• 奖励即时奖励年终奖赏详情参阅 《奖励》。

    Rewards will be divided into two parts: Immediate Reward and Year-end Award. For more details, please visit " Rewards".


  • 裁判可以奖励女子最高奖励1男子1.4这样,一套完美动作包括奖励分得满10

    The judge may award Bonus points up t0 1. O for women and 1.40 for men. Thus, the perfect routine including Bonus points added is awarded a score of 10.00.


  • 作为正确拼写标点语法奖励多达5可以学生期末考试成绩中

    A bonus of up to five percent can be added to a student's final exam score as a reward for good spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


  • 孩子可以选择立即得到奖励比如一块曲奇或者如果他们15可以得到块曲奇。

    They were given a choice between receiving a small reward, such as a cookie, immediately, or if they waited 15 minutes, they could have two.


  • 参与者愿意食物一部换取得到相对较小金钱奖励可能性一点有意思。”赖曼说

    "The fact that participants were willing to substitute part of a food item for the mere prospect of a relatively small monetary award is interesting," says Reimann.


  • 果我能跟着同一只蚂蚁十钟,我就会得到奖励

    If I could follow the same ant for ten minutes, I'd get a prize.


  • 出勤奖金雇主付给雇员工资一部用来奖励工作表现良好的员工。

    Attendance bonus is a payment made to employees by their employer as part of their wage to reward satisfactory attendance at work.


  • 叫做边缘区域大脑深处我们得到奖励的时候,这部会十活跃

    'This is called the limbic region, which is deep in the brain, and it's more active when we're rewarded.


  • 球队艰苦的努力下,我们得到了1奖励。能够拿到平局对于我们年轻的球队了不起的

    We were rewarded with one point from a hard fight and it is great for this young team to have achieved this draw.


  • 下来后在接下来1小时中阅读100内容,预先设定闹钟,等到了60钟时记得奖励自己一块饼干或者三明治。

    Sit down to read 100 pages inthe next hour. Set an alarm even.


  • 可以诚实他们并且他们也爱你,你还可以奖励自己

    If you can honestly say that you love them and they love you then give yourself a bonus point.


  • 每个孩子带到一个单独房间里作画6随后根据设定情境给予他们奖励

    Each child was invited into a separate room to draw for 6 minutes then afterwards either given their reward or not depending on the condition.


  • 只有之一公司制定奖励政策,(资料来源CIPD)。说明存在讨论空间股东影响

    Since only a third of companies have a reward strategy in place, (Source = CIPD) this would imply that there is scope for discussion and influencing with stakeholders.


  • 明年起,主管任何年内现金奖励限制全年奖励之一以内;其余的将被计入一个未清余额。

    From next year, cash payouts will be limited to a third of an executive's entitlement in any one year; the rest will be rolled into an outstanding balance.


  • 对进行提前预订旅行者进行奖励以此为基础构建价格体系,不是最后钟预订”提供价格优惠。

    Reward travelers for advance bookings and build rate on that base rather than offering the best deals on last-minute bookings.


  • 公司擅长利用这种奖励激发员工的忠诚盐矿工人之所以数年如一日盐矿工作就是期望有朝一日能成为老板之一至少能成为高级经理之一

    Firms are adept at using these rewards to encourage long-term loyalty: people work in the salt mines for years in the hope of becoming partners or senior managers.


  • 一些游戏中,“赢”的奖励和“一样,都25

    In some games, the undercut bonus is 25, the same as for a gin.


  • 但是有时候糖果不止一个奖励,还是治疗一部

    But in some cases candy can be more than a reward-it can be part of the therapy.


  • 比如如果对手手中剩下6,而敲门者为9,这样比起敲门者差额就是3加上额外20奖励共计23

    For example: if the opponent is able to reduce his count to only 6, compared with the knocker's count of 9, the difference is 3, plus the undercut bonus of 20, for a total of 23.


  • 作为接受任何奖励条件获胜团队需要提交描述产生获胜算法方法稿件

    As a condition for receiving any prize, the prospective winning teams are required to submit a manuscript describing the winning team's Algorithm and methods used to generate the team's output.


  • 我们奖励看着我们的小孩逐渐成长为一个快乐,能进行良好自我调节的-我们幸运时候,我们或许还能偶尔收到一只对不起”的歪歪扭扭小猫

    Our reward is the satisfaction of watching our children develop into happy, well-adjusted peopleand, if we're very lucky, the occasional lopsided kitten saying "Sorry".


  • 2004布鲁塞尔提出贮存湖水前进计划同意剩下之三工作提供每部27欧元奖励7过去仅仅完成了之一的工作计划,这个计划依靠4个不同的部门以及地方警察的合作,使得工作进行变得有更多困难。

    In 2004 Brussels gave the go-ahead for plans to restore the lake, having agreed to fund three-quarters of the work with a $27m grant. Seven years later only a quarter of the work has been completed.


  • 全年员工可得20,全年未因出工伤耽误工作奖励15

    Employees who went an entire year without formal disciplinary actions received 20 points, and employees who worked for a year without injuries resulting in lost time received 15 points.


  • 每位教师获得奖励额度相当于薪金总额的四之一,奖励的对象是那些下午额外工作9小时帮助成绩较差的学生补习功课教师

    The incentive is equal to 25 percent of a teacher’s total salary. It’s given to teachers who work nine extra hours in the afternoons, helping students who are behind catch up on their work.


  • 可以告诉自己今天只有15一个妹子聊天否则便任务失败,拿不到奖励

    You could tell yourself that you only have fifteen minutes to talk to a girl that day or you automatically fail and miss out on your reward.


  • Erwin酒店关注一些非主流的客人,于是提供了“inkandstay打包服务。其中包括给纹身客户奖励100美元一瓶龙舌兰酒

    Catering to their countercultural clientele, Hotel Erwin is offering an “ink and staypackage that includes $100 toward a tattoo and a bottle of tequila to numb the pain [info PDF].


  • 员工达到一时候,就让他们参加俱乐部,还要奖励他们尼龙夹克。

    When employees reached the coveted 100-point level, they were inducted into the 100 Club, and the jacket was theirs.


  • 如果覆盖缩略图alt标记标题奖励或是用户钟内点击的时候进行图片循环。

    Bonus points if you can overlay a caption coming from the thumbnail Alt tag, or loop through the photos if the user hasn't clicked one for a minute.


  • 如果覆盖缩略图alt标记标题奖励或是用户钟内点击的时候进行图片循环。

    Bonus points if you can overlay a caption coming from the thumbnail Alt tag, or loop through the photos if the user hasn't clicked one for a minute.


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