• 地球自转正在逐渐下来地核分裂、极端天气火山爆发地震发生等事件都会影响天文确切长度

    It is gradually slowing down and factors such as disruptions in the earth's core, extreme weather, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can all influence the precise length of the astronomical day.


  • 因此,2004年6月金星凌与其说重要科学事件不如说是天文奇观

    June 2004's transit of Venus was thus more of an astronomical spectacle than a scientifically important event.


  • 2004年68,世界上一半以上人有幸目睹了罕见天文现象。

    On 8 June 2004, more than half the population of the world were treated to a rare astronomical event.


  • 但是学家辛苦分析这些观测金星探险活动结果

    But astronomers laboured hard to analyse the results of these expeditions to observe Venus transits.


  • 几个世纪以来,金星吸引了探险家天文学家们汇聚地球的四个角落

    For centuries, transits of Venus have drawn explorers and astronomers alike to the four corners of the globe.


  • 广东天文学会预告,今年猎户座流星雨高峰期发生21午夜黎明时分

    This year's Orionid meteor shower will peak between the hours of midnight and dawn on the morning of October 21, according to the Astronomical Society of Guangdong.


  • 19,美国天文学会一次会议上两个发现——关于遥远类星体常规星系——同时公布,这不是巧合

    It was no coincidence that the announcements of the two findingsdistant quasars and normal galaxieswere made together at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Jan. 9.


  • 根据最新出版中国天文年历》,今年秋分准确时间9月235时19分。

    This year's autumnal equinox will occur at 5:19 am Wednesday, according to the latest published astronomical almanac of China.


  • 右边彩色照片由业余天文学家立川幸于2010年8月20拍摄,火球出现照片右上角。

    The fireball appears in the upper right of Tachikawa's image. (REUTERS/NASA)


  • 1987年2月23蜘蛛星云区域巨星被观测到已成了超新星时,引起全世界天文学家关注

    When a blue giant star in the Tarantula region went supernova, seen on the night of February 23, 1987, it captured the attention of astronomers worldwide.


  • 地处加纳群岛西班牙天体物理研究所里天文学家2008年8月16发生期间了进行观察。 期间,月球地球阴影中

    The astronomers, at Spain's Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, made their observations on 16 August 2008 during a lunar eclipse — in which the Moon moves into Earth's shadow.


  • 9月29一个位于圣克鲁兹加州大学天文学家斯蒂文沃戈特带领的美国小组宣布它们已经发现了第五颗行星

    On 29 September, a U.S.-based team led by astronomer Steven Vogt of the University of California, Santa Cruz, announced that it had discovered a fifth planet.


  • 传说哥伦布查阅德国数学家编撰天文年历发现1504年2月29将会发生月全食

    According to legend, Columbus, looking at an astronomical almanac compiled by a German mathematician, realized that a total eclipse of the moon would occur on Feb. 29, 1504.


  • 天文学家推断外行星存在手段好几种,美国宇航局开普勒项目使用是凌法。

    While there are a number of different ways that astronomers infer the existence of exoplanets, NASA's Kepler mission USES what's known as the transit method.


  • 这个被称为P/2010A2项目林肯行星研究室发现,并写进1月6天文观测报告里。

    The object, called P/2010 A2, was discovered by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) sky survey on Jan. 6.


  • 专家根据传统中国天文农历55太阳年中达到最高点

    Experts say that according to traditional Chinese astronomy, the 5th day of the 5th month in lunar calendar is when the sun reaches its peak position in the year.


  • 瑞贝克.H.,2010年6月3全球,美国国家航空航天局地球天文台,201年6月8检索。

    Global Warming. NASA’s Earth Observatory.


  • 研究人员哈勃太空望远镜观测了奇特星球,并且将他们发现发表天文物理期刊》7月10大事记中。

    The researchers studied the odd object using the Hubble Space Telescope and reported their finding in the July 10th issue of the Astrophysical Journal. Jeffrey Linsky et al.


  • 11月1项目拥护者(特别是美国天文学会)的游说下,参议院通过议案又恢复了这个项目资金

    On November 1st, after lobbying from the telescope's defenders (particularly the American Astronomical Society), the Senate passed a bill that restored the telescope's funding.


  • 11月8格林尼治标准时间23点28分,名为2005-YU55小行星地球高速移动,两者相差324600千米(201700英里),天文称之为毫厘之差

    AT 23:28 Greenwich Mean Time on November 8th an asteroid by the name of 2005-YU55 whizzed within 324, 600km (201, 700 miles) of Earth: an astronomical hair’s breadth.


  • 2010年6月21清晨正在将摄影机架一座遍布岩石、名为kokino天文上,很快就出现在眼前,夏至来临了

    A man ues a camera on a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory of Kokino, soon after sunrise, early on June 21, 2010 — the day of the summer solstice.


  • 2001年11月15学家创造出计算机模型,它显示宇宙中的第一颗恒星可能形成方式,这有助于关于早期宇宙时间线上打下一根楔子。

    November 2001: Astronomers have created a computer simulation showing how the first star in the universe might have formed, helping to plug a gap in understanding of the timeline of the early cosmos.


  • 2010年3月30太阳动力学天文捕捉到的喷发

    A prominence eruption captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on March 30, 2010.


  • 许多天文学家认为球层边界太阳风顶层,距离太阳90亿英里(150亿公里)。

    Many astronomers think that the limit of the heliosphere, known as the heliopause, is about 9 billion miles (15 billion kilometers) from the sun.


  • 这次太阳喷发直接吹向我们而且8月4的早些时候到达,”哈佛—史密森天文中心昂·格勒布

    "This eruption is directed right at us and is expected to get here early in the day on Aug. 4th," said Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


  • 获奖名单98宣布,获奖作品将2012年2月格林威治皇家天文展出免费参观。

    Winners will be announced on 8 September and will go on display the following day at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. The exhibition is free and will run until February 2012.


  • 5月19一位神秘现身美国洛杉矶格里菲斯天文

    A mysterious "Silver Mirror Man" appears in front of the Griffith Observatory of Los Angeles, us, May 19, 2010.


  • 此观测结果发表3月1天文协会评论月刊上

    The results appear in the March 1st edition of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


  • 下一次美国理想观测月食的时间2014年,但是急于冬至这一天观测下次月食的天文爱好者,等到2094年1221

    The next lunar eclipse with good viewing from the States will occur in 2014, though stargazers eager for the next eclipse during a winter solstice will have to wait until Dec. 21, 2094 .


  • 下一次美国理想观测月食的时间2014年,但是急于冬至这一天观测下次月食的天文爱好者,等到2094年1221

    The next lunar eclipse with good viewing from the States will occur in 2014, though stargazers eager for the next eclipse during a winter solstice will have to wait until Dec. 21, 2094 .


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