• 智利发生的这场里氏8.8级大地震属于“大逆地震”,只有当个地壳板块俯冲至另一板块下方时才会发生,被认为是地球上威力最强的地震。

    The magnitude-8.8 quake was a type called a "megathrust, " considered the most powerful earthquake on the planet.


  • 智利发生的这场里氏8.8级大地震属于“大逆地震”,只有当个地壳板块俯冲至另一板块下方时才会发生,被认为是地球上威力最强的地震。

    The magnitude-8.8 quake was a type called a "megathrust," considered the most powerful earthquake on the planet.


  • 一个表明市场动荡程度迹象道指过去七个交易日每天都会出现大逆转,前一天收盘走高,第二天即告下跌

    In a sign of just how volatile the markets are, the dow has reversed direction every day, closing up one day, then down the next, for the past seven sessions.


  • 维多利亚时代一个,那个时候普遍认为道德沦丧必须靠强健身体素质心理素质来改变。

    He was a throwback to the Victorian era when it was thought moral decay had to be combated by a regime of fitness for the mind and body.


  • 然而总体来讲,林肯当选最为直接结果表明了美国公众奴隶制观点发生不可抵制转,一点更为重要。

    Yet, on the whole, no doubt the great importance of the election is less in its immediate results than in showing that the tide of public opinion is turning against slavery in the States.


  • 社区盾杯3 - 2大逆曼城替补登场亮相非常意外的在随后训练受伤

    He appeared as a substitute in the 3-2 Community Shield win over Manchester City but was subsequently injured in training.


  • 该研究小组近日科学》上报道关闭BCL11 A基因作用后,这些症状,且明显副作用。

    Silencing the BCL11A gene largely reversed those symptoms, with no apparent side effects, the group reports today online in Science.


  • 然而假如两个接下来日子里能够达成书面协议的话,萨帕特罗时代最终可能仅仅周后确立。

    But the final big U-turn of the Zapatero era could be settled in just three weeks, assuming the two big parties can agree on a text over the coming days.


  • 去年MTN董事会认为他们应该购买巴哈提而不是反被购买,大逆被巴哈提认为是对“印度尊严侮辱,结果谈判无果而终。

    Their talks fell through last year when MTN’s board argued that it should buy Bharti, not the other way around—a reversal which Sunil Mittal of Bharti condemned as an affront to the “pride of India”.


  • 这两个人优势互补,共同推动苹果公司成就了美国历史上最为非凡大逆转之一。

    Their complementary skills, helped Apple (AAPL) engineer one of the most remarkable turnarounds in American history.


  • 与会者这个计策果见成效——整个讨论上演了一个“山穷水复疑无路“柳暗花明又一村”的大逆转,整个市场为之振奋。”

    The ruse worked; the discussions, said one participant, had gone "from worse to bad to better". Markets rejoiced.


  • 作为四届常规赛得分王冰人,职业生涯场得到26.2,他曾79年马刺队的,当时的马刺队东区决赛3比1领先华盛顿子弹的情况下被对手完成惊天大逆转。

    The Ice Man, a four-time scoring champ with a career NBA average of 26.2 points, was part of a Spurs team that squandered a 3-1 lead to the Washington Bullets in the 1979 Eastern Conference finals.


  • 还是瑞士信贷集团(CreditSuisseCEO时,身为德国人的格鲁贝尔领导其实现了,后来瑞银董事会选中了他,期望他能再一次上演奇迹

    Gruebel, who is German and led a turnaround as CEO of Credit Suisse, was tapped by the board of UBS to pull off some magic a second time.


  • 这种大翻盘模式肇始1999年,对于亲眼目睹奇迹发生的体育迷们来说,罕默德·阿里丛林之战中击倒乔治·福尔曼(George Foreman)以来最为神奇的赛事

    The pattern was set in 1999 in what was, to those who witnessed it, the most extraordinary sporting turnaround since Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the jungle.


  • 18岁没有什么大逆不道的事情。

    What 18-year-old hasn't done something profoundly stupid?


  • 10月爱尔兰第二次投票之时,形式发生了转。支持率原来的33%飙升本次的67%。

    On October 2nd Irish voters reversed themselves and voted Yes by a thumping 67% to 33%.


  • 2-0领先的情况在被对手攻入3球实现大逆转,曼城主帅曼奇尼社区杯折戟表示,输球并不会给全队造成心理上的影响,重要的是全队从这场失利中吸取教训

    Manchester City boss Roberto Mancini believes his side must learn important lessons after they lost to rivals Manchester United in the Community Shield.


  • 但是大逆就是这样不可思议的发生网上看到中国男团最终失误成功卫冕标题真是非常激动

    But is such an incredible reversal occurs, when I see the Chinese men's team final at zero turnovers successfully defended the title, is really very excited.


  • 劈腿盛行年代里,婚外情无论是对汉子照样女人,都不是什么大逆不道任务

    In the era of popular split, either to the man or woman affair, is not what the task of treason and heresy.


  • 是否需要造成不满一个大逆

    Do you want a reversal of whatever decision led to your disappointment?


  • 劈腿盛行年代里,婚外情无论是汉子照样女人而言,都不是什么大逆不道任务

    In the era of popular cheating, extramarital affairs either for man still a woman, no treason and heresy task.


  • 去年MTN董事会认为他们应该购买巴哈提而不是反被购买,大逆被巴哈提认为是对“印度尊严侮辱,结果谈判无果而终。

    Their talks fell through last year when MTN's board argued that it should buy Bharti, not the other way around—a reversal which Sunil Mittal of Bharti condemned as an affront to the "pride of India".


  • 悲伤的是利物浦根本没有足够的时间上演年前伊斯坦布尔完成的著名的战胜米兰大逆转。

    Sadly for Liverpool there simply wasn't enough time to stage a comeback to rival their famous win over Milan two years ago in Istanbul.


  • 传统尼泊尔社会,与不同种姓民族通婚认为大逆不道、绝对不能接受的行为。

    In traditional Nepalese society it is considered sacrilegious and totally unacceptable to marry outside of your caste or ethnic group.


  • 主演蒋梦婕经历了场从温婉贤良古灵精怪形象大逆上演了一场缜密的美人心计。

    Jiang Mengjie had a gentle virtuous to the ancient spirit demon from the image reversal, staged a careful scheming beauty.


  • 我们历史教训中知道忽略国际法则协议以及惯例就意味着全球化大逆

    History teaches us that bypassing international laws, agreement and institutions meas incurring the reversal of globalization.


  • 天帝治理百兽的。吃了就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!

    I was sent by God to rule all the animals. If you eat me, you're disobeying the God's order. Then you're not a good animal.


  • 天帝治理百兽的。吃了就是违抗天帝的命令,就是大逆不道!

    I was sent by God to rule all the animals. If you eat me, you're disobeying the God's order. Then you're not a good animal.


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