• 下月,有关于主题好莱坞影片上映

    Next month sees the release of a Hollywood film, Choke, devoted to the subject.


  • 几乎所有好莱坞影片都空洞无内涵

    What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness.


  • 大礼堂放映一部好莱坞影片

    A Hollywood film will be shown in the auditorium.


  • 安娜国王4年后再度好莱坞影片

    "Anna and the king" 4 years of Hollywood films took on again.


  • 中国文化主权正面对好莱坞影片威胁挑战

    Thus, the cultural sovereignty of China is challenged and threatened by Hollywood movies.


  • 如果再次看到这个词出现在好莱坞影片里,或许就不会出现误解了。

    Maybe the next time a Hollywood film USES the word "glocal", it will get its meaning right.


  • 英国没有这种天然保护来阻挡好莱坞影片的长驱直入。

    Britain has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood products.


  • 牛仔生活并非好莱坞影片中所描写的那样浪漫

    The life of the cowboy was not always, as romantic as Hollywood depicted it.


  • 由于观看的人数猛增,周末电影院继续播放好莱坞影片

    Due to a sudden increase in attendance, the movie theater will continue to show Hollywood films on weekends.


  • 好莱坞影片常见,很多好莱坞电影都加拿大拍摄的。

    This is very common in Hollywood films that are shot in Canada.


  • 这一理论可能适用于好莱坞影片中的棒球运动,对于企业社交软件可能并不适用

    That theory might work for baseball fields in Hollywood movies, but it probably won't work for enterprise social software.


  • 过去好莱坞影片公司在美国发行一部电影之后,会等待数月之后才在海外市场发行。

    In the past, Hollywood studios waited months after the American release of a film to release it in foreign markets.


  • 去年43岁的承认重返演场,寻求饰演好莱坞影片角色一系列领衔角色的试演中均无功而返。

    Last year, 43-year-old Schwimmer admitted he has gone back to auditioning for Hollywood parts, but has been turned down for a series of top roles.


  • 新闻画面中,靶机被战机发射空空导弹击中爆炸场面好莱坞影片《壮志凌云》中的镜头简直一模一样

    In the newscast, the way a target was hit by the air-to-air missile fired by a J-10 fighter aircraft and exploded looks almost identical to a cinema scene from the Hollywood film Top Gun.


  • 好莱坞影片中的麦当劳快餐成了许多生活中的内容中国加工的服装日用品天天伴随着美国人民

    The Hollywood film's McDonald's fast food has become the daily contents of many Chinese people, and China-made clothes and products are also exported to the American people.


  • 美国女星劳拉琳尼近期片约不断和两部好莱坞影片成功签约,她将本月底出任两部电影中的主要角色

    American actress Laura Linney is set to do double duty in front of the camera after signing on for lead roles in two new Hollywood films, the entertainment industry press said.


  • 帮助马服饰植入《钢铁2是一家中国娱乐公司,公司负责人称越来越多的中国企业希望自己的产品植入好莱坞影片中。

    "More and more Chinese brands would like to get their products placed" in Hollywood films, said the head of the Chinese entertainment company behind getting Semir clothes into "Iron Man 2."


  • 歌唱代表中国早期电影在电影市场好莱坞影片垄断情况下创立起来的,所以自发商业竞争行为。

    Early Chinese films, take singing films as its example, had been built under the circumstance where Hollywood films holding the market. So it firstly is a kind of unprompted commercial rival-ship.


  • 灵怪博士可能成为好莱坞影片的主角,已有一部影片暂定于2012年吉尔莫·德·托罗导演,可能由尼尔? 盖曼任编剧。

    And Hollywood might be in Dr. Strange’s future too, witha tentative 2012 movie planned to be directed by Guillermo Del Toroand possibly scripted by Neil Gaiman.


  • 相比于执导好莱坞影片(7%),名妇女可能《财富》500强公司董事会拥有一席之地(15%),更有可能成为一名神职人员(15%),或者更有可能担任航天工程师(10%)。

    A woman is more likely to hold a seat on a Fortune 500 company board (15%) serve as a member of the clergy (15%) or work as an aerospace engineer (10%) than she is to direct a Hollywood movie (7%).


  • 相比执导好莱坞影片(7%),名妇女可能《财富》500强公司董事会拥有一席之地(15%),更有可能成为一名神职人员(15%),或者更有可能担任航天工程师(10%)。

    A woman is more likely to hold a seat on a Fortune 500 company board (15%), serve as a member of the clergy (15%) or work as an aerospace engineer (10%) than she is to direct a Hollywood movie (7%).


  • 好莱坞抢先邀请两部重要影片中担当主角。

    She's been snapped up by Hollywood to star in two major movies.


  • 随后1912年,意大利一部2小时影片取得了巨大成功,从此好莱坞致力于小说篇幅叙述也成为今天电影制作的主流惯例。

    Then, in 1912, an Italian 2-hour film was hugely successful, and Hollywood settled upon the novel-length narrative that remains the dominant cinematic convention of today.


  • 通过其诸多与众不同特点,可以识别好莱坞史诗影片

    There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.


  • 更喜欢下载亚洲欧洲(法国!)的影片而不是好莱坞大片

    Prefer to download movies that are either Asian or European (French!) not Hollywood movies..


  • 每次好莱坞人们提供贴心影片获取方式销售额就会出现跃升

    Every time Hollywood has offered people a more convenient way to get its films, sales have leapt.


  • 要说无论好莱坞影片百老汇表演多么精彩不如那活泼外向小女儿有趣

    But I would say that no matter how wonderful Hollywood films or Broadway performances are, watching them is far less interesting than seeing my extrovert of a daughter sing and dance.


  • 美国此类电影可能不会公开放映,至少在影迷的心中它们诙谐幽默,意味悠长,好莱坞主流影片所望尘莫及的。

    These films may not make the art-house circuit in America, but for this cinephile at least, they are funny and sophisticated and stand head and shoulders above most mainstream Hollywood films.


  • 几个小时之前全世界已经知道最新影片淘金记》在好莱坞上映的消息。

    The world already knew that, a few hours before, his latest picture, The Gold Rush, had been shown in a Hollywood cinema house.


  • 几个小时之前全世界已经知道最新影片淘金记》在好莱坞上映的消息。

    The world already knew that, a few hours before, his latest picture, The Gold Rush, had been shown in a Hollywood cinema house.


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