• 说:“肯定判决莫斯科城市法院下达的”。

    "The verdict was brought from the Moscow City Court, I know it for sure," she said.


  • 只有莫斯科城市法院听取一项上诉多科夫斯基的判决生效

    Mr Khodorkovsky's verdict will take effect only after an appeal is heard by the Moscow City Court.


  • 再后来他们求助于法庭——从地方法院城市法院最终最高法院

    So they went to court - to district court, to the city court, eventually to the Supreme court.


  • 第比利斯城市法院无罪开释低于1%,监狱人口达到2003年的3

    Tbilisi city court has an acquittal rate of less than 1%. The prison population is three times what it was in 2003.


  • 非法行为最高法院采取一系列干预措施揭示了无计划城市扩张程度

    Illegality. A series of interventions by the Supreme Court has revealed the extent of unplanned urban sprawl.


  • 萨拉·桑托城市委员会多次尝试取缔露宿街头最终2005年法院通过了一项法案。

    Sarasota city council made several attempts to outlaw sleeping rough, finally finding a formula that passed muster with the courts in 2005.


  • 当地环境不相容导致了Matera(巴西利卡地区第二城市)一位检察官该城法院院长调离

    "Incompatibility with local surroundings" has led to transfers for a prosecutor and the court's President in Matera, Basilicata's second city.


  • 例如印度最高法院规定凡是超过十万城市必须提供垃圾清理服务

    For example, India's Supreme Court has ruled that all cities of 100, 000 people or more should provide a waste-collection service.


  • 例如印度最高法院规定凡是超过十万城市必须提供垃圾清理服务

    For example, India's Supreme Court has ruled that all cities of 100,000 people or more should provide a waste-collection service.


  • 根据需要沿海一定港口城市设立海事法院

    Maritime courts shall be established in certain coastal port cities according to need.


  • 中国东部城市济南,他每年大约要去100法院

    Based in the eastern city of Jinan, he says he goes to court about 100 times a year.


  • 意大利东北部城市里雅斯特一家法院驳回了申诉,他因此罚款300欧元(370美元),得支付500欧元的诉讼费用

    The tiff over a parking space led to Giulio C. being fined 300 euros ($370) plus 500 euros legal costs when a court in the northeast city of Trieste turned down his appeal.


  • 本文以杭州市档案馆馆藏民国二十二年到二十四年,地方法院有关婚姻家庭纠纷的民事案例基本材料,具体而动态地考察城市平民妇女离婚权行使情况。

    This article analyzes the case of Hang County which is involved in marriage and family disputes and studies the city com mon women about performing their right of divorce specifically.


  • 法院里度过了漫长一天之后米兰达还要面对另外一个陪审团城市面包坊里莎曼珊正在评论甜点。在那里,我那个面孔女孩子面对面的相遇了。

    After a long day in court, Miranda faced another jury. And at City Bakery, Samantha and I were reviewing the desserts. There I was, face to face with the face girl.


  • 义大利东北部城市维琴察一家法院裁决维琴察市「金色贝克」酒店展出龙虾的行为属于虐待龙虾,因为将龙虾放在冰块中展出会导致龙虾因窒息而缓慢死亡

    A court in then or theastern city of vicenza ruled the display was af or m of abuse dooming the crustaceans to a slow death by suffocation.


  • 此前,这家位于科隆法院曾审理过一起关于机场安检人员着装打扮习惯案子如今相关裁决应用整个城市工作场所。

    Before that, the court in Cologne was ruling on a case involving the dress and grooming habits of airport security personnel. Now its decisions will apply to all workplaces in the city.


  • 40万平方英,10楼高的法院位于包围整个城市街区平台包括现有的,历史悠久联邦法院

    The 400,000 square foot, 10-story courthouse resides in a garden setting on a level terrace encompassing the entire city block including an existing, historic Federal Courthouse.


  • 建筑立面玻璃铝制幕墙组成,城市展现法院动态,同时内部公共办公空间提供了广阔城市景观

    The building's encompassing glass and aluminum facades expose the life of the courthouse to the city while providing expansive views from the public and office Spaces within.


  • 醉汉扬言自己电视遥控器炸掉城市迫使澳洲警方宣布一间豪华高尔夫度假村进入紧急状态当地法院审理时得知

    A drunken man's threat to blow up half a city with his television remote control forced Australian police to declare a state of emergency at a luxury golf resort, a local court heard.


  • 醉汉扬言自己电视遥控器炸掉城市迫使澳洲警方宣布一间豪华高尔夫度假村进入紧急状态当地法院审理时得知

    A drunken man's threat to blow up half a city with his television remote control forced Australian police to declare a state of emergency at a luxury golf resort, a local court heard.


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