineers, more than 130 senior Technician.


  • 赖斯大多数工程师不同之处在于不断地渴望创新实验

    What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.


  • 最近举行的一场著名时装表演上,一位意大利设计师用扎染连衣裙惊艳了观众,这就像是一种实验。

    At a recent famous fashion show, an Italian designer surprised people with tie-dye dresses, is like an experiment.


  • 作为测试工程师可以请求一个或者更多实验资源执行自动化项目

    As the test engineer, you can request the execution of an automation project on one or more lab resources.


  • 例如设计路面工程师并不一定他们的尝试完全建立在实验基础上,而是能用其他人结论作为参考

    For example, engineers designing a pavement do not have to base their attempts entirely upon experimentation, but can use reference sources that describe the conclusions of others.


  • 实验室推崇的信念:任何工程师可以午餐时,提出一个想法,对进行编程,作为实验室的一个特色发布出来。

    The idea behind Labs is that any engineer can go to lunch, come up with a cool idea, code it up and ship it as a Labs feature.


  • 为了记录实验朋友摄影师杰斯格洛同行,将在每个星期拍摄制作部视频短片,放在我“行李旅行”的博客上

    In order to document this experiment, I travelled with a cameraman, my friend Justin Glow, who shot and edited three webisodes each week for my No Baggage Challenge blog.


  • 大概已经猜到了,事实上oss实验室只是一个排满服务器房间那些喜欢技术工程师使用

    As you probably have guessed, the reality is that the OSS Lab is just a room full of servers, used by engineers who just love to work with technology.


  • 因为没有明确规则可以提供所以设计师会运用不同行长进行实验

    Since no rules of thumbs are provided, designers experiment with a variety of different line lengths.


  • 少年艾萨克一位名叫克拉克药剂师克拉克化学书籍实验室表现浓厚兴趣

    Living in the house of an apothecary called Clark, young Isaac showed a keen interest in the man's chemistry books and laboratory.


  • 麻省理工学院媒体实验室工程师们设计了一种汽车系统可以作为未来城市模型

    He and his fellow engineers with the MIT Media Lab have designed a car system that could serve as a model for future cities.


  • 贝尔实验室研究工程师接到库伯曼哈顿嘈杂街道打来的电话时,心里是怎么的?

    Think how the Bell Labs research engineer must have felt when he heard Cooper calling him from the noisy streets of Manhattan.


  • 提供各种各样用户角色例如产生管理员测试结构师、测试经理、测试人员以及实验室管理员,还有测试机构外部的各种角色。

    It supports a variety of user roles, such as test manager, test architect, test lead, tester, and lab manager, as well as roles outside of the test organization.


  • 实验室技术员药剂师内科医师麻醉师也太少

    There are also too few laboratory technicians, pharmacists, internists and anaesthesiologists.


  • 不过工程师需要进行更多测试可以确定内尔模拟结果是否适用于实验室以外的情况。

    Still, engineers need to run more tests before they can determine whether Farnell's simulations apply outside of the lab.


  • 现在一些建筑房顶看到太阳能已经是常事,然而有些工程师正在实验太阳能板安装在公路上——或者直接用太阳能板铺

    While it's a common sight to see them on the rooftops of homes and buildings, some engineers are experimenting with putting solar panels on roadsor rather, making roads out of solar panels.


  • 遵循戴维这样药剂师优秀传统,施特恩·巴赫一直自己身上做药物实验。

    In the best traditions of chemists like Davy, he dosed himself with his own stuff.


  • 目前已有20参展商登记参加,其中不仅包括律师调解师房地产中介“生活危机”专家,甚至包括私家侦探所和DNA亲子鉴定实验室

    Up to 20 exhibitors have so far registered, not only lawyers and mediators, but also estate agents, life-crisis experts and private detective firms and DNA laboratories offering paternity tests.


  • 一旦定位后,喷气推进实验室的工程师们明白优先级继承可以防止重启

    Once diagnosed, it was clear to the JPL engineers that using priority inheritance would prevent the resets they were seeing.


  • 克劳德·沙农贝尔实验室的一个数学天才工程师建立信息加工理论理论认为多次重复弥补噪音的影响。

    Claude Shannon the genius mathematician and engineer for Bell LABS who founded information theory showed how redundancy-repeating the message — compensates for noise.


  • 设计师给予了空白画布,一个随意发挥的操场与实验场,使得一切设计皆有可能

    The designer is given a blank canvas—a playground for experimentation—on which anything is possible.


  • 爱迪生新泽西的门洛帕克建立了自己实验室雇佣了机械工化学帮忙没日没夜地工作。

    Edison started his own laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey. He hired mechanics and chemists to help him.


  • 乍看之下,这座科考站如同实验室一般,科考站内长驻科学家工程师机械学家医生一共10人,他们一般会待上15月之久。

    Teams of up to 10 scientists, engineers, mechanics, and doctors do 15-month stints perched here. Call it a lab with a view.


  • 科学家工程师会各自带着实验设备螺丝刀随行。

    Scientists also went with their experiments, engineers with their screwdrivers.


  • 而两人并没有丧失信心,化学工程师瑞使用无毒方法进行清洁实验广告赖安专注市场开发

    Undeterred, Lowry, the chemical engineer, experimented with nontoxic ways to clean, while Ryan, the AD guy, focused on marketing.


  • 使用单一材料达到两种功能汽车制造商来说拥有广阔的潜力,这么的佩尔·伊瓦尔·塞勒·格伦是沃尔沃哥德堡的材料实验室名高级工程师

    Using a single material for two functions has great potential for carmakers, says Per-Ivar Sellergren, a senior engineer at Volvo's material Laboratory in Gothenburg.


  • 众所周知的世上最后一例天花发生1978年的英国。 那是一个(无辜的)大学摄影师,当时正在天花实验室的楼上房间里工作死于接触大楼风道系统偶然带出来的天花病毒。 (译者注:这位摄影师也太冤了。)

    The last known case was in Britain in 1978 when a university photographer who worked above a lab handling smallpox died after being accidentally exposed to it from the building's air duct system.


  • 工程师们希望这次“压罐子”实验验证这些轻巧材料受力性能,从而使以后的火箭制造者未来更大起飞重量的航天器中可以尽可能的设计采用量化的材料。

    Engineers hope the can-crushing tests will prove the strength of thin materials, enabling rocket builders to design lightweight materials for future heavy-lift launch vehicles.


  • 工程师们希望这次“压罐子”实验验证这些轻巧材料受力性能,从而使以后的火箭制造者未来更大起飞重量的航天器中可以尽可能的设计采用量化的材料。

    Engineers hope the can-crushing tests will prove the strength of thin materials, enabling rocket builders to design lightweight materials for future heavy-lift launch vehicles.


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