• 关于天顶位于天顶靠近天顶

    Of, relating to, located at, or constituting an apex.


  • 天顶水晶灯似乎正无声地诉说历史文化,繁复花叶透射着古典

    The sense of history and culture is revealed by the crystal chandelier on the ceiling and the elaborate floral leaves portray the classic beauty.


  • 我们放弃蓝色天顶想法,”朱尔斯,“埃米尔,克莱尔说服了,没有什么天顶。”

    "We will give up the blue vault," said Jules. "Emile, Claire, and I are persuaded there isn't any."


  • 将五车二位于右侧金牛座中最耀眼宿五星高高挂天顶的昴宿星团作对比星体的颜色里有很多的学问在里头。

    Contrast Capella with Aldebaran, shining in the constellation Taurus to the right, and to the stars of the misty Pleiades cluster higher up.


  • 阳光温暖接着使水晶硬壳,从树枝崩落,一齐倾泻在雪地-这么大堆玻璃尽够你打扫以为天顶华盖了下来。

    Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells - Shattering and avalanching on the snow crust-- Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.


  • 波利尼西亚人确定方位一个重要方法通过天顶

    One important way the Polynesians had for orienting themselves was by using zenith stars.


  • 那个上空,顶端,在最高峰,在天顶上的东西,送给大地无穷光明看见的很少清或完全看不见?

    That which is on high at the summit, at the crest, at the zenith, that which sends down so much light on the earth, sees but little, sees badly, sees not at all?


  • 鱼眼镜头拍到了地平线上所有东西包括边缘圈被灯光照亮,正在脑袋上方天顶

    The full fisheye frame shows everything above the horizon, including a lamp-illuminated landscape around the edges, and the zenith of the sky directly overhead.


  • 安吉亚太空公司天顶号”运载火箭承载能力范围内小心翼翼地保留了这未来飞船整体质量

    RKK Energia carefully kept the overall mass of the future spacecraft within Zenit's capabilities.


  • 布劳恩强调人们接触很少打印凭据,热敏可能接触双酚A主要来源

    Braun notes that for people who handle only a couple of receipts a day, thermal paper is unlikely to be a major source of exposure.


  • 倒挂彩虹称“环天顶”,所以它们这些正确的名称不是它们是由于下雨所造成的。

    Upside down rainbows, or 'circumzenithal arcs', to give them the proper name, are not caused by rain.


  • 由于星图太阳运行天顶名声流传开来,同时工作比较顺利

    With the Sun at the zenith of your chart, your reputation will be on the rise, and your professional duties will go smoothly.


  • 建立双频载波相位观测模型将其进行无电离层延迟化简,最小二乘原理推导了天顶湿延迟估值公式

    The dual-frequency carrier phase observation equation is built and ionosphere-free predigested, the estimate formula of zenith wet delay is deduced with least square method.


  • 幽暗地域从未太阳到达天顶时,作为城市时钟的天然石柱纳邦德尔,魔法之火产生热度正沿着石柱核心中点

    The magical warmth deep in the core of Narbondel—the natural stone pillar that served as the city's clock—was climbing toward midpoint as the unseen sun reached its zenith.


  • 或许被人抛弃离了婚或是被开除,当众出丑刻薄的绰号弄得心乱如麻或许因为你得个其丑无比发型。

    You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname, or just have a plain old bad-hair day.


  • 最后代表行动火星仍然位于天顶促使你为事业地位声誉切实的努力。

    Finally, the action planet Mars is still at the top of your chart, urging you to actually do something about your career, status or reputation.


  • 布里进一步下去瞧瞧天顶星人的往日云烟。陪伴军官们也同样前进一步,如影随形。

    Breetai took a step forward, to go down and look at the Zentraedi past. The officers who accompanied him made that same step, like shadows.


  • 适用于无重载工业厂房无尘墙壁天顶地下停车库涂刷

    For painting industrial workshops, dustproof walls, ceilings, and underground garages free from heavy load.


  • 太阳军姿,走正步大汗淋漓好多中暑的依然忍受着

    Braving the sun every day, stand Junzi take the goose, sweating, there are a lot of heat, but I still suffer.


  • CNN电台汤米·安德烈,我卡尔开始我们一周的CNN学生新闻

    I'm Tommy Andrey from CNN radio, I'm filling in for Carl as we start a new week of CNN student news.


  • 这时候,它正在穿过双子座已经走到了地平线天顶中间地方。

    She passed over the constellation of the twins, and was now nearing the half-way point between the horizon and the zenith.


  • 通过分析,提出需要解决问题:整模糊度、时钟天顶湿延迟估计方法

    After the examples are analyzed, there are problems which need to be solved such as ambiguity, real-time clock bias error and the estimate method of zenith wet delay.


  • 月球星现象出现地球赤道天顶

    The grazing occultation of the star by the Moon is observed in the zenith at the Earth's equator.


  • 地面亮度温度测量值观测天顶角、方位角太阳位置改变

    As expected, the measured brightness temperatures change with view zenith angle, view azimuth angle, and the Sun position.


  • 结果表明可探测星等极限值观测高度太阳增加接近线性增加;

    The results show that the detectable stellar magnitude limits linearly increase with observing height and solar zenith angle.


  • 运动反向时间太阳最小的大小而变化,随太阳活动而变化。

    The reverse time of the crest motion depends on the smallest zenith Angle and on solar cycle.


  • 不是水瓶座的,天王星上升星座很强的联系,掌管了我的天顶(事业名望的顶点),所以某些方面我和你们一样的。

    I am not an Aquarius, but I have a very powerful Uranus conjunct my ascendant, and it rules my mid-heaven (career and reputation point), so in a way I am just like you.


  • 不是水瓶座的,天王星上升星座很强的联系,掌管了我的天顶(事业名望的顶点),所以某些方面我和你们一样的。

    I am not an Aquarius, but I have a very powerful Uranus conjunct my ascendant, and it rules my mid-heaven (career and reputation point), so in a way I am just like you.


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