• 博览会开幕5至博览会结束,启动重点城市商业步行街免费门票发放工作,宣传本届博览会;

    From 5 days before the exposition to the end of exposition, distribute free tickets in commercial pedestrian street of key cities to propagandize the exposition;


  • 因此本文从这两个层面出发对于城市商业步行街设计总体原则以及分类细则进行了研究探索

    Hence based on that two stages, this article will make researches and exploration on the principle and classification of street furniture design for urban commercial streets.


  • 同时阐述了营建一个成功城市商业步行街要点城市步行商业商业内容改变混合娱乐内容的重要性

    The paper illustrates some key factors in developing a successful urban commercial street, changes of commercial contents and the importance of adding entertainment to pedestrian street projects.


  • 作为评价公共空间体系成功与否重要标准对于城市商业步行街乃至城市的公共空间具有十分重大的意义。

    It is also of great significance for the urban commercial street even the whole city, as it is an important criterion on which the judgment of public space can be based.


  • 城市商业步行街不仅人们消费购物集中场所,而且是综合观光旅游休闲娱乐、体验交流多种功能于一体的城市特定功能区域

    Urban Commercial Pedestrian Street is particular functional areas of a modern city, having multi functions of shopping, sightseeing, entertainment, experience, exchange, etc.


  • 建设城市商业步行街能够提高整座城市精神文化生活品质,能够延续整座城市历史人文环境,更是提升整座城市品牌形象的主要途径

    The construction of a commercial street is the way to improve the cultural life of the city, pass over the continuation of the history, promote the city's own image.


  • 对于国内近几年城市商业步行街实践中常见一些问题内容,如步行街形态,人车分时通行,商业策划,步行街的设计和形象等,也进行了探讨。

    The last, it is the on the spot research, more over using the theory of pedestrian street vertical space and the re-design method in it to become the combination of theory and the practice.


  • 安东尼奥蜿蜒穿过商业中心;河边步行街,也就是PascodelRio这座城市受欢迎景点

    The river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Pasco del Rio, is the city's most popular attraction.


  • 后记商业步行街城市形象代表,是城市名片

    Postscript: Commercial Pedestrian Street was the symbol of city visualize, just like the business card of a city.


  • 城市公共空间商业步行街外部空间重要组成部分,它游客日常购物休闲娱乐活动场所

    Outside the space of Commercial walking street as an important part of urban public space for people to provide day-to-day shopping, leisure entertainment establishments.


  • 商业步行街当今城市旅游购物休闲一个重要场所

    The commercial tramp street is an important spot for shopping and relaxation in urban nowadays.


  • 商业步行街城市旅游占有重要地位和作用。

    Pedestrian shopping streets play a very important role in city Tours.


  • 城市公共空间商业步行街外部空间重要组成部分,它是游客日常购物、休闲娱乐活动的场所。

    Commercial pedestrian mall, as one of the most important type of business roomage, is also the most significant part of public city activities.


  • 城市商业综合体建筑室内步行街不是简单的交通联系空间更是商业业态空间纽带,发挥越来越重要作用

    City commercial complex interior pedestrian street of the building is no longer room for easy transport links, it is its commercial space Format ties played an increasingly important role.


  • 一些中小城市则将商业步行街作为一种时髦的标志,纷纷效尤,似乎这步行街就是文明象征,就是城市繁荣体现无论成功与否。

    But many suffer and small city, commerce walking street is dandyism symbol, seemly walking street namely civilization symbolize, namely city flourish embodiment, no matter what succeed or defeat.


  • 介绍鞍山道、松商业步行街包头市城市社会经济生活中的作用改造必要性

    Then to introduce the effect and the necessity of the renewal of the An Shan and Song Mei commercial pedestrian street, in the aspects of city, society, economy and life;


  • 房地产业迅猛发展今天,商业步行街作为国内商业地产一种重要形式出现全国的各大小城市

    Nowdays, real estate enters a fast-developing era. As an important form of commercial realty in China, walking-street appears in big and small cities of the whole country.


  • 房地产业迅猛发展今天,商业步行街作为国内商业地产一种重要形式出现全国的各大小城市

    Nowdays, real estate enters a fast-developing era. As an important form of commercial realty in China, walking-street appears in big and small cities of the whole country.


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