• 他紧拉住不放,她奋力挣脱。

    She struggled from his grip.


  • 顺利通过考试奋力挣扎。

    While she sailed through her exams, he struggled.


  • 数以百计警察身披防暴装备奋力镇压暴乱。

    Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence.


  • 投球区土墩一名讲西班牙语奋力拼搏的投手交谈。

    He went to the mound to talk with a struggling pitcher who spoke only Spanish.


  • 近乎歇斯底里人群奋力接近时,警察保镖们不得不在他周围形成堵人墙。

    Police and bodyguards had to form a human shield around him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him.


  • 救援人员奋力营救大火中的受害者

    Rescue workers fought to get to victims inside the inferno.


  • 试图制伏奋力反抗

    He tried to pin me down, but I resisted.


  • 故事的是王子奋力解救米娜

    The story concerns the prince's efforts to rescue Pamina.


  • 消防队员奋力扑救大楼熊熊火焰

    Firemen tried to quench the flames raging through the building.


  • 他们只好奋力冰上

    They had to smash holes in the ice.


  • 每家公司奋力保护自己商业利益

    Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.


  • 他们奋力打成了2:2平局,值得敬佩。

    They managed an honourable 2–2 draw.


  • 次起跑犯规后奋力猛冲而轻松获胜

    He powered away after two false starts to win comfortably.


  • 他们洗刷儿子罪名奋力斗争了许多

    They laboured for years to clear their son's name.


  • 医生不惜一切地奋力抢救女孩生命

    Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life.


  • 在整个服刑期间,奋力证明自己名誉清白

    Throughout his years in prison, he fought to clear his name.


  • 消防队员奋力救火。

    Firefighters tried to extinguish the flames.


  • 后来穆尔奋力反击,重新夺回比赛中的领先地位。

    Moore fought back to retake the lead later in the race.


  • 毕业生不得不竞争激烈市场奋力争取找到工作

    Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.


  • 不速之客奋力挤向狭窄走廊时,人们开始恐慌。

    Panic set in as gatecrashers tried to force their way through the narrow doors and corridors.


  • 西顿一边嘴里着“过”,一边奋力拥挤的客厅

    Saying excuse me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.


  • 他们试图用手铐铐住但尽管受了还是奋力挣脱了

    They tried to handcuff him but, despite his injuries, he fought his way free.


  • 三个丧生熊熊燃烧残骸营救人员奋力解救被困的司机

    Three people died as wreckage blazed, and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers.


  • 3个月来医生们奋力挽救生命过程中,一直处在死亡边缘

    She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her.


  • 在河里奋力前进了66天,共游了3274英里。

    He struggled with the river for 66 days and swam 3,274 miles in total.


  • 那些成功人击退那些水中奋力上甲板的人。

    Some who succeeded fought off those in the water who had the strength to try to claw their way aboard.


  • 哀悼结束我们变得更强大生命更多的理解尊重奋力前行

    When our time of mourning is over, we press forward, stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life.


  • 椅子前面来来回回地奋力拉扯皮带似乎海滩

    ChiChi ran back and forth in front of his chair, straining at his leash as if to run down the beach.


  • 全世界注视下,现场500名消防员奋力阻止大火蔓延悬挂着大教堂

    While the world looked on, the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers, where the cathedral bells hang.


  • 50公斤重的大马哈鱼曾经奋力上瀑布,卵产砾石上,现在只有混凝土挡住静止深深的床。

    Where 50-kilogram king salmon once fought their way up waterfalls to lay their eggs in gravel beds, there now are only concrete walls holding back still water and deep beds of muddy deposits.


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