• 过去的30年里数亿中国农民农村迁入城市,完成了历史规模速度最快人口迁徙

    Several hundred million Chinese peasants have moved from the countryside to the cities over the last 30 years, in one of the largest, most rapid migrations in history.


  • 每年夏天,上百万角马干旱的塞伦盖蒂北上迁徙马赛马拉湿地群角马正是大迁徙一部分成员

    Every year millions of wildebeests migrants west from the draught Serengeti Plain to wetland in the Mara and these wildebeests were just part of the marching team.


  • 角马跨越肯尼亚马拉进行迁徙,河中会许多鳄鱼出没,伺机动。图只鳄鱼吃掉了队伍中一只受伤年幼角马。

    A crocodile eats a young injured wildebeest during the great migration in the Mara River in Kenya which is infested with crocodiles lying in wait to kill.


  • 十年一次下次人口普查2020年进行。届时普查结果告诉我们迁移南方非裔美国人是否足够构成第三大迁徙

    The next decennial census in 2020 should tell us whether the influx of African-Americans into the South will be large enough to be considered a third Great Migration.


  • 尽管玻利维亚时局不稳智利带来忧虑,但那个方向给智利带来的主要危险根本谈不上军事问题——仅仅是玻利维亚的难民大迁徙

    Although political instability in Bolivia is a worry, the main risk to Chile from that direction-an exodus of Bolivian refugees-is hardly a military problem.


  • 我们现代人愿承认过去的历史一种变迁记录,无论是气候迁徙、还是民族兴衰然而,我们的所作所为却好像现在是最后的篇章一样。

    We moderns have grudgingly accepted that the past is a record of shifts in climate, great migrations, the rise and fall of nations, yet we act as if our present is the final chapter.


  • 就Grand derangement(迁徙乐队)而言,他们通过演唱迈克尔·蒂博创作的歌曲而获得国际声誉,其中许多了解现实的阿卡迪亚提供了确凿的依据。

    For its part, Grand derangement is gaining an international reputation by performing songs written by Michael Thibault, many of which offer eloquent insight into Acadian reality.


  • 随着越来越多的登录游戏时间一个人造经济体中寻找乐趣是否真的卡斯特罗诺瓦新书虚拟世界大迁徙》(Exodus tothe Virtual World)中认为的那样,改变这个世俗世界?

    As many more people log on and spend time having fun in a synthetic economy, will that really change the mundane world, as Castronova argues in a new book, Exodus to the Virtual World?


  • 几百万年前猛犸象非洲向北迁徙欧亚陆上,第四纪冰川期突然袭来,它们除非保持体温否则只有死路一条,为此他们退化了尾巴用来散热的耳朵,而且进化出厚厚的皮毛。

    A couple million years ago, mammoths migrated north from Africa to colonize Eurasia. Sometime around then a massive ice age kicked in—and it was stay warm or die.


  • 汕头市海岸湿地自然保护区我国候鸟迁徙路线涉及之一分布64水鸟,约占汕头鸟类总种数51.2%。

    Shantou Coastal Wetland Natural Reserve was one of three important zones for migratory birds, where distributing 64 species of waterfowls, equal to (51.2%) of the whole birds species in Shantou City.


  • 汕头市海岸湿地自然保护区我国候鸟迁徙路线涉及之一分布64水鸟,约占汕头鸟类总种数51.2%。

    Shantou Coastal Wetland Natural Reserve was one of three important zones for migratory birds, where distributing 64 species of waterfowls, equal to (51.2%) of the whole birds species in Shantou City.


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