• 先前英国之间鳕鱼争战,让人领教冰岛保护自己国家资源决心同时作为申请他们也许不得不妥协

    Students of past “cod warswith Britain will be aware of Icelanders' determination to protect national assets, but given that it is the Icelanders who are demandeurs they may have to compromise.


  • 有关税收方面需要采取妥协之策关键性因素已经具备永久性的对中产阶级采取减税措施,再加上采取暂时性的对高收入减税措施。

    The elements of a compromise on taxes are already in place: permanent extension of the middle-class tax cuts, plus a temporary extension of the upper-income tax cuts.


  • 的确,1850年的妥协结束国家危机南北方的极端主义仍然相互怀恨

    It was true that the eighteen fifty compromise had ended a national crisis. But both northern and southern extremists remained bitter.


  • 野生动物昆虫青蛙鸟类土壤生物能够生态环境织锦扮演他们角色我们可以做好我们的事情,两受干涉不需妥协

    Wildlife, insects, frogs, birds, and soil organisms are able to play their roles in the tapestry of ecology, and we are able to play ours, without interference or compromise.


  • 阿尔巴尼亚民族主义角度来看,马其顿不是国家只是一种妥协可能还只是暂时妥协

    From an Albanian nationalist point of view, Macedonia is not a state, but a compromise, and perhaps only a temporary one.


  • 创建做了一些聪明妥协 C++ 夺取控制权我们开始那些妥协付出代价了。

    The founders made some wise compromises to wrestle control away from C++, but we're starting to pay for those compromises.


  • 超越自我中的缺少现实如果其发展,创造出完美主义他们不能生活需要面前做出妥协

    The lack of reality within the superego, if left unchecked, would create perfectionists who would be unable to make compromises that life requires.


  • 注意进行上述决定时已经接受了妥协如果一个参赛参加不止比赛他们分属不同切分,那该怎么办呢?

    Note that in making these decisions, I have already accepted a trade-off: what if a runner participates in more than one race, each of them living in different shards?


  • 位实用主义位具有妥协本能人。

    He was a pragmatist, one who instinctively reached for compromise.


  • 南方支持担心如果加利福尼亚州地位法案最先获得通过那么北方人就可能拒绝通过妥协其他内容

    Southern supporters were afraid that if a statehood bill for California was passed first, then northerners would refuse to pass the other parts of the compromise.


  • 这种一致体现我们可以说话意图达成妥协假设我们说,语言必然对说出的话语施加影响,其他情况下那样

    They are consistent with the way in which we can try to come to terms with the intention of a speaker but suppose we say that language must be obtruding itself in this utterance like any other.


  • 但这个英国不好的意思:就在最近很多自民党支持感到自己临时联盟利党妥协并且方式近人意。

    The very word has an unhappy ring in Britain: just now, lots of Lib Dem voters feel compromised by coalition with the Tories, and not in a good way.


  • 即便他们多数选民都支持他们双方极端主义必然会对《原则宣言固有基本问题妥协

    Even if a majority of their constituents supported them, extremists on both sides were bound to be inflamed by the compromises on fundamental issues inherent in the Declaration of Principles.


  • 卖房一般会对房屋些修缮,妥协让步,并且为了卖出去常常降低价格。

    Sellers will generally make repairs, give concessions and often they will lower their prices to make a sale.


  • 但是顽固现实主义包括一些身后有各国外交部老大撑腰外交官们,表示必须达成一些特殊妥协尤其是妇女权利方面

    The most hard-nosed realists, including some of the diplomats sitting behind their foreign-minister bosses, say that extraordinary compromises will have to be made, particularly on women’s rights.


  • 双方必须互相妥协,既版权所有做出补偿,又打击那些帮助普通人成为网络红人电影明星网站

    They must be able to find a middle ground that gives copyright owners compensation, without crippling websites that have helped make everyone a web or film star.


  • 以上这些说明了巴女士“平衡工作和生活”的总纲——所谓妥协根本就是无稽之谈。

    All of which exemplifies Ms Bartz's general approach to "work-life balance". To Ms Bartz the very notion is nonsense.


  • 市场脆弱态势,使得一些通常态度强硬改革怀疑采取一种毫不妥协方法能否奏效。

    The fragility of the markets has prompted some normally hardline reformers apparently to question the wisdom of an unbending approach.


  • 还有不要为了找寻同盟而让理想妥协,坚持的信念,奋力向前

    Also, don't compromise on the ideal you envision in order to get an ally.Stick to your cause and press forward.


  • 环保主义担心审议过程中的这些压力带来妥协从而严重削弱一法案

    Environmentalists are concerned that those competing pressures during the review process could force compromises that would seriously weaken the bill.


  • 喜欢包括研究部主管罗宾·哈里斯位撒切尔主义愿向时下制度妥协的人。

    I should have loved a piece by the former director Robin Harris, a Thatcherite not reconciled to the current dispensation.


  • 还有不要为了找寻同盟而让理想妥协坚持的信念,奋力向前

    Also, don't compromise on the ideal you envision in order to get an ally. Stick to your cause and press forward.


  • 劫持开出条件妥协拿无辜生命冒险具有人性

    More humane to give in to the demands of hijackers than to risk loss of innocent life.


  • 如果很多投资注重成本而不是业绩基金管理行业不得不妥协

    If enough investors focus on cost, not performance, the fund-management industry will have to give them a better deal.


  • 需要许多参与妥协就是我们今天看到的。

    It required a lot of compromise from both parties' part, and I think that's what we saw today.


  • 参与妥协明确:参与驱动价值

    The trade-off for participants is clear: participation drives value.


  • 委员会来说,他们似乎没有时间搭理API而是这番解释看作是API试图一个提倡总体上提供技术标准妥协

    The commission, for its part, seems to have little time for the API, which it sees as compromised in its attempts to set technical standards by its role as an advocate for the industry as a whole.


  • 去年日内瓦附近一个食品加工厂工人由于主管试图禁止厂房使用手机而罢工,管理被迫妥协

    Last year at a food-processing factory near Geneva, the workers revolted when the director tried to ban mobile phones from the factory floor, and he was forced to relent.


  • 去年日内瓦附近一个食品加工厂工人由于主管试图禁止厂房使用手机而罢工,管理被迫妥协

    Last year at a food-processing factory near Geneva, the workers revolted when the director tried to ban mobile phones from the factory floor, and he was forced to relent.


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