• 作为城市公共空间台阶不仅交通连接节点,同时也是城市事件发生和表演舞台观看观看引发器

    As urban public space, the big steps, is not only the connected nod of traffic, but also the urban stage of city events, the initiator of watching and being watched.


  • 虽然可能真的村里朋友,但确实使脱离城市中令人兴奋的重要事件

    While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities.


  • 这个国家城市一直暴乱抢劫事件发生

    In the country's largest cities there has been rioting and looting.


  • 突尼斯埃及事件启发,三月中旬几个城市积极分子纷纷走上街头

    Inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, activists took to the streets in several cities in mid-March.


  • 基本层面上掌握一个关于整个城市状态事件普通视图能够帮助管理人员确定在哪些位置上关注他们的能源资源

    On a more basic level, simply having a general view of status and events across the city can help executives determine where to focus their energy and resources.


  • 这样自然事件影响城市环境中放大

    The impacts of such natural events can be magnified in an urban environment.


  • 尽管事件涉及的只是飞往美国本土城市的本土飞机,但该恐怖计划造成的影响却是国际性的,对除美国以外至少17个国家构成了威胁

    Although that incident involved a U. s. plane flying into a U. s. city, it was an international terror plot that endangered individuals from at least 17 foreign countries.


  • 尽管事件涉及的只是飞往美国本土城市的本土飞机,但该恐怖计划造成的影响却是国际性的,对除美国以外至少17个国家构成了威胁

    Although that incident involved a U.S. plane flying into a U.S. city, it was an international terror plot that endangered individuals from at least 17 foreign countries.


  • 这些亚洲超级城市现在面临来自极端天气事件风险增大,罪魁祸首是气候变化

    These mega Asian cities are now facing greater risks from extreme weather events, thanks to climate change.


  • 早已不是第一这个城市面临公众私人事件了,很难说是第一次人们对于纳税人是不是买单恼火

    This isn't the first time the city has confronted the public dimension of a semi-private event, and it's hardly the first time anyone was irritated over whether taxpayers should foot the bill.


  • 要求我们尽快构建安全可靠可行城市突发公共事件总体应急预案

    These require us must build one safe, not reliable, feasible city the public incident overall emergency preplan has happened suddenly as soon as possible.


  • 不幸的是,从未经历飓风袭击一个建在海平面以下城市事件

    Unfortunately, he had no experience with a hurricane hitting a city built below sea level.


  • 索托马约尔法官职业生涯初期担任检察官副手,处理美国最大城市——纽约暴力犯罪事件

    Judge Sotomayor's career began when she served as an Assistant District Attorney in New York, prosecuting violent crimes in America's largest city.


  • 孤立城市区域框架中,即便剧烈冲突可能也会表现微不足道地方性事件

    Within the framework of isolated cities and regions, conflicts, even if acute, might appear to be insignificant local episodes.


  • 奥巴马手边还有几本描写城市生活的书,例如理查德·普赖斯旺盛生命》,这本小说主要描写了发生在曼哈顿下东区一次枪击事件

    Obama had more inner city atmospherics at his finger tips with Richard Price's "Lush Life," a fictional look at a shooting on Manhattan's Lower East Side.


  • 即使排除城市参加2016的事件芝加哥也曾同意一个耗资86millon美元的奥林匹克

    Even without a city having been picked for the 2016 event, Chicago agreed this summer to spend $86 million on land for an Olympics village.


  • 8号,伦敦社区发生骚乱事件已经扩散其他四个城市警方已逮捕数百。 目前,骚乱造成至少死亡

    Riots that erupted in London neighborhoods over the weekend spread to four other cities yesterday, as hundreds were arrested and at least one person was killed.


  • 这次事件发生吉尔吉斯斯坦第二大城市——奥什,开端不明,双方为吉尔吉斯乌兹别克族。

    He cause of the rampage involving Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks, which began in Osh, Kyrgyzstan's second-largest city, remains unclear.


  • 研究研究人员调查了南韩7城市超过4000宗的自杀事件发现颗粒污染中的尖刺物提高自杀的可能性多达10%。

    In one study, researchers examined more than 4, 000 suicides in seven major cities in South Korea. They found that spikes in particle pollution upped suicide risk by as much as 10 percent.


  • 2005年7月7日发生在伦敦地铁袭击事件喻为恐怖一次袭击。城市公共交通系统接连发生了一系列有预谋自杀性袭击

    Inwhat is considered London's worst terrorist attack, the city's publictransportation system suffered a series of coordinated suicide attacks.


  • 美国洛杉矶北部城市贝克尔斯菲尔德没有多少值得观光地方,最近一些事件城市登上全球电力产业的地图

    THERE is not much to see in the city of Bakersfield, north of Los Angeles, but recent events have put it on the global electricity-industry map.


  • 由于中国城市土地资源日益稀缺没有进行适当环境清理的情况下,由土地污染引发的污染事件时有发生

    As urban land becomes increasingly scarce, in the absence of adequate clean-up, pollution incidents associated with land contamination in China are increasing.


  • 由于中国城市土地资源日益稀缺没有进行适当环境清理的情况下,由土地污染引发的污染事件时有发生

    As urban land becomes increasingly scarce, in the absence of adequate clean-up, pollution incidents associated with land contamination in China are increasing.


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