• 埃米莉安娜·托里其1996年的“人鱼专辑中演唱了“真的很哈罗德”。

    Emiliana Torrini covered "I Really Loved Harold" on her 1996 "Merman" album.


  • 这些勇敢·阿姆斯特朗埃德·奥尔德林知道他们没有回来的希望他们同样知道他们的牺牲将会人类带来希望。

    These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.


  • 这些勇敢·阿姆斯特朗埃德·奥尔德林知道他们没有回来的希望他们同样知道他们牺牲将会人类带来希望。

    These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But t hey also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.


  • 当然登月灾难没有发生,阿波罗11号也完好无事。尔·阿姆斯特朗埃德温·奥尔德林时,克松通过到月球的电话联线他们进行了对话。

    Of course, there was no moon disaster and the Apollo 11 astronauts and Nixon spoke with them by a phone-to-moon link while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the lunar surface.


  • 匹埃克大学的另一位民意调查员彼德.布朗美国民众认为伊拉克战争得不偿失补充说他们只是下一步如何走有分歧

    Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Americans have concluded the Iraq war was not worth the cost, but he adds that they remain divided on what to do next.


  • 联赛第二弗格森更情愿使用维尔·贝克搭档而且换人时候换上的上赛季引进埃尔南德斯

    For the second week running Ferguson preferred to partner Rooney with Welbeck and this time, when the substitutions were made, it was Javier hernandez who was introduced.


  • 曼哈顿到处都可以购物埃弗、卡迪尔、萨可斯、巴哥多、古德曼亨利本德尔等名店必须市中心

    Shopping can literally be done everywhere in Manhattan, but for famous stores—Tiffany, Cartier, Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Henri Bendelgo to Midtown.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔南德一起轮番搭档安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位小将联袂登场亮相。

    Once he’s fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 一旦适应小豌豆埃尔南德一起轮番搭档安排轮休时,我们将能多次看到两位小将联袂登场亮相。

    Once he's fit, he and Javier Hernandez will share the job of partnering Wayne Rooney, and in quite a few games, watch for the two youngsters playing together while Wazza is being given a rest.


  • 曼联在对阵巴塞尔比赛中只能排出了没有没有韦恩·鲁哈维尔·埃尔南德斯因为他们受伤了

    Ferguson picked a team without either Wayne Rooney or Javier Hernandez for the Champions League match against Basel. Both were injured.


  • 尤其是韦恩·哈维尔·埃尔南德斯似乎被客队勤勉防守限制住了手脚。

    Wayne Rooney and, especially, Javier hernandez were mostly shackled by the diligent visiting defence.


  • 卡塔尔首相哈马德•本•贾西姆•本•贾布尔·阿勒萨现任埃米尔的表兄弟

    The emir's prime minister, Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, is a cousin.


  • 根据目前形式经济学家们——来自咨询公司普华永道会计师事务所斯蒙德·波——预计经济增长顶多也就是疲软式的。

    On current form, economists such as Esmond Birnie of PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consulting firm, expect lacklustre economic growth at best.


  • 只是现在只能在曼联着说曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·,哈维尔·埃尔南德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星·维尔贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


  • 赫勒及其商业伙伴富有秘鲁白人合伙人埃德瓦多·坎德尔一道,二十多岁时便利用朋友亲人那里筹来的资金涉足生态旅游生意

    Holle and his business partner, a fellow well-to-do white Peruvian named Eduardo Nycander, got into the ecotourism business in their early 20s using start-up money from friends and family.


  • 十八世纪法国美食家格里莫•德•埃尔为了推销其著作关于快乐之反思》,专门举办了一场“宴”。那些被邀请赴宴的人们就没有那么幸运了。

    But they got off easy compared with those invited to the “Funeral Supper” of the 18th-century French bon vivant Grimod de la Reynière, held to promote his opus “Reflections on Pleasure.”


  • 印度企业家埃尔•穆萨(Suniel Mutha)当年结婚时,婚礼是新娘老家马德拉斯(Madras)举办的,900位来宾到场,仪式持续了整整

    When Indian entrepreneur Suniel Mutha married, he and his bride tied the knot in Madras, her hometown. There were 900 guests, and the festivities lasted three days.


  • 韦恩·哈维尔·埃尔南德斯将会因为伤病双双缺阵曼联主场迎战巴塞尔欧冠小组赛

    Wayne Rooney and Javier Hernández will both miss Manchester United's Champions League game with Basel through injury. Photograph: Jon Super/AP


  • SalesforceNetSuite甲骨文前员工、埃里森昔日手下马克·奥夫文·戈德分别创建的。

    Both Salesforce and NetSuite are founded by Oracle alumni and former Ellison proteges, Marc Benioff and Evan Goldberg respectively.


  • 卡瓦埃尔南德斯(乌拉圭)。

    Edinson Cavani and Abel Hernandez (Uruguay).


  • 罗马据称名前帕尔马佛罗伦萨球员兴趣,尽管俱乐部体育主管丹埃拉。普雷德否认了这个说法。

    Roma are also reportedly interested in the former Parma and Fiorentina youngster, although the club's director of sport, Daniele Prade, has denied making any inquiries.


  • 俄罗斯核心正打算离开圣彼得堡泽特队教练-埃德沃卡特也周六表示讨论他的将来了。

    The Russian playmaker is looking to leave Zenit St Petersburg and his club manager Dick Advocaat revealed on Saturday he had been granted time off to resolve his future.


  • 在积极康复中,小奥尔则进行了手术,赛米•埃尔登世锦赛一直受伤病困扰,德隆特应该很快就能伤中恢复过来了。

    Shaq is working hard, Jermaine just had surgery, Semih has some lingering issues from the World Championships and Delonte should be back soon from his broken wrist.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·主教练何塞·穆里今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·古德约翰森年来为俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 我们埃德萨逗留89公里以西萨洛·愉快的地方我们返回

    Our stay at Edessa 89 KMS west of Thessalonica was delightful and a place we would all love to return to.


  • 乔治·克鲁得到了77%的评分句“风度男孩”的评语。颇具表演天赋英国演员埃迪·雷德梅的那行评语是“一看就是技术型男”。

    George Clooney, got a 77 per cent dude rating and the one-liner Boys got Game, whilst British actor Eddie Redmayne, (right,) well know for his acting talents, apparently has skills.


  • 但是这儿一张埃迪·雷德梅最新接下角色的剧照——扮演一位女子

    But this is the first photograph of Eddie Redmayne in his latest role... as a woman.


  • 但是这儿一张埃迪·雷德梅最新接下角色的剧照——扮演一位女子

    But this is the first photograph of Eddie Redmayne in his latest role... as a woman.


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