• 现在哥哥工程师巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯儿童中心儿科神经外科主任。

    Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore.


  • 婴儿大脑神经失衡导致癫痫发作促使外科医生切除扩大大脑半球——这种治疗类似病例中证明成功的。

    The neuronal imbalance in the brain of the infant caused seizures, prompting surgeons to remove the enlarged hemisphere—a treatment that has proven successful in similar cases.


  • 如果症状依然明显的话,就要采取外科手术缓解病情了:切开一个小口并打开肘管以便神经获得更多的喘息空间

    If they're still symptomatic, then there is a surgical procedure to alleviate the problem: Make a slit and open the tunnel so the nerve has more breathing space.


  • 我们代表许多美国大型公司他们提供产品用于治疗脑瘤头部创伤动脉瘤癫痫以及功能性神经外科方面的疾病。

    We represent the largest company in the United States in providing products used for brain tumors, head trauma, aneurysm, epilepsy, and to some extent functional neurosurgery.


  • 后来因为失败神经外科手术,最后禁锢那个世界里——可能是死亡亦可称做永生因为潜意识的世界里,时间存在的。

    Because of some botched neurosurgery, he'll soon be confined there — a kind of death, but also a kind of immortality, since in the unconscious there is no time.


  • 第一不仅仅副漂亮脸蛋,古普塔是一位合格神经外科医生,在亚特兰大大学展现手艺占有一席之位。

    First of all, he is not merely a pretty face. He is a qualified neurosurgeon who practises his craft and holds a post at Atlanta’s Emory University.


  • 另一神经外科医生约翰·弗雷博士认为,虽然目前姐妹的情况很好还不能确保她们脑部没有受到损伤

    The doctors' sense was that the girls fared well, but it remained to be determined whether they suffered any brain damage, said Dr. John Frazee, another neurosurgeon.


  • 神经外科医师常规医疗培训要从事8实习工作;战斗机飞行要经历几千小时飞行外加几千小时的地面训练

    Neurosurgeons put in 8 years of interning after their standard medical training; fighter pilots put in thousands of flight hours, plus thousands more hours of ground training.


  • 现在旧金山加州大学神经外科医生,安德鲁·帕尔萨,制定治疗方法增加病人生命数年

    Now Andrew Parsa, a neurosurgeon at the University of California at San Francisco, has developed a treatment that could add years to patients' lives.


  • 整整三个星期儿科医生神经外科医生都集女儿的头部进行检查,并通过CT扫描查看是否颅内出血

    For three weeks, pediatricians and neurosurgeons focused on her head, taking CT scans to see whether she had bleeding there.


  • 神经外科界,我们遥遥领先,而且我们团队非常上进。

    We had a market-leading business in neurosurgery and we had a very ambitious group of people.


  • 如果期望中成功的演讲、选美冠军公司总裁神经外科医生等目标未曾实现人们就会大失所望自己的世界中个小齿轮,是不够的。

    When life doesn't deliver on their hopes, whether they be making class valedictorian, beauty pageant winner, company President, or neurosurgeon, women are set up for major disappointment.


  • 那个穿着体面地男人就是卡尔顿·阿姆斯特朗博士,一个专攻神经外科的医生。

    That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neuro-surgery.


  • 首席作者SusanHarkema大学神经外科学院教授

    The lead author, Susan Harkema, is a professor in the Department of Neurosurgery at the university.


  • 神经外科医生伊丽莎白·泰勒·卡巴拉医生就这个部位开刀,然后把芯片这一英寸开口中放入,贴在左侧Hemmes的头骨上。

    That's where neurosurgeon Elizabeth Tyler-Kabara cut, attaching the chip through an inch-wide opening on the left side of Mr. Hemmes' skull.


  • 洛杉矶加州大学神经外科医生伊查克·弗莱德其发表在《自然》杂志论文中,就介绍过这么例子弗莱德当时正在研究一名16岁癫痫少女的大脑,寻找刺激其癫痫发作发作根源,结果却发现了一个奇怪的现象:只要他给病人的左前叶(说到底就是一个不足1平方英寸的区域)施加电流,那个女孩就会笑出声来。

    Take the case of a 16-year-old girl described four years ago in Nature by neurosurgeon Itzhak Fried of the University of California at Los Angeles.


  • 为了有效治疗他们癫痫病人们必须等到他们癫痫发作,然后神经外科医生就找到大脑中他们需要治疗准确区域

    To treat their epilepsy effectively patients must then wait until they have a seizure so that neurosurgeons can locate the exact area of the brain that they need to treat.


  • 第一女孩需要坎大哈神经外科手术医治大脑损伤三个星期她们出院了。

    The first girl needed neurosurgery in Kandahar to survive her brain injury, and just three weeks later they were both discharged from hospital.


  • 神经瘤的治疗包括定期检查放射疗法外科手术切除

    Treatment options for acoustic neuroma include regular monitoring, radiation and surgical removal.


  • 一个小时过后医生过来他们说刚刚请教默里大学神经外科专家,卡梅隆问题很严重,与之比较,脑震荡根本不算问题。

    After an hour, the doctor returned to say he’d consulted with neurosurgeons at Emory University Hospital. A concussion, it seemed, was the least of Cameron’s problems.


  • 几个医生试验新的治疗包括罗伯·特莱维博士,他是西北纪念医院的一神经外科医生参与电流破坏那些刺激脸部的神经

    A new treatment being tried out by a few doctors, including Dr. Robert Levy, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, involves zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face.


  • 外科手术需要熟练的主刀但是现在即使神经外科医生也开始机器人求助

    BRAIN surgery calls for the most accomplished hands, but even neurosurgeons are now turning to robots for help.


  • 科:“神经外科医生介绍的眼部神经正常时,我以为情况原本可能会更糟。”

    LEIGH VINOCUR: "And then when the neurosurgeon described that it appeared the nerves to her eye were OK, I just think it could have been worse."


  • 喉咙痛,背痛头痛支气管炎需要单独去耳鼻喉科整形外科神经和肺内科治疗,除非内科没有使症状好转

    Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.


  • 喉咙痛,背痛头痛支气管炎需要单独去耳鼻喉科整形外科神经和肺内科治疗,除非内科没有使症状好转

    Sore throats, backaches, headaches and bronchitis do not need to be treated by a separate ENT, orthopedist, neurologist and pulmonologist, unless the internist fails to make the symptoms better.


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