• 这种重合足以愚弄进行各种感观信息整合大脑

    That coincidence is enough to fool the part of the brain that integrates inputs from different senses.


  • 一些病人大脑分区域开始正常人一样活动

    In some patients, regions of the brain became active in a pattern that was a lot like that in healthy subjects.


  • 大脑分区域可以看出涉及知觉分出现了重大变化

    A significant change was seen in the area of the brain that involves perceptual anticipation.


  • 为了破坏大脑结构,工作人员必须接近8大脑部损坏区域。

    To destroy some brain structures, the scientists must make up to eight brain lesions.


  • 中风由于血液凝结成块阻碍流动从而导致大脑缺氧

    Stroke is caused by a clotting in the blood which stops the flow and can starve areas of the brain of oxygen.


  • 大量出血可能会导致液体累积压力逐步脑部

    Large hemorrhages may result in fluid building up under pressure, progressively enlarging the brain and head.


  • 科学家块装有100个电极微小芯片嵌入负责行动大脑

    The scientists implanted a tiny silicon(9) chip with 100 electrodes into an area of the brain responsible for movement.


  • 维多利亚时代科学家们指出女性思考时使用大脑男性不同

    In Victorian times, scientists suggested women thought with a different part of their brain from men.


  • 雌激素据称对口头表达能力有关大脑部同样的促进的作用。

    Oestrogen is thought to do the same in the areas of the brain which are often associated with verbal ability.


  • 由于大脑死亡疾病会导致身体失控颤抖僵硬以及行动缓慢

    The illness causes uncontrolled shaking, stiffness and slow movement as part of the brain dies.


  • 竟然大脑原始一个打了交道足以这种感情非常强烈

    The idea that even one primal part of the brain is involved in processing love would be enough to make the feeling powerful.


  • 处理情感大脑发现史前哺乳动物大脑。(而不是爬行动物大脑!)

    This part of the brain, which processes emotion, is found in the paleomammalian brain. (Not the reptilian brain!


  • 电子解剖刀,医生Liau开始切入肿瘤科瑞的布洛相连大脑分。

    Using an electronic scalpel, Dr. Liau carefully begins to cut into the brain flesh at the border between the tumor and Corina's Broca's area.


  • 扫描仪采用冷却磁体反射无线电波,检测有多少合血流分布受检人员大脑

    The scanner used a super-cooled magnet and reflections of radio waves to determine how much oxygenated blood was in a given part of the subject's brain.


  • 还有类似菲尼亚斯,盖奇其他例子,这个人受到伤害的大脑,与他相同大脑皮层

    There are other cases like Phineas Gage, cases where people have had damage to that same part of the brain, parts of the frontal cortex.


  • 根据大脑论,尤其是,根据存在,能储存记忆信仰渴望等等东西的,大脑部决定。

    Follow the brain, and more particularly, follow however much of the brain takes to have enough of the brain there to still give you the memories, believes, desires and so forth and so on.


  • 不仅如此,采用柔性电极设计可以覆盖大面积这样便可以捕获大脑区域的脑波信息。

    The flexible electrodes in the implant also means that the implant can be stretched out to cover larger sections of the brain allowing the capture of signals from a larger section of the brain.


  • 之前的研究发现,可阻挡尴尬想法大脑也会随着年龄的增长而退化导致人们有时无法自控。 。

    Previouss research has found that the part of the brain that keeps embarrassing thoughts in checkalso weakens with age, leading to people losing some of their inhibitions.


  • 4308年,由于人类变异,人类开始使用了多大34%的大脑分,对于邪恶仇恨概念完全忘记了。

    4308 - Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.


  • 一个英国研究小组发现负责学习记忆情感大脑使那些已经患有心脏疾病的人们心脏肌肉不稳定。

    British team has found that the regions of the brain responsible for learning, memory and emotion can destabilise the cardiac muscle of someone who already has heart disease.


  • 负责读写大脑部实则包括了不同的神经回路以帮助我们理解词义,两条回路分别不同情况下被激活。

    It turns out that the literate brain contains two distinct pathways for making sense of words, which are activated in different contexts.


  • 研究发现,咳嗽打喷嚏打哈欠让人联想到洗澡冲水声、玩具发出的吱吱声都会激活婴儿负责语音处理大脑部位。

    This revealed that coughing, sneezing, yawning, lapping water reminiscent of bath time and the squeaking of toys all activated a part of the brain known to process speech.


  • 英国研究显示,负责语音处理大脑发育人们所想的要,这一发现可能治疗自闭症疾病有所启发。

    A British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 项英国研究显示,负责语音处理大脑发育人们所想的要,这一发现可能治疗自闭症疾病有所启发。

    British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 项英国研讨显示,担任语音处置大脑发育人们所想的要,这一发现能够治疗自闭症疾病有所启示。

    British study shows that the brain areas devoted to processing speech develop much more quickly than was thought and could lead to new insights into conditions such as autism.


  • 这种记忆损失熟知皮质激素类“应激类固醇激素水平有关。因为糖皮质激素对有助于记忆大脑损害作用

    Such memory loss has been linked with high levels of 'stress' steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids which have a deleterious effect on the part of the brain that helps us to remember.


  • 这种记忆损失熟知皮质激素类“应激类固醇激素水平有关。因为糖皮质激素对有助于记忆大脑损害作用

    Such memory loss has been linked with high levels of 'stress' steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids which have a deleterious effect on the part of the brain that helps us to remember.


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