• 的作品有生之年就拥有广泛读者

    Say's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime.


  • 新泽西东北部行政区帕特森跨过人口30,548。

    A borough of northeast New Jersey across the Passaic River from Paterson. Population, 30,548.


  • 阿喀琉斯发誓保障他的安全后,他宣布说,必须克律塞伊斯送回到父亲身边

    Achilles did so and Calchas declared Chryseis must be returned to her father.


  • 美国新泽西州东北部城镇位于纽瓦克附近的帕塞伊河边' 80年荷兰在此定居人口34,23。

    A town of northeast New Jersey on the Passaic River near Newark. It was settled by the Dutch c. '80. Population, 34, 23.


  • 阿伽门农同意了但是转而憎恨阿喀琉斯要求带走阿喀琉斯的战利品布里·赛替代克律塞伊斯。

    Agamemnon agreed, but then he turned to hate Achilles and asked that Achilles' battle prize Briseis should be brought to replace Chryseis.


  • 塞伊·基特曼埃莉诺·毕晓普,让30幼儿园小朋友和30名教师猜测一个罐子里东西哪些糖果,哪些又是药片

    Casey Gittelman and Eleanor Bishop asked 30 kindergarteners and 30 teachers to guess which items in a cabinet were candies, and which were medicine.


  • 最近30年里只有两个作为首席得分手球队赢得冠军——“魔术师约翰逊所在湖人·托马斯所在的队。

    In the last 30 seasons only two teams won a championship with their point guards as their leading scorers - the Lakers with Magic Johnson and the Pistons with Isaiah Thomas.


  • 唯一女儿尤金妮亚继承比沙另外还有维利亚600英亩的土地。

    Her only daughter, Eugenia, inherits an estate in Ibiza and a further 600 acres near Seville.


  • 试图证明这座神庙当时神圣的地方之一,是祭祀里斯神西斯女神而建而且围墙下面应该坑道。

    She hoped to demonstrate that the temple was among the most sacred of its day, that it was dedicated to the worship of Osiris and Isis, and that tunnels had been dug underneath the enclosure walls.


  • 齐盘所收集数据卫星收集到的数据大致同样准确的,虽然卫星的范围更大。

    Data gathered with a Secchi disk are roughly as accurate as observations collected by satellites, Boyce said, although satellites have greater global reach.


  • 1984年,英国文学评论家恩·汉密尔顿接洽林格打算传记

    In 1984, the British literary critic Ian Hamilton approached Mr. Salinger with the notion of writing his biography.


  • 米哈洛夫炮台炮兵基地建立瓦斯托波尔北部

    The Mikhaylovka casemate artillery unit was built in the north of Sevastopol Bay.


  • 随着弗兰妮出版甚至坚定的林格崇拜者开始出现怀疑。

    With the publication of "Franny and Zooey," even staunch Salinger admirers began to break ranks.


  • 尔维亚来讲,许多认为可以放弃伯河南部的科索沃地区。

    For their part, many Serbs believe that their country could give up its claim on Kosovo south of the Ibar.


  • 导演兼编剧布尔·斯蒂尔斯曾强调说,《》与其说林格致敬,不如说是一部自传

    Screenwriter and director Burr Steers maintains Igby is more of an autobiography than a nod to Salinger.


  • 这个赛季回来了扎克兰多逐渐成长,马克加索尔一个很好的帮手还有迈克康利提升队伍实力,谁又知道约什尔比会有怎么样的表现。

    This season, Gay is back, Zach Randolph is now a star, Marc Gasol could be back, Mike Conley will improve and who knows how good Josh Selby could be.


  • 当然,名出色的前锋佩德罗大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南德斯涅斯塔尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 投票表明人民党领先于何·路易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗领导的即将离职的社会党15个百分点,拉努力获取绝对多数议席

    With polls giving the PP a 15-point lead over jose Luis rodriguez Zapatero's outgoing Socialists, Mr Rajoy is heading for an absolute parliamentary majority.


  • 使用单一材料达到两种功能汽车制造商来说拥有广阔的潜力,这么的佩尔·瓦尔·勒·格伦是沃尔沃哥德堡的材料实验室名高级工程师

    Using a single material for two functions has great potential for carmakers, says Per-Ivar Sellergren, a senior engineer at Volvo's material Laboratory in Gothenburg.


  • 巴斯蒂安•若泽•德•卡尔瓦•麦罗(就是人们历史中所熟知巴尔侯爵),葡萄牙伟大的变革者之一,负责重建工作。

    The man in charge of reconstruction, Sebastião José Carvalho e Melo (better known to history as the Marquis of Pombal), was one of Portugal's great modernisers.


  • 弗特自然》中撰文解释说,这个叫做afradapis化石有联系,两者都出现进化狐猴懒猴的进化路径上。

    Writing in Nature, Seiffert explains that while the new fossil, named Afradapis, is related to Ida, both emerged along the evolutionary path that led to lemurs and lorises.


  • 十月份首都布鲁克·勒,警方的统计每天平均有高达26车辆盗窃事件13起扒手事件和9起抢劫事件。

    The daily average tallied 26 thefts from vehicles, 13 pickpocket incidents and nine violent thefts in October in the zone of Brussels-Capital and Ixelles, according to the statistics from police.


  • 芙琳·隆德(EvelynLund),52岁丈夫一起法国西南部一个名为瑞克(Rayssac)偏僻小村庄里。 1999年12月29日从小村的家中消失

    Evelyn Lund, 52, went missing from the farmhouse she shared with her husband in the remote village of Rayssac, south-west France, on 29 December 1999.


  • 支持化石正式名称尔·达尔文猴(Darwiniusmasillae)——研究学者马上站出来捍卫自己解释建立遗骸进行了细致测量的基础之上的。

    Researchers behind the Ida fossil, known formally as Darwinius masillae, immediately defended their own interpretation, which is based on two years of meticulous measurements of the remains.


  • 由于梅西身后拥有着哈维、安德烈斯·涅斯塔斯克·法布雷加斯这样批世界级中场天才的支援,梅西每周都可以不费吹灰之力的得到大量机会

    Messi gets many opportunities laid on a platter for him weekly by world-class midfielders Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Cesc Fabregas.


  • 芝加哥WGN(注:全称为World ' s GreastestNewspaper,即“世界伟大报纸”)新闻两位早间主播罗宾·鲍姆·加滕拉里-波塔什就利诺内卡即将的消息播报分钟

    Morning hosts Robin Baumgarten and Larry Potash from WGN (World's Greatest Newspaper) news spoke for three minutes about the impending explosion of the Seneca bridge over the IIllinois River.


  • 交换书籍

    Eby exchanged books with Facer.


  • 《奥德赛》中,国王奥德斯通显示熟练标枪投掷能力腓尼基的阿尔基努斯国王证明了他的王室地位

    In the Odyssey, king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes by showing his proficiency in throwing the javelin.


  • 《奥德赛》中,国王奥德斯通显示熟练标枪投掷能力腓尼基的阿尔基努斯国王证明了他的王室地位

    In the Odyssey, king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes by showing his proficiency in throwing the javelin.


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