• 清单1 .for循环,旧式学院风格

    Listing 1. for loops, old-school style.


  • 华人西哈,一种西哈学院风格京剧昆曲元素结合,歌曲起来精力充沛提神醒脑

    Chinked-out is a new school of hip hop in which Lee Hom has incorporated elements of Beijing and Kunqu operas. His songs come out sounding energetic and refreshing.


  • 也许某些角度来看这些规定有必要:著名作曲家伯恩斯坦曾经住过的住宅被拆掉了,新的房子从正面过去像是正统巴黎美术学院风格豪宅但是开车绕到房子后面会发现另一种艺术风格大行其道。

    Perhaps only from some angles. A house where Leonard Bernstein, the composer, once lived is being replaced by an edifice that looks, from the front, like a conventional Beaux Arts mansion.


  • 鲍尔曼团队运动员团队精神共同价值观得以传承,并耐克早期学院管理风格提供基础

    The team spirit and shared values of the athletes on Bowerman's teams carried over and provided the basis for the collegial style of management that characterized the early years of Nike.


  • 皇家艺术学院接受作品很少售出帕尔默也被说服采用当时倾向经典风格(式样)的手法。

    Work accepted by the Royal Academy rarely sold, and Palmer was persuaded to adopt the classically inclined taste of the time.


  • 转变风格后的哈娜一直以前卫又强硬摇滚姿态示人。 而爱德·维斯特维克绯闻女孩中扮演上东区贵公子ChuckBass酷爱英伦学院风打扮利落的吸烟

    Rihanna is as known for her edgy and tough rocker style as Chuck Bass, played by Ed Westwick on Gossip Girl, is known for his love of preppy pastels and smoking jackets.


  • 玛赛拉·维纳教育学博士,同时也是位于纽约州布鲁克林区的玛丽曼哈顿学院副教授,她认为有些女人是慢慢的才会进入状态,速战速决根本不是她们风格

    Some women take time "to warm up to it," says Marcella Weiner, EdD, PhD, an adjunct professor at Marymount Manhattan College in Brooklyn, N. Y. "Going in and leaving quickly isn't their thing."


  • 马里兰大学学院乔治亚风格教学楼底层孔子学院狭小办公室

    ON THE ground floor of one of the University of Maryland’s redbrick Georgian-style buildings is the small office of the Confucius Institute.


  • 大多数音乐学院特别强调培养技巧风格

    In most music colleges, particular stress is placed upon technique rather than style.


  • 每所学院活跃戏剧小组演出百老汇风格音乐剧或是学生自己写的独幕剧

    All the colleges have active theatre groups that stage productions from Broadway-style musicals to student-written one act plays.


  • 纽约时装技术学院博物馆馆长瓦莱丽·斯蒂尔表示:“人们一般认为达拉斯偏向花里胡哨、细节过多风格真相大吃一惊

    "You would think Dallas was all about glitzy, over-the-top clothes, " says Valerie Steele, Museum Director at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, "but you would be surprised.


  • 有趣的故事因为遇见,因为麻省理工学院我们按胸透拍X光片的字母顺序排列注册报道-麻省理工学院做事风格秩序的方式

    Funny story, I met him because at MIT they signed us all up for chest x-rays alphabeticallythat's the way MIT does things, an orderly way.


  • 产品囊括了著名时装学院——英国中央圣马丁艺术设计学院迸发的新锐概念,古典的英国风格

    Its offerings run the gamut from the edgy outpourings of Central st Martins, a well-known fashion college, to the classical style anglais.


  • 这些充分体现设计师庄俊学院古典复兴主义风格

    All these have fully demonstrated the designer Zhuang Jun's academic classical revival style.


  • 然而仔细分析看到作品正在出现不同现实主义风格学院绘画因素

    But with careful analysis, it can be found that the factors different from the realistic academic style began to appear in his works.


  • 契马布埃受训拜占庭风格意大利画家被认为是佛罗伦萨学院的首任校长

    Cimabue: Italian painter trained in the Byzantine style and considered the first master of the Florentine school.


  • 学院教育当中面对面精准指示强制性模式以及关于风格限制这些艺术实践领域消解

    College education modes of face to face, precise instructions, mandatory mode, as well as about the limitation of style, these are in the field of artistic practice be eliminated.


  • 这座钟塔英国巴洛克--哥特式风格建筑别具一格代表作之一因此毫无疑问地被评为学院不可或缺的标志性建筑。

    The Tom Tower is one of the most distinctive Baroque-Gothic building in British. Therefore, undoubtedly, it is remarked as a masterpiece of the college that can not be lack of.


  • 餐厅虽然只有大门还保留着中世纪铁门风格,但却是尚存最早学院建筑

    The hall is the oldest surviving college building, though only the door preserves its magnificent medieval ironwork.


  • 邱亚才跳脱了学院画风的限制,在都会静静的观察,成功创造自我风格

    Having broken away from academic constraints, Qiu, a silent observer of urban dwellers, is able to successfully create a style to call his own.


  • 也许我们可以互换一下角色可能就会哈佛学院惯有的风格,在接下来的一个小时里自说自话。

    Maybe you should be offering the wisdom. Perhaps our roles could be reversed and I could, in Harvard Law School style, do cold calls for the next hour or so.


  • 个性潇洒帅气学院风格简单、大气,很显贵族气质品味

    Individuality: smart and handsome school style; simple and grand, expressive of aristocratic temperament and taste.


  • 其他众多顶级学院一样,耶鲁管院一直强调打造“全球化MBA项目,但是我不得不承认教学风格课堂氛围校园文化诸多细节非常美国化”。

    Though Yale, and all other top schools, focus on granting a 'global' MBA experience, the style of instruction, the classroom environment, and the nuances of school culture are very much American.


  • 现代简约风格家具起源 现代简约风格家具,起源于1919德国包豪斯学院基本设计理念

    Simple style modern furniture, the origin of Simple style modern furniture, originated in 1919 in Germany Bauhaus School every three basic design concepts.


  • 普拉特学院毕业生开始了作为现代职业生涯现在被认为是一个风格多变主人

    The Pratt Institute graduate began his career as a modernist, but is now considered a master of a wide variety of styles.


  • 玛赛拉维纳教育学博士,同时也是位于纽约州布鲁克林区的玛丽芒曼哈顿学院副教授,她认为有些女人是慢慢的进入状态,速战速决根本不是她们风格

    Some women take time " to warm up to it, " says Marcella Weiner, EdD, PhD, an adjunct professor at Marymount Manhattan College in Brooklyn, N. Y. "Going in and leaving quickly isn't their thing.


  • 玛赛拉维纳教育学博士,同时也是位于纽约州布鲁克林区的玛丽芒曼哈顿学院副教授,她认为有些女人是慢慢的进入状态,速战速决根本不是她们风格

    Some women take time " to warm up to it, " says Marcella Weiner, EdD, PhD, an adjunct professor at Marymount Manhattan College in Brooklyn, N. Y. "Going in and leaving quickly isn't their thing.


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