• 正在大连大学攻读硕士学位

    He is studying for a master's degree at Dalian University.


  • 大连大学成立1987年。

    Dalian University was set up in 1987.


  • 大连大学高一班。

    He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University.


  • 大连大学语言教授

    He is a language professor in Dalian University.


  • 正在大连大学攻读硕士学位

    He is studying for a master 's degree at dalian university.


  • 大连大学开设自然科学人文科学课程。

    Dalian University offers courses in science and in the humanities.


  • 大连大学开设自然科学人文科学课程。

    Dalian University offers courses of science and the humanities.


  • 如果不是大连大学,还能是哪所大学

    If not dalian university, which university?


  • 1949年关东医学院并入大连大学更名大连大学医学院

    Kanto Medical School in 1949 into the Dalian University, Dalian University School of Medicine changed its name.


  • 璁溟小魔女-大连大学音乐学院学习长笛专业希望在这里更多老师朋友们

    Ms. Clever girl - from Dalian University Music Institute, studying flute. Hope to know more teachers and friends here, welcome to contact me.


  • 本文大连大学科研发展战略进行了初步探讨认为应该处理应用研究基础研究等四个方面的关系应采取实行科研开发期政策等五项措施。

    The paper inquires into scientific and research development strategy of Dalian University. We think we should properly deal with the four relations about applied and basic researches, take and ca...


  • 大连俄勒冈大学学生参与实验参与者连续每天都花20分钟学习IBMT技巧或者传统放松方法

    In experiments involving students at Dalian and at the University of Oregon, participants spent 20 minutes daily for five days learning either IBMT techniques or conventional methods of relaxation.


  • 今年春天毕业大连理工大学软件工程专业雷思雨,决心要背水一战

    Lei Siyu, who graduated from the Dalian University of Technology in the spring with a degree in software engineering, beat the gauntlet.


  • 第58世界小姐中国区总决赛,昨晚广州落幕。 来自大连悉尼大学研究生梅妍凌(封面图)最终夺冠,赢得代表中国参加10月于乌克兰举行的世界小姐总决赛的殊荣。

    Mei Yanling (see cover), a Liaoning native and a graduate student at the University of Sydney, won the Chinese final of the 58th Miss World contest in Guangzhou Thursday.


  • 大连理工大学土木专业王义介绍,他们一般男生一起行动,一起上课、一起打球、一起吃夜宵。

    According to Wangyi, a civil engineering major at the Dalian Institute of Technology, the male students do everything together.


  • 游览大连著名理工大学东北财经学院校园

    I first took him to a tour of the famous University of Technology, Dalian and Northeast Financial Services Institute campus.


  • 现在这样学校很多大连大学好象都有自考成考去问一下吧!

    So many schools, Dalian University seems to have the "Self" and "test as" ask about it!


  • 也是中国两个最高海事学府终身客座教授大连海事大学上海海事大学

    He is also a permanent visiting professor at China's two premier maritime universities: dalian maritime university and Shanghai maritime university.


  • 王瑞来自美丽富饶的城市大连。就读上海交通大学国际贸易专业

    I am Wang Rui. l come from the beautiful and rich city- Dalian. I am a student in Shanghai Transportation University, and my major is international trade.


  • 大连交通大学连续挤压工程研究中心经过多年的努力研究,成功地开发出了连续挤压成套设备

    Dalian jiaotong university continuous extrusion engineering research center successfully exploited copper continuous extruding complete equipment by perennial hard work.


  • 本文以大连海事大学网络中心试验环境校园网络各种威胁进行了详细讨论选择校园网异常流量

    The test environment is Dalian Maritime University network center. The paper discusses various threatens on the campus network in detail and selects the abnormal flow of campus network.


  • 同时大大提高大连理工大学船模试验水池自动化水平

    Meanwhile, it improves the automatic level of the ship model experiment to Dalian University of Technology.


  • 本文三维物理模型试验大连理工大学海岸近海工程国家重点实验室综合水池进行

    The physical model test was carried out in the multidirectional basin at the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology.


  • 本文重点工作:首先存货资产比例库存周转率二个方面大连理工大学出版社库存管理近况进行了浅析浅析。

    This article focused on: first of all, from the inventory of assets ratio, inventory turns were two aspects of the Dalian University of Technology Press inventory management analyzed the status quo.


  • 本文重点工作:首先存货资产比例库存周转率二个方面大连理工大学出版社库存管理现状进行了分析。

    This article focused on: first of all, from the inventory of assets ratio, inventory turns were two aspects of the Dalian University of Technology Press inventory management analyzed the status quo.


  • 本文重点工作:首先存货资产比例库存周转率二个方面大连理工大学出版社库存管理现状进行了分析。

    This article focused on: first of all, from the inventory of assets ratio, inventory turns were two aspects of the Dalian University of Technology Press inventory management analyzed the status quo.


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