• 有个小弟弟也不是什么坏事,”露西对塞纳托尔说,“只要你让他知道谁是老大!”

    "Having a little brother isn't so bad," Lucy told Senator, "if you show him who's b-o-s-s!"


  • 到他网里的都是鱼!”露西低头看着摇着尾巴的塞纳托尔。

    "All's fish that comes to his net!" Lucy looked down at Senator who was wagging his tail.


  • 查后,露西很生气:“胃疼得厉害!塞纳托尔怎么会这么快就重了两磅?”

    After the examination, Lucy was angry, "A terrible stomachache! How could Senator have such a rapid two pounds in weight?"


  • 没关系。我会教你如何拼写,为明年的拼字比赛训练自己。”露西把红色皮带递给斯科特,让他去遛塞纳托尔。

    "It's OK. I'll teach you how to spell to train myself for next year's spelling bee." Lucy handed Scott the red leash to walk Senator.


  • 途,露西打电话回来说她在第二轮中失败了,并问:“塞纳托尔怎么样?”

    Halfway Lucy called back to tell her failure in the second round and asked, "How's Senator doing?"


  • 这份计划一位陆军心理战部门服役的吐尔逊·西塞克上校签署,它要求潜伏于AK党内特务用语言和行动在该党内部挑拨离间。

    Signed by Dursun Cicek, a colonel serving in the army's psychological warfare unit, the plan calls for “mobilising agentswithin AK to discredit the party through their actions and words.


  • 西塞尔:“认为名飞行员最后两拉高飞机,因为看到了看台,他的这一举动可能拯救了200至300人的生命。”

    "I think that pilot in the last seconds pulled up because he saw the bleachers and saved about 200 or 300 others," Cissell said.


  • 本。西塞尔飞机就在离着的100码的地方坠毁

    Ben Cissell said the plane crashed about 100 feet from where he was seated.


  • 职务暂时塞尔·西奥·埃尔默地接替后者意大利联合信贷银行总裁,他离开该行加盟瑞银的时间不到

    He will be temporarily replaced by Sergio Ermotti, who has been with the bank for less than a year after joining from Italy's UniCredit, where he was deputy chief executive.


  • 但是,是不是塞西·尔斯家族天生谨慎小心使得先生(一个王朝的专家)没有象卡罗尔先生那么激情(热情)地叙述这段历史

    But has the Cecils' innate sense of caution led Mr Loades, an expert on Tudor England, to give a rather less passionate account of history than Mr Carroll?


  • 西上校极力辩称自己清白要求负责处理艾尔戈奈孔事件检察官作证

    Colonel Cicek, who protests his innocence, has been called to testify before prosecutors dealing with the Ergenekon case.


  • 由于2002年世界杯出色表现,伯明翰阿利乌·西买了下来这位塞内加尔中场球员安德鲁斯球场仅亮相了赛季状态就彻底下滑了。

    Birmingham bought Aliou cisse in the wake of the 2002 World Cup, but the Senegal midfield player's form dipped after his first season at st Andrew's.


  • 这次众多的名流夫妻,有帕丁森哈利·波特中合作过的演员——汤姆·菲尔女朋友贾德欧力维亚还有网球明星塞·德斯基和他妻子西

    Among the celebrity couples in attendance were Pattinson's Harry Potter co-star Tom Felton with his girlfriend Jade Olivia and tennis star Greg Rusedski and wife Lucy.


  • 得到学位不是莉帕·福塞特,也不是艾尔西·法尔,前者1890年数学考试获得了任何学生要高成绩的,后者则是在1920英语测试中荣获第一名的。

    Neither Philippa Fawcett, who in 1890 scored higher than any man in the mathematics tripos, nor Elsie Phare, who gained a starred first in English in the 1920s, gained degrees.


  • ·塞西莉亚(Saint Cecilia)多我修女会(The Dominican Sisters)是一个教职类修道会,位于田纳西纳什维尔市的一家修道院内。

    The Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia are mainly a teaching order. They are based at a convent in Nashville, Tennessee.


  • 39岁的德国人杰西•塞非尔特应聘欧盟的文字校对员职。 她说:“得是个考试选手,仅胜任工作还不够。”

    "You have to be the type for exams, you can't just be good for the job," said Jasmine Seiffert, a 39-year-old German who tried to get a job as an EU proof-reader.


  • 目睹林肯被刺最后一个幸存者----塞谬尔·西摩于1956年去世

    The last surviving witness to Lincoln's assassination---- Samuel Seymour ----died in 1956.


  • 同盟董事会审阅西并购资产,帕塞尔·阿金特亲自提拔他将军

    When his acquisitions portfolio was reviewed by the Alliance Directorate, Dassyne was granted the rank of general by Passel Argente himself.


  • 西塞文河怀河,两条河流都流入布里斯托尔海峡西和里本河一样,比较适合航行

    In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble.


  • 最近文章中,詹姆斯吴尔西幻想出约翰·缪尔(塞拉俱乐部创立者)乔治·巴顿将军之间一场对话

    In a recent paper, James Woolsey imagined a dialogue between John Muir, the founder of the Sierra Club, and General George Patton on climate change.


  • 方舟的建筑结构模仿了可以低昂海平面上升泰晤士河西河口上的作为默恩塞尔海洋堡垒堡垒位于英国海岸线上。

    Its structure was inspired from buildings that have withstood the rising of the sea like the Maunsell sea Forts in the Thames and Mersey estuaries located off the coast of the United Kingdom.


  • 如果说出毛虫西塞尔命运你约会。

    If you can tell me the fate of Cecil the caterpillar, I will go out with you.


  • 格鲁吉亚人的搭档雅普·斯塔姆,达里奥·西米奇塞尔·吉尼奥职边卫。

    The Georgian was partnered by Jaap Stam while Dario Simic and Serginho occupied the full-back positions.


  • 西塞尔1969年出生卑尔根,是挪威西海岸通往海湾的门户地,西塞尔能产生沉思冥想的地方

    Sissel Kyrkjebo was born in 1969 in Bergen, gateway to the fjords on Norway's west coast. It's a place where she has always found her Muse.


  • 格里·塞尔·布兰德与大天使阿瓦西几乎在同一时间消失,使人类基尔斯达不确定他们主人不在

    Griselbrand disappeared around the same time that Avacyn did, leaving the humans of the Skirsdag to further his ends in their Lord's absence.


  • 格里·塞尔·布兰德与大天使阿瓦西几乎在同一时间消失,使人类基尔斯达不确定他们主人不在

    Griselbrand disappeared around the same time that Avacyn did, leaving the humans of the Skirsdag to further his ends in their Lord's absence.


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