• 避免产品防止心脏病发作

    Avoid meat and milk products to prevent a heart attack.


  • 维他奶产品一个印象?。

    What image does Vitasoy give you?


  • 随着人们越来越富裕每年产品消费量增加

    With increased prosperity, people are consuming more meat and dairy products every year.


  • 定时广告加强产品信心吗?

    Does regular advertisement help to reinforce your confidence on the Vitasoy product?


  • 这场劫难过后,发酵产品中的细菌似乎有效恢复那些有益细菌的数量

    Bacteria contained in fermented-milk products appeared to be effective in restoring populations of the beneficial bacteria after such a catastrophe.


  • 这场劫难过后在发酵产品中的细菌似乎有效恢复那些有益细菌的数量

    Bacteria contained in fermented-milk products appeared to be effective in restoring populations of the beneficial bacteria after such a catastrophe.


  • 儿童2009年市场表现卓越,成为常温奶产品销售涨幅最快新兴种类

    Kids' milk performed excellently in 2009, and became the new variety with the fastest sales growth in liquid milk.


  • 近来发现未加工有机产品中的脂肪特别是含有天然抗炎成分

    I recently found out that the fat of raw organic dairy products, especially butter, contains natural anti-inflammatory nutrients.


  • 这家公司2008年年末全球产品需求减少不得不购买租赁70个仓库

    The cooperative was forced to either buy or lease 70 warehouses when global demand for dairy products fell in late 2008.


  • 禁令涉及日本福岛在内的五个县生产的产品蔬菜水果水生动物相关产品

    The ban covers dairy products, vegetables, fruits, aquatic animals and other related products from five Japanese prefectures, including Fukushima and Tochigi.


  • 介绍伊利天然乳品公司近两年来如何原料质量管理入手从而生产出质量的超高温产品

    To produce good quality UHT milk product must start from raw milk quality management. This article mainly introduced the experience of Yili Natural Dairy Co. in recent two years.


  • 国内产品价格一路飙升由于未加工价格上涨了百分之80从而达到了32,000同时砂糖价格也翻了一倍

    Production costs for domestic dairy products had soared, as raw milk prices rose 80 percent to 32,000 yuan per ton and the sugar price doubled.


  • 昨天中国最大制品生产商——蒙牛乳业,对开发营养强化奶产品促销使的公司的上半年利润猛增了39个百分点。

    Mengniu, the nation's biggest producer of milk, said yesterday its first-half profit jumped 39 per cent as newly developed fortified milk and yogurt boosted sales.


  • 印度似乎打算明年避免进口大量产品尽管产品供应缺口日益增大甚至每年4%产量增长这样的冲击需求也没保持供给平衡。

    India looks set to avoid hefty dairy imports next year despite a growing threat of a "milk supply gap" as even production growth running at 4% a year fails to keep up with surging demand.


  • 最后回到绍兴,带着一整尼尔牧场产品(Neal'sYard Dairy)手工,里面装我能店里找到的最臭的酪。

    Finally, I returned to Shaoxing with a boxful of artisanal cheeses from Neal's Yard Dairy in London, including the smelliest I could find in the shop.


  • 葛俊杰份公告这次收购符合光明食品建立资源相关业务长远战略这些业务包括食品相关、营养产品

    'This acquisition aligns with Bright food's long term strategy to build resource related businesses which also include food-related, dairy, wine and nutrition products,' Ge said in a statement.


  • 一直旅行包里放卫生产品腋下除臭剂牙膏牙刷一些洗面梳子以及古龙水

    I keep a few hygiene products in my traveling bag at all times: underarm deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, some mouthwash, some facial cleanser, a comb, and some cologne.


  • 动物疫病流行地区所有动物产品()都完全煮熟后再食用

    In the epizootic regions, all animal products (blood, meat and milk) should be thoroughly cooked before eating.


  • 每日乳业中国总代理公司3日表示,中国地区销售产品源全部来自新西兰欧洲其它韩国以外地方因此不含有福尔·马林,中国消费者不用担心。

    The agency said that the milk used in the dairy products exported to China comes from New Zealand, Europe and other places outside South Korea, so Chinese consumers should have nothing to worry about.


  • 严守素食主义其中一种这些人不吃所有动物制成的产品包括乳制品鸡蛋蜂蜜素食主义者食用制品,但是不吃鸡蛋。

    A vegan diet is a form of vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products, including dairy products, eggs and honey.


  • 素食说的只是动物(牛肉猪肉鸡肉鱼肉等等),严格素食则是不吃动物性产品(包括动物的肉、等等)。

    A vegetarian is merely someone who eats no animals (no cows, pigs, chickens, fish, etc.), and a vegan eats no animal products (no animals, dairy, eggs, etc.).


  • 大大提高粮食价格不仅包括那些直接粮食产出产品例如面包意大利面谷类早餐而且包括等价格,这些产品都需要大量谷物才能生产出来

    This would raise the prices not only of products made directly from grain, such as bread, pasta and breakfast cereals, but also of meat, milk and eggs, which take large quantities of grain to produce.


  • 含量最高牌子——其高氯酸盐含量是以牛原料的同类产品——占据婴幼儿配方87%的市场份额

    The two brands with the highest levels -- more than double that of the other milk-based products -- command 87 percent of the market share for infant formula.


  • 产品的包装显示沙拉黄酱成分列表中却标明食品配料含有蛋黄葡萄酒——这些正是制作黄酱的原料。

    The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk, oil and white wine vinegar--which are all used to make mayonnaise.


  • 乳品生产企业依赖这种它们来源难以追踪,使人们对中国乳品生产企业确保产品安全能力产生怀疑

    Reliance on these supplies and the difficulty of tracing their origins havae brought into question the ability of milk producers to ensure product safety.


  • 但是最终合作组织因为组织的原因采取了保守方法他们农场会员因为销售作为产品分心完全是愚蠢的。

    But ultimately the co-op took the conservative approach for organisational reasons: it was a nuisance to have farmer members distracted by their raw-milk sidelines.


  • 上月发生了一起针对销售态度反转全国有机农场合作组织有机委员会投票反对允许成员销售生作为产品

    This reverse for raw milk followed another last month, when the board of Organic Valley, a national co-operative of organic farmers, voted against letting its members sell raw milk on the side.


  • 上月发生了一起针对销售态度反转全国有机农场合作组织有机委员会投票反对允许成员销售生作为产品

    This reverse for raw milk followed another last month, when the board of Organic Valley, a national co-operative of organic farmers, voted against letting its members sell raw milk on the side.


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