• 不会等到河水溢出波马克意识到全球变暖一个问题

    You don't want to see the water rising on the Potomac before deciding global warming is a problem.


  • 马克列车沿西弗吉尼亚州罗姆波托马克支线通过

    The Potomac Eagle train, passing Eagle Rock along the south branch of the Potomac River near Romney, W. Va.


  • 抗菌效果最早于1932年德国细菌学病理学家多马克发现此后即成为首批用于系统地防治人类细菌感染化学药物。

    Their effectiveness against bacteria was discovered in 1932 by Gerhard Domagk, and they became the first chemical substances systematically used against human bacterial infections.


  • 意大利一个鲁思科尼集团提到国外的例子时,马克韦尔会出现脑海中

    One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.


  • 意大利B集团就是一个例子同时还有国外马克斯韦尔

    One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.


  • 最后伯恩斯坦研究院的分析师马克·沃伯顿所说,通用价格方面所承受花费方面的一样

    Finally, as Max Warburton, an analyst with Bernstein Research, notes, GM has suffered as much from a price problem as from a cost problem.


  • 英国广播公司总经理马克·汤普森专程赶往纽约提醒美国一个掌控如此媒体他们国家允许的。

    Mark Thompson, the BBC's director general, used a trip to New York to remind Americans that such a concentration of media ownership would not be allowed in their country.


  • 马克·勒是一位非洲工作了记者。他将会探讨为什么一定要非洲援助以及为什么以前给予非洲的大部分援助都没有起到作用

    Mark Doyle, who's reported from Africa for many years, looks at why aid is necessary, and why much of what's been donated in the past has not worked.


  • 美国肉类协会肉制品加工商的主要代言人协会马克普认为,与过去相比,该行业只是效率提高了而已。

    Mark Dopp of the American meat Institute, the main lobbyist for meatpackers, says that the industry has simply evolved to be more efficient.


  • 马克2010年夏天波尔转会阿森纳之后展现了惊人的能量。仅仅只是一个开始,现在也很享受酋长球场生活

    Chamakh enjoyed an impressive start to his Arsenal career following his move from Bordeaux in summer 2010 and the striker is enjoying life at Emirates Stadium.


  • 萨尔琳·希伯伦马克·麦道人缘,他穿着讲究、待人友善。

    Doreen Hebron said Madoff was "very popular," dressed well and had a good attitude.


  • 马克城市攻读博士学位,父母频频向施压,让尔瓦拉夫的家父亲汤姆料理农场。

    Now Mark is struggling to finish a PhD in the city, but he endures continual pressure from his parents to be back in Dorvaragh helping his father, Tom, on the farm.


  • 大约来了牧师包括全国知名查尔斯·斯文·德尔、阿德里安·罗杰斯马克·鲁卡

    About ten ministers came, including nationally known figures like Charles Swindoll, Adrian Rogers, and Max Lucado.


  • 德国人认为缺少货币,所以必须尽可能马克

    The Germans believed that there was a shortage of marks and it was therefore necessary to print as many marks as possible.


  • 电影中的马克总是不断地贬低个人(特别是爱德华),但是女性的贬低却有着不同的,居高临下的意味。

    Mark is constantly undermining everyone in the film (especially Eduardo), but his putdowns of women have a different, condescending edge.


  • 马克·弗洛斯·尔福移名当地居民像他这样人都是“保卫邱明格林村”联盟的成员

    Many, like Max Frohnsdorff, a local resident, are members of the "Save Chilmington Green" campaign.


  • 福岛第一核电站使用反应堆通用电气设计制造,称之为马克沸水反应堆。 该反应堆长期以来认为安全壳系统薄弱。

    The type of reactors used at the Fukushima plant — made by the General Electric Company, they are known as Mark 1 boiling-water reactors — have long been known to have weak containment systems.


  • 非常吃惊有这么已经下载了皇室婚礼应用程序,”My VoucherCodes网站的董事长马克·皮尔

    "I am quite surprised at the number of people that have downloaded Royal Wedding apps," said Mark Pearson, chairman of My Voucher Codes.


  • 马克·伯格在哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍推出了FacebookTwitter杰克·西谷歌(Google)的拉里·佩奇以及谢尔盖·布林都是20岁时就创立了自己公司

    Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room; Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's (GOOG) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded their respective companies in their twenties.


  • 欧洲百万大乐”彩票欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部默里附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫罗瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元

    The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115, 436, 126 euros.


  • 如果马克认为定价只是用来掩盖相关关系的不用重要现象为什么会转型问题投入如此精力时间呢?

    If Marx considered pricing an unimportant phenomena which only served to obscure the relevant relationships, when why did he devote so much effort and space to the transformation problem?


  • 它的主人马克·约克萝西·约克夫妇在接受每日电讯报》采访时认为澳大利亚最大但是没有得到官方认证

    His owners, Mark and Dorothy York, believe's he's the biggest dog in Australia, but have not been able to get any official recognition, they told the Daily Telegraph.


  • 它的主人马克·约克萝西·约克夫妇在接受每日电讯报》采访时认为澳大利亚最大但是没有得到官方认证

    His owners, Mark and Dorothy York, believe's he's the biggest dog in Australia, but have not been able to get any official recognition, they told the Daily Telegraph.


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