• 这些机器人提供大脑电子游戏提高人们记忆力

    These robots provide brain video games to improve people's memory.


  • 大脑表现得虚拟现实电子游戏

    The brain behaves as if it were playing a virtual reality video game.


  • 积极游戏行为可能大脑突触连接生长提供必要刺激尤其是负责运动功能运动小脑

    Active play may provide necessary stimulation to the growth of synaptic connections in the brain, especially the cerebellum, which is responsible for motor functioning and movements.


  • 认为篇论文录像游戏大脑作用增添了一些友好信息

    He sees this paper as adding welcome information about the effects of video games on the brain.


  • 这些游戏集中他们的“工作内存”——大脑解决问题处理信息能力

    The games focused on their "working memory" -- the brain's ability to hold information while it solves a problem.


  • 根据一个新的研究视频游戏能激活大脑奖赏回路男性作用要远远大于女性的。

    Video games activate the brain’s reward circuits but do so much more in men than in women, according to a new study.


  • 而且这种可能性也是有的因为所有这种电子游戏正在改变他们大脑结构至少一定程度上更好地改变。

    And there's the possibility, too, that all this electronic play is changing the structure of their brains, at least in some ways, for the better.


  • 我们认为正在发生的东西大脑重演这些神经模式包括游戏什么的信息,这导致执行效果提高

    What we think is happening is the brain is replaying these neural patterns that contain the information on what the game is about and that is leading to enhanced performance.


  • 如果我们想让人们理解一个给定概率问题那么我们就得顺着大脑优点这个游戏相应调整陈述信息方式

    If we really want people to understand a given probability, then we have to play to the human brain's strengths, and adjust how we present the information.


  • 布莱特领导研究小组使用磁力共振绘图法,得到了12个人参加一次赌博游戏大脑反应曲线。

    The research team led by Breiter used magnetic resonance imaging to map the brain responses of 12 men while they participated in a game of chance involving winning or losing money.


  • 此前很多研究表明,一些智力挑战游戏猜谜等可以保持大脑的活力,很少有人注意到网络发挥作用

    Many studies have found that challenging mental activities such as puzzles can help preserve brain function, but few have looked at what role the Internet might play.


  • 数独逻辑谜语还有填字游戏刺激大脑的好方法

    Sudoku, logic puzzles, and crossword puzzles can be great ways to stimulate your brain.


  • 尝试一种锻炼大脑视频游戏

    Try a video game that has been designed to help exercise your brain.


  • 做点刺绣,玩个字谜、数游戏、复局桥牌之类的,保持大脑身体活动状态

    I keep my brain and body active with needlework, crosswords, Sudokus or duplicate bridge.


  • 报告指出,如果帮助孩子大脑发育,最好方式就是非结构性游戏

    If you really want to help boost brain power, the best solutions can be found with unstructured play, the academy said.


  • 任天堂的“大脑年龄电子益智游戏已经卖出一千万拷贝,包含记忆数字智力测试

    Nintendo's brain Age electronic brain training game, which includes memory, number and intelligence tests, has sold 10 million copies globally.


  • Schalk向与会者展示了一测试人员通过在他们大脑表面电极控制电脑游戏视频

    Schalk presented attendees a video showing how test subjects can control computer games through the use of electrodes attached to the surface of their brains.


  • 旧金山Emotiv系统公司IDEO设计集团一道开发Epoc一种头戴设备,通过可以大脑操作电脑游戏

    San Francisco-based Emotiv Systems worked with the IDEO design group to develop the Epoc, a headset that enables you to play video games by monitoring electrical activity in your brain.


  • 玩健游戏是向大脑挑战的最好方式。纵横填数字游戏,纵横填游戏电子游戏使大脑敏捷,记忆力更强。这些游戏都是运用逻辑分析能力,语言能力,数学能力其它更多方面的能力。

    Suduko, crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain's speed and memory. These games rely on logic, word skills, math and more.


  • 研究人员知道游戏引起大脑变化还是这些与生俱来大脑结构使他们花费数小时游戏

    The researchers do not know whether gaming causes the brain to change, or whether people are born with this brain structure which makes them want to spend hours playing.


  • 来自印第安那大学医学院研究人员机能性磁共振成像来观察电子游戏如何影响大脑

    Researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to observe how playing video games might affect the brain.


  • 这项研究发表转化精神病学杂志上,也是第一频繁地打电动游戏大脑结构行为活动之间的差异联系起来。

    This study, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, is the first to connect frequent video gaming with differences in both brain structure and activity.


  • 因此与其花钱购买电脑游戏字谜游戏改善大脑健康状况,不如去健身房办张会员卡

    So instead of spending money on computer games or puzzles to improve your brain’s health, invest in a gym membership.


  • 脑部扫描显示那些一周游戏超过九个小时青少年大脑会产生更多的“感觉良好”多巴胺

    Brain scans showed those who played for more than nine hours a week produced more of the "feel-good" chemical dopamine.


  • 这个脑筋急转弯网站提供各种不同游戏琐事游戏挑战大脑

    This brain teaser site provides a variety of games and trivia to challenge your mind.


  • 大脑肌肉一样“越越灵活”观点还远未被确证;也没有过硬证据证明使用大脑训练软件每天游戏等活动益处

    The idea of the brain as a muscle – "use it or lose it" – is far from established; the evidence for the benefits of "brain training" software, or doing the crossword daily, remains patchy.


  • 如果保持大脑健康去拜访朋友参加聚会吧哪怕是做礼拜这样简单的事情都会游戏一样锻炼你大脑

    If you want to keep your brain healthy, it turns out that visiting friends, attending parties, and even going to church might be just as good for you as crossword puzzles.


  • 另一个研究揭示了当游戏第一人称射击游戏大脑活动模式攻击行为发生时是一致的。

    Another study revealed that gamers had patterns of brain activity consistent with aggression while playing first — person shooter games.


  • 另一个研究揭示了当游戏第一人称射击游戏大脑活动模式攻击行为发生时是一致的。

    Another study revealed that gamers had patterns of brain activity consistent with aggression while playing first — person shooter games.


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