• 一颗盛得喜怒,输得出力量

    Have a big heart desires only enough for the losers come forces.


  • 弟子王浩改善清明的印文传来给

    Disciple Wang Hao improved his seal on Clear Bright Great Mind and send it to me.


  • 多年了一中文英文的文章:清明

    Years ago I wrote articles on Clear and Bright Great Mind in Chinese and English on Qing Ming Festival.


  • 世界,“致、相对意思

    "Great minds" are people's inner world, and "in general" is of a relative meaning.


  • 此刻体会菩提意义,尚何时才遵循而实践生活中?

    If, at this instant, one could understand the significance of the Great Mind of Bodhi, why wait any longer to put it into practice in one's daily life?


  • 中饭几个汉堡晚饭就吃蘸有黄油利面一直是以形面包炸薯条

    I'd eat several hamburgers for lunch and a huge bowl of pasta with butter for dinner, and I'd snack constantly on pretzels and chips.


  • 但是其它正常孩子来说他们同情引导还是抑制,成长环境起着相当作用

    But in otherwise normal children, the environment in which they are reared can make a big difference in whether empathy is fostered or suppressed.


  • 所以在生命行将结束时,是愿意堆外在东西还是带着充满美妙回忆友谊呢?

    At the end of your life, do you want a garage full of crap or a heart full of memories and friendships?


  • 队人马仿佛变成一个怪物并且只有一条

    It seemed as though that mass had become a monster and had but one soul.


  • 如果波兰斯基仅仅是个普通人而不是世界著名导演,仅这个事件事实情况来看,还引起人们的一点同情——尤其是知名人士们的同情

    If Polanski was just an ordinary man instead of a world-famous film director, the bare facts of his case would be likely to elicit little sympathy - especially from the world famous.


  • 现在虫在举行辩论,好奇动,不免凑前去偷听一番;可是虫虽小,它们,开起口来,都是四个一起来的,因此来很不清楚。

    I listened through curiosity to the discourse of these little creatures; but as they, in their national vivacity, spoke three or four together, I could make but little of their conversation.


  • 安然倒闭之后颁布班斯-奥克斯利法案增加了各种规模的公司管制可是有些压力的公司尚忍受公司就力不从了。

    The Sarbanes-Oxley act, introduced after Enron collapsed in disgrace, increased the regulatory burden on companies of all sizes, but what could be borne by the big could cripple the small.


  • 放下陶工还有烧窑一意集中上,她用软陶制作了小项链,工艺品

    She gave away her potter's wheel and kiln and began concentrating on the clay, with which she makes everything from necklaces to large works of art.


  • 50克重可爱的小巧的,毛茸茸的花鼠,还有一个讨人喜欢尾巴,捧着一个婴儿奶瓶喝水这个想法恐怕足够温暖一个冰冷的

    The idea of a 50 gram cute, tiny and fluffy chipmunk with its adorable curly tail drinking from a baby bottle is enough to warm even the coldest hearts.


  • 我们都入座后,看到桌子上摆菜单,桌面用粉红色的布盖着,盘碟放在鲜红色餐巾布上,这下我糗了。

    As we settled into our pink and red doily-covered table and looked over the heart-shaped menus, I was ready to die.


  • 梅根重新建立自信的一因素,同时责任踏实也让

    Megan was a big part of boosting my confidence. And at the same time, I was somebody responsible and grounded for her to be around.


  • 整个国家团结一共同克服灾难

    It was the love for the entire nation to stand together to overcome the disaster.


  • 唱片《帕伯军士俱乐部》封套一张合成照片,画面上一堆人簇拥墓地周围。

    The cover on a new LP album called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is a photomontage of a crowd gathered round a grave.


  • 希拉里达芙总是上头条可不因为街拍左手钻戒,还有颗博爱

    Hilary Duff makes headlines these days not by mugging for mugshots like many of her peers, but by being a philanthropic soul.


  • 巨人因为有一马一般

    He was giant because of the size of his heart - it was as big as a horse.


  • 1:46,马利亚:,“我的救主为乐。”

    Look at 1:46, Mary said: "my soul magnifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."


  • 颗目前世界排名第10白色钻石将被切割钻石和数颗钻石出售

    The 10th largest white diamond ever to be found, it will be cut into a large heart-shaped diamond and several smaller stones which will then be sold.


  • 相当许多现在古董店里看到的桃木家具。

    It was quite a big shop, with all the beautiful mahogany fitments that I now see in the antique shops.


  • 民族进行交流时刻,全世界也会关注倾听

    The entire world will pay close attention and listen carefully when the two nations communicate with each other from the bottom of their hearts.


  • 两个水晶烛台组成,合起来像树枝状烛台,中间合成,代表着温暖幸福

    Connect looks like a candelabra, but is actually two crystal candlesticks designed to embrace and, when they do, form a heart as one. The very glass seems to effervesce with warmth and happiness.


  • 两个水晶烛台组成,合起来像树枝状烛台,中间合成,代表着温暖幸福

    Connect looks like a candelabra, but is actually two crystal candlesticks designed to embrace and, when they do, form a heart as one. The very glass seems to effervesce with warmth and happiness.


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