• 那个穿着体面地男人就是卡尔顿·阿姆斯特朗博士,一个专攻神经外科医生。

    That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neuro-surgery.


  • 外科方法强化静脉扭曲使适宜的血液流向大脑理念令世人称道

    The idea that surgically straightening occluded veins to have proper blood flow out of ones brain is more than astounding it is normal.


  • 以及咽喉外科医生都推荐他们接受鼻窦手术病人或者其他方法清洗鼻腔,用以清除鼻道里面的皮痂。

    Ear, nose, and throat surgeons recommend nasal irrigation with a Neti pot or other method for their patients who've undergone sinus surgery, to clear away crusting in the nasal passages.


  • StephenGrobmyer博士,佛罗里达大学肿瘤外科副教授也是2011研究报告的合著者,几年就毅然亲自找寻答案。

    But several years ago, Stephen Grobmyer, M.D., an associate professor of surgical oncology at the University of Florida and coauthor of the 2011 study, took it upon himself to find out.


  • 知道这位外科医生的下他死无疑

    He knew that under the surgeon's knife he would surely die.


  • 明白外科医生救我的命。

    I knew that I owed the surgeon my life.


  • 活组织切除通常一个较小外科手术。

    A biopsy is usually a minor surgical procedure.


  • 我们必须手术刀的外科医生一样不受个人感情影响。

    We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife.


  • 外科医生成功地一个四岁的男孩移植肝脏

    Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy.


  • 外科小组名成员此事泄露同行医生后者转而又将此透露给了一位记者

    One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter.


  • 动脉再次栓塞,需要再做一次同样的外科手术。

    His arteries were blocked up again, requiring him to undergo repeat surgery.


  • 医院甚至缺乏外科手术基本必需的药品

    Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.


  • 他们不得不忍着一段关于外科手术的血腥视频

    They had to sit through a gory video on surgical procedures.


  • 透明人们解释你需要做什么,因为没有完全理解作为外科医生的想法

    You gonna be transparent and explain to people what you need to do, because no one can understand completely what you are, as the surgeon, thinking.


  • 再生外科医学一个重大飞跃

    It is a pretty major leap for regenerative surgery and medicine.


  • 第一种是定时任务要求记忆一张单子,然后进行一个简短的测试,让受试者经受一段关于外科手术的血腥视频。

    In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects through a gory video on surgical procedures.


  • 设想在某海外作战受伤士兵安置配备电脑移动外科病房

    He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.


  • 令人震惊地这种毫无作用危险外科手术直到20世纪30年代结束

    Shockingly, this useless and dangerous surgery did not end until the 1930s.


  • 尸体教授医学院学生外科手术技术解剖的。

    Cadavers are used to teach med students surgical skills and anatomy.


  • 帐篷里外科医生手电筒的光亮进行手术。

    Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.


  • 外科医生虹吸管吸出液体

    Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.


  • 外科医生们在手术前开始肥皂清洗他们手臂

    Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating.


  • 项研究着眼于18外科医生业绩

    That study looked at the performance of 18 surgeons.


  • 精细的外科手术花了五个小时

    The delicate surgical operation took five hours.


  • 有些文化里外科手术被禁止的

    In some cultures surgery is proscribed.


  • 号称这个国家最好心脏外科医生

    He is reputed to be the best heart surgeon in the country.


  • 外科医生导管插入靠近大脑底部附近血管动脉

    The surgeon placed catheters through the veins and arteries near the base of the head.


  • 另外兼任船上外科医生以及船员们牧师

    Among his other duties, he acted both as the ship's surgeon and as chaplain for the men.


  • 最后外科医生两侧的髋骨两边的肩骨都换了

    Eventually, surgeons replaced both hips and both shoulders.


  • 最后外科医生两侧的髋骨两边的肩骨都换了

    Eventually, surgeons replaced both hips and both shoulders.


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