• 乌代普尔城市宫殿博物馆出借了不少从未出借过的巨作。

    The City Palace Museum in Udaipur has sent works never loaned before.


  • 戈纳德比发现惊人的一个巨大宫殿建筑群废墟商店房屋地基厚重遗迹以及用于防护城市塔楼

    What was found at Gonur-Depe was amazing: the ruins of a huge palace complex, the foundations of shops and houses, the remains of thick walls and towers that fortified the city.


  • 那个城市正在兴建一些宫殿办公大楼

    Palatial office buildings are being constructed in the city.


  • 冰雪宫殿苏联非常流行(土库曼斯坦属于前苏联),它们大都在地天寒的遥远北方城市

    Ice palaces were popular in the Soviet Union, to which Turkmenistan once belonged, but they were built in the freezing cities of the north, far away.


  • 这座城市郊外乡村宫殿而闻名

    The city is known for the Country Palace Ensemble on its outskirts.


  • 位于印加首都库斯科皇家宫殿落入欧洲征服者手中以后,新的西班牙殖民城市废墟上崛起了,将古印加的历史埋葬得一干二净。

    The royal palaces of Cusco, the Inca capital, fell swiftly to the European conquerors, and a new Spanish colonial city rose on their ruins, burying or obliterating the Inca past.


  • 人群聚集到了城市广场很快宫殿大门打开了老虎女孩走了出来。

    A crowd gathered in the town square, and soon the door of the palace opened, and the tiger and the child came out.


  • 不得不这个忙乱地中海城市依旧如:历史悠久的豪华宫殿全世界最好批萨

    It must also be said that there is much beauty to behold in this bustling Mediterranean city, home to historic palazzi and the world's best pizza.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一年一度的"南瓜"赛正在德国西南部城市路德维希堡如火如荼展开,你能看到王室宫殿遗址,人们划着这些臃肿自制"南瓜舟"在水中博弈。

    The Kürbis Regatta at the annual Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival, in southwest Germany, saw a host of bloated specimens being paddled in front of a former royal palace.


  • 第二直到现在,粘土屈指可数一些主要宫殿发现,包括之前纪录保持者也是在锡尼城市废墟中发现的。

    Second, "until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces" -including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.


  • 这座城市旅游可以参观到雄伟城堡建筑,精美宫殿博物馆动物园以及参观世界上最好几所大学

    A visit to this city will acquaint you with stately castles, exquisite palaces, museums, zoos and some of the best universities of the world.


  • 仪器,潜水员发现了一个盆地这个盆地曾经城市港口,在他们电子设备观察,为它制图时,还发现宫殿庙宇

    Using magnetic wave technology, the divers found the basin of what used to be the city's harbor and electronically surveyed and charted it, finding palaces and temples.


  • 古老港口城市凯撒·利亚,可以穿梭于一千年历史的罗马剧院、赛马场、宫殿浴室仓库的遗址。

    In Caesarea, an ancient port city, you can wander through the remains of a thousand-year-old Roman theater, horse racing tracks, palaces, bath houses and warehouses.


  • 位于市场德累斯顿QF酒店位于附近德国宫殿教堂博物馆城市顶级餐厅

    Located within the Neumarkt district, QF Hotel Dresden is positioned nearby to German palaces, churches, museums, and the city's top dining destinations.


  • 世界上一个有着古老文明城市罗马众多城堡宫殿古色古香建筑物喷泉广场以及修剪得很整齐的公园

    Held as a place where one of the oldest civilizations of the world prospered, Rome is where you'd get to see numerous castles, palaces, archaic edifices, fountains, squares and well-manicured parks.


  • 伦敦塔这座城市古老的宫殿

    London is the city's oldest palace.


  • 演出数小时,就有成群乐迷印度南部城市班加罗尔的“宫殿广场。这次演出乐队40首小调巡回演出的一部分

    Crowds of fans thronged the Palace Grounds in the southern Indian city of Bangalore hours before the show, part of the band's "40 Licks" tour.


  • 城门构造围绕着上述的出口入口,比如山区或一设防的出口通向一宫殿或一有城墙的城市

    The structure surrounding such an opening, such as the monumental or fortified entrance to a palace or walled city.


  • 毗邻首都城市圣诞老人广场”,酒店接近精品店市场皇家宫殿皇家大教堂在马德里,西班牙

    Adjacent to the capital city's "Santa Ana Plaza", the hotel is in close proximity to boutique shops, large markets, and the Royal Palace and Cathedral in Madrid, Spain.


  • 然而“城市建筑风格名册”里根本没有那些装饰繁复的“波斯宫殿”留下任何位置——将来也允许任何这建筑,而这些建筑正是出自Omrani等建造商之手。

    The city's style catalogue has nothing to say about the ornate "Persian palaces" created more recently by builders such as Mr Omrani, and clearly anticipates that no more will be built.


  • 最后城市几个著名网站包括皇家宫殿,皇家剧院皇家歌剧

    Lastly, the city is home to several famous sites, including the Royal Palace, the Royal Theatre, and the Royal Opera.


  • 上城美丽的哥特式城市建筑群之一,有长老宫殿医院骑士

    With the Palace of the Grand Masters, the Great Hospital and the Street of the Knights, the Upper Town is one of the most beautiful urban ensembles of the Gothic period.


  • 父亲宫殿早已成为一片废墟,目所城市村落已成了焦土,还有大量的土地早已荒废,远近更是看不到人烟。

    Her father's castle lay in ruins, the town and the villages were, so far as could be seen, destroyed by fire, the fields far and wide laid to waste, and no human being was visible.


  • 客人可以放松舒展自己的274间客房阿姆斯特丹·巴比宫殿nh集合华丽城市景观意见足够空间

    Guests can unwind and stretch their legs as each of the 274 guestrooms at the NH Collection Amsterdam Barbizon Palace offers plenty of space with gorgeous cityscape views.


  • 近期首尔一个重要城市项目,这个依旧进展中的作品在2008年已覆盖KwangHwaMun,通向首尔宫殿大门

    The most recent "Mountain and Wind" was a major city project in Seoul, a work in progress, in 2008 covering the Kwang Hwa Mun Gate, the main Gate to the main palace of Seoul.


  • 酋长国宫殿酒店一家豪华酒店阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)位于阿布扎比城市

    The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.


  • 酋长国宫殿酒店一家豪华酒店阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)位于阿布扎比城市

    The Emirates Palace is a luxury hotel located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) city of Abu Dhabi.


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