• 德•坎特自由了,他得以苏珊娜小姐求婚。

    A free man again, DE Cantel was able to court Suzanne Walter.


  • 那天晚上,·坎特尔说服了苏珊娜在听取意见之前接受任何人的求婚

    That evening De Cantel persuadedSuzanne to agree never to accept a proposal without first asking his advice.


  • 可是德·坎特先生不同意妻子接受这位伯爵一百万法郎遗赠,说是这样有损的声誉。

    DE Cantel objected to the Count's bequest of one million francs, however, on the grounds that appearances would compromise her.


  • 听从了太太建议易名乔治·杜洛瓦·德·坎特尔同新娘商定诺曼底他父母处度蜜月

    Georges du Roy DE Cantel, as he now called himself at his wife's suggestion, and his bride had agreed to spend their honeymoon with his parents in Normandy.


  • 德·坎特妻子呕气,便把弗赖斯节叫做可怜查理”,每次他总是一种无限怜悯口吻来说这个名字

    To pique his wife DE Cantel began to call Forestier 'poor Charles,' always using an accent of infinite pity when he spoke the name.


  • 特雷索·坎6码远的地方踢球失误。

    Tresor Kandol miscued from six yards.


  • 这些品系随后迪亚纳、潘特那加、坎普浦那的试验田种植。

    These strains were subsequently planted in test plots at Ludhiana, Pantnagar, Kanpur, Pune and Indore.


  • 此外最近针对梅克遗址发现工具研究表明梅克人获得一些黑曜石起源于特奥蒂瓦坎附近

    Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found at Olmec sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated near Teotihuacán.


  • 指导该研究项目巴塞罗纳大学生物化学家塔·卡斯·坎特,研究表明葡萄可以防止皮肤甚至可以预防皮肤癌

    Marta Cascante, a biochemist at the University of Barcelona and director of the research project, said it proves grapes could help protect the skin from sun burn and even skin cancer.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长·卢特印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈新德里签署这份谅解备忘录

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S.Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R.Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 美国国土安全部(DHS)部长·卢特印度信息技术部部长坎德·拉赫·哈新德里签署这份谅解备忘录。

    The MOU was signed in New Delhi by Jane Holl Lute, Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and R. Chandrashekhar, Secretary, India Department of Information Technology.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁斯·林赛、詹姆斯·卡维保罗。贝加拉乔治斯迪法诺普洛斯、还有希拉里曼彻斯特天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 阿莫·特斯学院认知科学家马修·苏坎德提出音乐旋律我们的大脑记忆里有着独特位置

    Music and melody seem to have a unique place in memory, Amherst College cognitive scientist Matthew Schulkind suggests.


  • 比斯坎湾—克里斯·特决赛中的内容,远比分丰富。

    KEY BISCAYNE - Kim Clijsters made this final seem even more lopsided than the score might suggest.


  • ·佩里,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎特鲍勃·赖克,黑兹·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 爱沙尼亚运动员戈德·坎特获得男子铁饼金牌后,鸟巢百米跑道上狂奔模仿招牌动作庆祝胜利。

    Estonian Gerd Kanter celebrates his discus gold medal by sprinting down the 100 meter track at the Bird's Nest and mimicking Bolt's marksman routine.


  • 泰国北部清迈动物园兽医坎尼卡·尼姆特拉格说:“雄性大熊猫创创目前的体重已达到150公斤的‘小媳妇’林惠只有115公斤。”

    Chuang Chuang weighs 150 kilos (330 pounds), while his partner Lin Hui is a lithe 115 kilos (253 pounds), said Kannika Nimtragol, a veterinarian at the Chiang Mai zoo in northern Thailand.


  • 邮报发现此项发现运用公众人物身上,备受信赖的新闻主播奥娜·布鲁斯坎特伯雷贾斯汀·比大主教确实拥有高高的颧骨和眉毛

    Applying the findings to public figures, the Mail found that trusted individuals such as newsreader Fiona Bruce and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby indeed have high cheekbones and eyebrows.


  • 埃弗顿15年来没有客场战胜过阿森纳当时司徒亚切斯基的进球帮助球队海布里取得了2-1的胜利

    Everton haven't won away at Arsenal for 15 years, when goals from Graham Stuart and Andrei Kanchelskis helped Joe Royle's side come from behind to win 2-1 at Highbury.


  • 项目栋建筑一楼位于西班牙阿利坎特·利特城的一座山上临海且四周花园环绕。

    This house is located at the ground floor of a building which is found among gardens and by the sea, up in the hill from a city called Altea, in Alicante (Spain).


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:阿德里安·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查斯·皮戈特,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,佩托-贝拉德维潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 最后几秒钟甘恩队的守门员凯文·坎特扑出了次射门

    In the final seconds, Gunn goalie Kevin Cantwell blocked two shots.


  • 曼联当时是一半年轻人,一半经验球员混合组成,他们有布鲁斯、鲍李斯特舒梅切基恩通纳,他们帮助贝克汉姆平衡全队的攻防。

    Manchester United were a team of half youth, half experience, with Steve Bruce, Gary Pallister, Dennis Irwin, Peter Schmeichel, Roy Keane and Eric Cantona there to balance the Beckham group.


  • 曼联当时是一半年轻人,一半经验球员混合组成,他们有布鲁斯、鲍李斯特舒梅切基恩通纳,他们帮助贝克汉姆平衡全队的攻防。

    Manchester United were a team of half youth, half experience, with Steve Bruce, Gary Pallister, Dennis Irwin, Peter Schmeichel, Roy Keane and Eric Cantona there to balance the Beckham group.


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