• 爬行动物身上同样存在基板,胚胎阶段时,它们会触发基板后延皮肤细胞基因进行增殖,并最终形成鳞片

    Reptiles have placodes too. But in a reptile embryo each placode switches on genes that cause only the skin cells on the back edge of the placode to grow, eventually forming scales.


  • 例如后代身上出现的一种称为过氧化物酶体增殖物激活型受体 (Ppara)的基因调节胆固醇肝脏进行转换起着至关重要的作用

    One gene that changed in offspring, for exampleknown as Ppara — is essential in cholesterol management and the liver's role in converting lipids.


  • 很多基因合成增殖有所担心。

    But there are those that worry about the proliferation of gene synthesis.


  • 模因一经增殖,物种的个体受益最近的、成功的同类行为的仿效,并且会把有助于这种仿效的基因遗传下去。

    Once memes were proliferating, individuals benefited from copying the latest and most successful ones, and then passed on any genes that helped them do so.


  • 饮食限制看来引起一项早已被植入所有生物基因古老本能:食物缺乏的时候,养分会优先供给组织维护,而非细胞增殖

    Dietary restriction seems to set off an ancient strategy written into all animal genomes, that when food is scarce resources should be switched to tissue maintenance from breeding.


  • 结论:我们研究显示剂量西妥单抗可以明显影响肿瘤增殖炎症基因表达

    Conclusion Our study showed that a single dose of cetuximab has a significant impact on the expression of genes involved in tumor proliferation and inflammation.


  • 增殖相关的不同类型基因高度表达导致免疫系统预后影响作用假设

    Distinct patterns led to the hypothesis of a prognostic role of the immune system in tumors with high expression of proliferation-associated genes.


  • 对该基因表达抑制引起成肌细胞的过度增殖肌纤维肥大从而引起骨骼肌增生

    The inhibition of Myostatin expression can accelerate the myoblast proliferation and myofibril hypertrophy, which results in the skeletal muscle hyperplasia.


  • 差异表达基因的功能涉及细胞生长增殖调控凋亡、细胞周期、应激反应转运代谢酶等方面。

    The expressions of the various genes modulated cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle, stress response, transporters, chaperones, transcription regulation and drug metabolism.


  • 近年来研究发现,许多基因抑癌基因相关产物细胞生长增殖分化信号转导途径的成员

    It is known that many related products of oncogenes and anti - oncogenes take part in the signal transduction of grow, proliferation and differentiation of cells.


  • 结论:染料木黄酮不是通过促进雌激素受体基因蛋白表达促进成骨细胞增殖

    CONCLUTION Genistein promotes the proliferation of osteoblast not through promoting the expression of estrogen receptor gene and protein.


  • 结论:利用RNA干扰PPO基因反面证实PPO增殖磷酸化有关,并且细胞水平活体水平,均证实能够抑制卵巢癌细胞的生长。

    Conclusion: it is identified that the PPO gene relates to proliferation and phosphorylation from reverse and the ovarian cancer cells can be suppressed by RNA interference from in vitro to in vivo.


  • 这些基因分别细胞增殖基因转录凋亡信号转导DNA损伤修复肿瘤分化浸润转移及细胞周期调节相关。

    These genes were involved in cell proliferation, gene transcription, apoptosis, signal transduction, DNA damage and repair, tumor differentiation and metastasis, cell cycle, and so on.


  • 目的研究p 16基因改变胶质瘤恶性程度分级肿瘤细胞增殖活性之间关系

    Objective To study the relationship between P16 gene modification and the malignant grades of brain glioma and the proliferation activity of tumor cells.


  • BCR -ABL融合基因表达出的酪氨酸激酶引起细胞增殖黏附生存性质改变,导致多种肿瘤的产生。

    The tyrosine kinases expressed by BCR-ABL fusion gene can cause cell proliferation, adhesion and survival natural change, several kinds of tumors can be caused by it.


  • 目的探讨胶质瘤细胞ING1基因表达水平及其与肿瘤细胞增殖活性凋亡程度的关系。

    Objective to investigate the expression level of ING1 gene and their effects on cell proliferation activity and apoptosis degree in human gliomas.


  • 目的探讨E1A基因癌细胞增殖抑制作用细胞周期关系及作用机制。

    Objective To investigate the effects of E1A gene on the proliferation rate and the cell cycle of human lung adenoma cell line.


  • 细胞外调素可能作为多肽第一信使调节细胞增殖花粉萌发、特定基因表达生理过程

    As a possible peptide primary messenger, extracellular calmodulin (CaM) may regulate processes such as cell proliferation, pollen germination and expression of some genes.


  • 研究了环六亚甲基双乙酰成骨肉瘤MG-63细胞增殖相关基因表达影响

    In this paper, we studied the effects of HMBA on the proliferation and expression of genes in human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells.


  • 我们研究显示剂量西妥单抗可以明显影响肿瘤增殖炎症基因表达

    Our study showed that a single dose of cetuximab has a significant impact on the expression of genes involved in tumor proliferation and inflammation.


  • 目的探讨TPO(血小板生成素)基因导入t细胞增殖分化影响规律

    To elucidate the regular effect pattern of thrombopoietin (TPO) on the differentiation and proliferation of t lymphocytes via gene transference.


  • 内膜增殖基因治疗预防狭窄开创了一个崭新的途径。

    Gene therapy of intimal proliferation is a most promising new tactic for preventing restenosis following percutaneous coronary intervention.


  • 目的研究P 16基因改变胶质瘤恶性程度分级肿瘤细胞增殖活性之间关系

    Objective To study the relationship between P16 gene modification and the malignant grades of brain glioma and the proliferative activity of tumor cells.


  • 目的探讨反义增殖细胞核抗原(pcna)基因膀胱癌细胞增殖活性影响

    Objective To explore the effects of antisense proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) gene on proliferation activities of bladder cancer cells.


  • 功效原理:补充EGF后,直接促进皮肤生长基因表达加快皮肤细胞分化增殖速度。

    Function principles: After EGF be supplied, it can directly promote the conveyance of the genes inside skin cell's, accelerate the speeds of cell's division and propagation.


  • 研究表明大肠癌起源于大肠隐窝干细胞基因突变异常增殖导致大肠癌发生。

    It is demonstrated that the cancer cells originated from intestinal crypt stem cells, which are responsible for gene mutation, abnormal tissue proliferation and then cancer formation.


  • 类人猿hiv感染灵长类动物可以免疫系统中合成几种基因编码蛋白减缓阻止逆转录病毒增殖从而保护自己。

    Primates infected with the simian version of HIV are protected from developing AIDS by several genes which code for proteins in the immune system that slow or block retroviral reproduction.


  • 这项研究显示ALK基因突变同样引起神经细胞癌细胞增殖

    In this study, it appears that ALK gene mutations also trigger the production of neuroblastoma cells.


  • 目的研究P53、P 63基因胰腺肿瘤中的表达及其意义;P 63基因表达与P 53、增殖细胞核抗原(pcna)、P 16表达关系及其意义。

    Objective To study the expression of P63 and P53, the relation between the expression of P63, P53 and PCNA, P16 in pancreatic neoplasms.


  • 目的探讨转染表皮细胞生长因子(EGF)基因人表皮细胞移植egf的表达细胞增殖影响

    Objective to investigate the epithelial growth factor (EGF) expression of EGF gene-transfected keratinocytes and its effect on cell proliferation after grafting.


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