• 对于过量风险的讨论表明所有制集中实际暴露收益率越少

    The excessive risk argument would suggest that the more concentrated the ownership, the smaller would be the actual exposure to earnings and asset risk.


  • 目的了解我国农村欠发达地区空气污染状况农村人群对空气污染的实际暴露水平

    Objective To evaluate the levels and characters of indoor and outdoor air pollution in rural areas of China.


  • 实际损失取决于暴露特定频率以及声音连续还是间歇的。

    Actual loss will depend upon the particular frequencies to which one is exposed, and whether the sound is continuous or intermittent.


  • 一个男人如何刮脸也许暴露他的实际年龄

    How a man shaves may be a telling clue to his age.


  • 一旦创建就会自动构建实际代理,然后通过只读属性暴露它。

    When created, it will automatically construct the actual proxy, exposing it via a read-only property.


  • 这个方法多半会使得消费价格降低但是实际问题一直以来都已暴露无遗了。

    This approach for the most part kept consumer prices down, but practical problems have long been clear divest.


  • 一个给定分解层级上暴露系统元素应当听众所认知实际,应当他们所熟悉形式命名

    System elements exposed at a given level of decomposition should be recognizable to the audience and in fact, should be named in terms familiar to them.


  • 实际不起眼的照片本身就是奇迹:当只猴子着一张黄色笑脸时,一台高速摄影机暴露脑部拍摄,从而得到了这张照片。

    The picture is actually a miracle in its own right: the high-speed video camera that shot it was trained on the exposed brain of a monkey staring at a yellow smiley face.


  • 实际互联网有史以来任何技术可能我们更多私人信息暴露公众

    The Internet, in fact, has the potential to expose more of our private information to the public than any technology in history.


  • 这次“反叛意义在于暴露一个深层难题继续恶化直至显示出卡梅伦首相职位安危实际影响。

    The significance of the rebellion lies in its exposure of an old, deep problem that could fester until it assumes existential import for Mr Cameron's premiership.


  • 知道有多偏远我们实际穿过印加木乃伊——他们身上还有毛发皮肤暴露滑坡边

    To give you an idea of how remote it is, we actually came across the mummified corpses of ancient Incas - still with their hair and skin - which had been exposed by landslides.


  • 实际,在默克尔身上暴露瓦尔斯·特伦观点最大漏洞

    Indeed, Ms Merkel herself reveals the biggest flaw in Ms Wallstrom's argument.


  • 实际需要编写任何代码便可以创建前面中的UDF(存储MicrosoftAccess数据库中的数据暴露一个视图)。

    In fact, to create the UDF in the previous figure (it exposes data stored in a Microsoft Access database as a DB2 view) requires no coding whatsoever!


  • 但是实际操作过程中,由于缺少配套制度校长负责制暴露出了一系列问题

    But in actual operation, owing to the short of supporting system, it has also revealed out a series of problems.


  • 目标研究针对萦丝制造厂暴露二硫化劳工劳工自我认知的健康状况实际医事检查结果比较,探讨差距

    Objective: This study examined the gap between health examination results and the selfreported health status among workers who were exposed to carbon disulfide in viscose rayon industry.


  • 根据设计要求结合三峡二期工程保温材料实际运用情况,通过一系列试验最终选择聚苯作为三峡工程大坝、厂房永久暴露保温材料

    According to requirement of the project design and tests, EPS board is finally chosen as the thermal insulation material for the eternal exposed surface of Three Gorges project dam and powerhouse.


  • 园林绿化工程实际操作过程中暴露诸多问题

    But the botanical garden forestation project also exposes many questions in the actual operation process.


  • 叙述内热式焦炉原有设计实际生产应用暴露出来一系列问题针对这些问题进行了分析、研究、改造

    This article discusses a serious of problems exposed during the actual operation and application of the internal heat coke oven, analyses the reason and puts forward improvement schemes.


  • 结合实际运行维护暴露问题针对除雾器结垢主要问题进行了分析探讨;

    The article with the actual operation and maintenance of exposure operation, exposure to the main problems of demister scaling are analyzed.


  • 初步的实际应用中,暴露出白花变色、着色问题

    But on practice, it is still remained some problems, such as colour changing on white patterns and dim hue.


  • 无疑,上述单一主体推动模式实际运作过程中都不可避免地暴露出所具有的内在缺陷

    Undoubtedly, the single main-driven model in the course of the actual operation inevitably exposes the inherent flaws.


  • 实际,当这些工人暴露辐射下的时候,他们的防护衣并不能有效地阻止辐射。

    But that protective clothing isn't very effective at actually stopping the radiation that these workers are being exposed to.


  • 博士主轴透过同时包括姑息治疗潜能读者暴露一种内部一贯实际的思惟模式中,以及承认限制

    Quill exposes readers to an internally consistent and practical way of thinking by simultaneously embracing the potential of palliative care, and also acknowledging that it has limitations.


  • 对于居民理想矫形外科暴露地图集提供实际生动的外科的解剖学介绍他们提供他们需要必要的定向

    Ideal for residents, Atlas of Orthopaedic surgical Exposures offers a practical and vivid introduction to surgical anatomy, providing them with the essential orientation they need.


  • 传统的倒方式暴露出一种毛病就是的酒往往实际消费掉的要

    Traditional decanting shows the problem that quite often you will decant more wine than will be consumed.


  • 缺陷暴露规律模拟轧制试验结果实际缺陷形貌好的一致性研究缺陷形成原因演变规律有效手段。

    Morphology of defects in the simulation rolled strip was consistent with actual ones, so simulation rolling is an effective way to study the defect formation and evolution.


  • 实际医疗系统早已暴露几点问题。

    Indeed, there are several signs that the health system is stressed.


  • 实际医疗系统早已暴露几点问题。

    Indeed, there are several signs that the health system is stressed.


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