• 毫无疑问,恐龙时代末期有过巨大撞击地球撞击时间灭绝时间相重合

    There is no doubt that a huge rock did hit the Earth at around the time of the last dinosaurs and its strike coincided with their disappearance.


  • 偶然他们广播里听到了关于高加索地区故事,好奇的他们决定那里,一探究竟。

    But one day they accidentally heard on the radio the story about the dolmens on the Caucausus and decided to go there.


  • 如果想得到首饰任何可以,直接买吧,但不要买那些心形吊坠,那么能够得到其他东西机会就会更多

    If you can get a piece of jewelry that is appropriate for any day, go for that instead of the cubic zirconia heart-shaped pendant and your chances of getting any will skyrocket.


  • 米开朗基罗过“大理中看到了一使,我不停地雕刻直到释放。”

    Michelangelo said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.


  • 直到水落那一,不然知道什么是安宁

    Until I get to the bottom of it, I won't know what peace is.


  • 四处看着很小工作间,感到惊奇地倒不是丢掉的,而是多年她一直保留的:茶壶,大理作顶的餐饮台,遮有蓬的床。

    As I looked around her tiny studio, I was astonished not so much by what she'd lost, but by what she'd managed to hold on to: her brass samovar, her marble-topped buffet, her canopied bed.


  • 不在家(可能是折磨一个无辜的),决定试穿她那件莱茵缀链的海军蓝外衣

    One day while my sister was gone (most likely torturing some other innocent person), I decided to try on her new Old Navy overalls with the rhinestone straps.


  • 村民他们已经没有水喝,没有东西吃没有地方了,由于山顶道路中断,他们不出山去。

    The residents said they had been without fresh water, food or shelter for six days and could not leave the mountain due to sheer drops and missing sections of road.


  • 大理使它显得永恒渴望拥有间大理公寓里的笨重厨房(开玩笑)。

    It's the marble that keeps it fairly timeless and I am hellbent on one day having a kitchen that is pretty heavy in the marble department (no pun intended).


  • 凭着这些世人知道会成为位技艺高超的语者。最好的员。

    By these things the world knew she would one day be a great.


  • 非常希望将来某一我们可以坐在一起畅谈梦想,如果武汉,希望能够提前知道。

    Benji, I really hope that we could chat about our dreams someday in the future, please inform me before you take a trip to WuHan again.


  • 最爱的赛道上,以16位起步确实很郁闷。然而预报第二下雨

    Starting off 16th in Silverstone, my favorite track, was really frustrating. However, there was a rain forecast for the next day.


  • 灵璧假山绝妙神韵任何人为艺术品无法媲美的。灵璧假贵在之美,贵在稀有珍奇,值得现代人追崇

    Lingbi rockery wonderful charm is not comparable to any human art. Lingbi is gifted rockery beauty, is rare and precious, worthy of modern people chasing.


  • 判决宣布最后场大型庆祝活动法庭大理广场其他地方举行。

    The decisions on the final day of the term set off a loud celebration in front of the court's marble plaza and elsewhere in the country.


  • 日出日落一杯美酒宠物……去细微观察品味,用心每一吧。

    Find the little things, like sunrises and sunsets, or tequila shots and pet rocks, that make a day worth living.


  • 如果基础不好感觉有点累了那么可以等到继续因为罗马不是建成的,同时滴水可以穿

    If the foundation is not good, feeling a little tired, then you can wait until tomorrow to continue, because Rome is not built in a day, while the water can wear stone.


  • 第六男人玻璃大海一起沉入大海。

    The sixth day, the man throws the glass stone into the sea, let his heart sink to sea together.


  • 第二一早园丁发现花儿了。气愤的老园丁决定查个水落出。 罊。

    Thee next morning, the old gardener discovered some of his flowers missing again. The angry old gardener decided to find out how that happened.


  • 数百聚集这个著名历史中,庆祝冬至日出一年中最短

    Hundreds of people gathered at the famous historic stone circle to celebrate the sunrise closest to the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.


  • 玉皇大帝生辰后一人们将会庆祝的诞生。

    On the very next day of the birthday of the Jade Emperor, people will celebrate the birthday of the God of Stone.


  • 木匠有一路过齐国一个叫曲地方

    A carpenter called Shijun someday passed by Quyuan, a place in the State of Qi.


  • 老人只是坐在玄关处的椅上。

    The old man just sits on his rocking chair on the porch from day to day.


  • 分别刻有海角字样之边缘之尽头

    Two stones inscribe "the horizon" separately and "the cape" the inscription, Italy edge of for the day, the sea terminus.


  • 于是修理

    So one day he found a stonemason to help him repair .


  • 甚至是没有信寄哈利时候也会其它早上送信猫头鹰一起出来。她降落在哈利旁边轻轻地耳朵,在开始的休息以前吃上一点土司(魔法第8章)。

    Even when she doesn't have a message for Harry, she drops by with the rest of the morning post owls to nibble his ear and have a bit of toast before going off to sleep for the day (SS8).


  • 这个特别小心梦想有包里装满大理,他自己大理玩耍,并且朋友一起玩耍。

    He took special care of the bag and dreamed of the day it would contain marbles with which he could play and share with his friends.


  • 这个特别小心梦想有包里装满大理,他自己大理玩耍,并且朋友一起玩耍。

    He took special care of the bag and dreamed of the day it would contain marbles with which he could play and share with his friends.


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