• 研究第二步,是借助功能磁共振成像扫描仪,验证受试者这些宗教性语句反映

    The second part examined how participants responded to religious statements reflecting those beliefs, with the help of fMRI scanners.


  • 有着400余年历史深受民间信仰影响乌坎为一种宗教性世俗性的融态所型塑

    The village of Wukan has a history of over 400 years, and is deeply influenced by the religious beliefs of its people. It is shaped by a mixed blend of the religious and the temporal.


  • 记录景阳河赶毛狗活动过程分析文化功能试图揭示特征为:⑴宗教性仪式

    This paper notes down the process of driving Maogou sports , analyzes its cultural function and tries to reveal its characteristics:1. religious averting rites 2. people's concrete thinking;


  • 本文分析东乡族宗法文化表现形态主要特点及其成因,并在基础上提出复合型宗教性宗法文化的概念

    Based on analysis of the main forms, characters and causes of the patriarchal culture of the Dongxiang people, this paper puts forward the concept of compound and religious patriarchal culture.


  • 佛教其余一切,只是一个古老文化宗教性装饰作为我们当今科技时代佛法已彻底不合宜,如今可以放弃了。

    All the rest of Buddhism we can now let go as the religious trappings of an ancient culture utterly inappropriate for the Dhamma of our technological age.


  • 古柏杜丽娜成名作小提琴协奏曲《奉献》完成于1980年,作品中深刻宗教性内容深深地打动听众的心灵。

    "Offertorium", a violin concerto that established Gubaidulina's fame, was finished in 1980. The religious contents of this work deeply move the audience.


  • 同时希望澄清:《心灵史提供了价值体系崩坏、信仰体系解体情况下现代生活进行宗教性探索可能

    It should be clarified here that this masterpiece provides the possibility of a religious exploration into modern life in a situation of the breakdown of the value system and belief system.


  • 我们每天上帝祷告,每天,”华盛顿上周洛杉矶宗教性媒体,“我们常常们,上帝就是爱这句话结束我们祷告。”

    "We prayed about everything, everyday," Washington told members of the religious media last week in Los Angeles. "And we always ended with 'Amen."


  • 这样一来传统崇拜式佛教里,我们包容信仰宗教性崇敬那一面回避了脚踏实地世界观批评探索任务

    Thus with traditional buddhist pietism we can embrace the religious side of faith and devotion but shy off from the hard-headed world-view and the task of critical inquiry;


  • 儒家文化宗教性特征表现宇宙论上认为宇宙的终极原因“一之谓道”;在本体论上走向了境界的形而上学;

    The non-religious characteristic of confusion culture is as follows: it regards the eternal cause of the universe is its Ying and Yang in noumenon theory;


  • 他们宗教性兄弟商议人种社区成员宗教性姊妹提供社会服务照料贫穷和生病者,和绞宗教性的教育协助

    They come as religious brothers counseling members of ethnic communities, religious sisters providing social services and care to the poor and ill, and lay persons assisting with religious education.


  • 婚姻有着历史性宗教性道德性含义,这些含义可以追溯到人类的最初而且认为婚姻一直只是男人和一个女人之间的事情。

    Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage always has been, between a man and a woman.


  • 美国文化十分强调地域宗教性这些通过一系列亚文化体现而且美国文化也极大这个国家广袤的土地地区差异所影响。

    American culture portrays a strong sense of regional and ethnic identity, which is represented by a number of subcultures and influenced by the country's vast geographical and regional differences.


  • 研究者提出的假说认为:宗教性的集体农场里面,男性合作优于女性因此男性所获世俗性的集体农场里面,男性女性数目应该相当。

    The researchers' hypothesis was that in religious kibbutzim men would be better collaborators (and thus would take less) than women, while in secular kibbutzim men and women would take about the same.


  • 不满于近代西方哲学这种世俗化倾向俄罗斯哲学重拾哲学的宗教性一古老的主题,这表现俄罗斯哲学的问题意识之中,表现在独特的方法上。

    Discontent with this secular tendency, Russian philosophy relives the theme of religiousness of philosophy, which is embodied not only by its problem awareness but also its unique method.


  • 认知流动性解释艺术宗教复杂的语言出现

    Cognitive fluidity explains the appearance of art, religion, and sophisticated speech.


  • 这个新的日历理想的,因为实用性好,涵盖农业活动以及传统宗教节日

    This new calendar was ideal because it worked well for agricultural purposes as well as for knowing when to have traditional religious festivals.


  • 国际宗教自由委员会公布了列入“特别关注名单国家侵犯宗教自由方面,他们的严重性轻,包括阿富汗孟加拉白俄罗斯古巴埃及印度尼西亚尼日利亚

    The Commission on International Religious Freedom also released a "watch list" of countries it considers lesser violators--Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia and Nigeria.


  • Oved博士数据包括每个团体存在时间起止,Sosis博士发现世俗理念的团体跟宗教团体相比一定年份内解散可能性高

    Dr Oved's data include the span of each commune's existence and Dr Sosis found that communes whose ideology was secular were up to four times as likely as religious ones to dissolve in any given year.


  • 这份问卷要求受访者回答包括所语言、遵循习俗宗教信仰出生地等具有身份识别特征问题以及成为本国居民重要性

    It asked respondents various characteristicslanguage spoken, customs observed, religion and country of birthand how important they were to being a national of their country.


  • 其次英国国教世俗性、开放性兼容性特点培养了大众一种积极、入世、奋斗宗教观

    Secondly, the Anglicanism's features of common customs, openness, compatibility and so on, fostered people a religious view including activeness, being among common people and struggling.


  • 心理学信仰研究是从宗教信仰开始的,尤其强调信仰概念具体、可操作性及其影响因素的明确性。

    Psychology begins its study of belief from the study of religious belief with a special emphasis on the practicality of religious concepts and the explicitness of influential factors.


  • 祷告这些限制被撤销,宗教自由能戏剧性增加以致信徒们公开拜神,他们国家

    Pray for the removal of these limitations and for a dramatic increase in religious freedom so that Believers may worship Christ openly and be salt and light in their country.


  • 蒙古族一些古老宗教仪式活动民间性的庆典仪式从远古时期就乐舞结合形成音乐舞蹈重要祭祀手段的礼俗传统。

    Some ancient religious and folk ceremonial ritual activities have combined with music and dancing to form the etiquette and custom of fete through music and dancing.


  • 朋友汤姆斯·杰斐森·霍格深信宗教信仰对于人类幸福有害,因此他们发表了推理体裁的短篇论文无神论必要性》。

    Being convinced that religious faiths were harmful to man's happiness, he and his friend. T. J. HoggH, put forth a small study in logic, called the Necessity of Atheism.


  • 通过展示与众不同别性纹身图案某些颜色这些明确表明他们以及他们代表着什么。某些宗教团体也会赋予成员某个明白无误的身份。

    By displaying different identifying tattoos or certain colors, these people clearly identify who they are and what they stand for by the particular to which they belong.


  • 通过展示与众不同别性纹身图案某些颜色这些明确表明他们以及他们代表着什么。某些宗教团体也会赋予成员某个明白无误的身份。

    By displaying different identifying tattoos or certain colors, these people clearly identify who they are and what they stand for by the particular to which they belong.


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