• 通往卫戍区的路上布满了地雷

    The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.


  • 党派成员赞同禁用地雷

    Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines.


  • 必须小心因为这里到处都是地雷

    You have to watch out because there are land mines all over the place.


  • 沿海道路上布了地雷

    The coastal route had been mined.


  • 地雷散布稻田丛林中,致使平民伤残死亡

    Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles, maiming and killing civilians.


  • 地雷成千上万无辜带来了不可名状的苦难

    Landmines have caused untold misery to thousands of innocent people.


  • 一场地雷事故中失去了双腿

    She lost both her legs in a land mine accident.


  • 公主一句简单的话做结语:我们必须停止使用地雷

    The Princess concluded, with a simple message: We must stop landmines.


  • 地雷隐藏地下炸弹有人它们时,就爆炸。

    Land mines are small bombs hidden in the ground and designed to explode when someone steps on them.


  • 抵达安哥拉后几个小时内,世界各地电视屏幕上都是安慰地雷爆炸受伤受害者画面

    Within hours of arriving in Angola, television screens around the World were filled with images of her comforting victims injured in explosions caused by landmines.


  • 1997年,威尔士王妃戴安娜访问安哥拉支持红十字会发起全面禁用杀伤性地雷活动,人们对此感到有些惊讶

    It came as something of a surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines.


  • 王妃来说,这次访问这个饱受战争蹂躏国家一个绝佳的机会利用声望世界展示地雷造成多大破坏痛苦

    For the Princess, the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her popularity to show the world how much destruction and suffering landmines can cause.


  • 学家甚至训练它们寻找地雷

    Scientists even train them to find landmines.


  • 写了份报告要求提供100把剑,600支枪地雷投掷器炸弹

    He wrote a report in which he asked for 100 swords, 600 guns, mine throwers and bombs.


  • 偶极子问题通过观测有效散射截面

    The problem of the dipole cloud is an effective scattering cross-section while observed by a monostatic radar was studied.


  • 歌词大意:生活习惯标签地雷遗留物

    And remnants of lives that I used to label mine.


  • 马宏带回大本营迈可按图发现苏克雷脚下地雷其实是个警报器可以手动关闭的。

    Mahone brings it back to the warehouse and Michael realizes that the mines under Sucre's foot aren't really minesthey are an alarm. Yet there is a manual override.


  • 承诺美国1999年为止要销毁400万颗我们堆在那里的非自地雷帮助其它国家排雷。

    I committed the United States to destroy four million of our own so-called dumb, or nonself-destructing, mines by 1999 and to help other nations with their demining efforts.


  • 无线电系统计划安装新型的防地雷伏击MRAP)上,用于美国海军陆战队其他任务

    Radio systems delivered under this contract are slated to be installed into new Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP) and used in other applications for the U.S. Marine Corps.


  • 游戏里玩家在由照片构造越南丛林探索,并寻找一些可爱卡通宠物——这里没有卡通地雷角色

    In the game, players navigate photos of Cambodian jungle landscapes in search of photos for several adorable cartoon pets -- no cartoon landmine characters here.


  • 那么氢原子不可避免地雷吗?不能有一个真正的柯克舰长每时吃掉无限辐射能驱动翘曲引擎

    So are hydrogen atoms unavoidable space mines? Would a real-life Capt. Kirk eat an infinite amount of radiation every time someone engaged the warp drive?


  • 选美网站强调,比赛为了彰显地雷受害者挑战社会传统美的定义,优胜者将获得高科技制作的义肢

    According to the pageant site, the competition is intended to empower landmine victims and challenge traditional notions of beauty. The winner receives a high-tech prosthetic limb.


  • 数字技术上的议题仍然很重要的。但是即使技术健全如果设计安装程序中地雷项目也可能失败

    The Numbers and the technical issues are still important but even technically sound programs can fail if the design and installation process hits a landmine.


  • 修订地雷议定书能得到广泛的参加有效执行地雷滥用和控制问题可以得到圆满解决

    The Amended Protocol, if universally acceded to and effectively carried out, should be able to satisfactorily resolve the problem of abuse and control of landmines.


  • 抽取波斯尼亚收集地雷周围土壤样本克罗克细菌进行了探测认为细菌可靠地雷识别者。

    Using soil samples collected from around land mines found in Bosnia, Krock detected bacteria that he thinks would be a reliable identifier of land mines.


  • 近年年均举行次专门的地雷国际会议,国内外各种学术期刊上也有较多探地雷达方面论文发表

    The international conference on ground penetrating radar being hold every two years in recent years, a lot of papers about GPR technology have been published in all kinds of academic magazines.


  • 修订地雷议定书考虑到了这些差异,各方充分讨论基础上,地雷采取了不同处理方法

    The Amended landmine Protocol, taking into account this factor, provides different solutions for the two types of landmine on the basis of full deliberations by all parties.


  • 克里克科学家生涯由于战时设计地雷耽搁,而且剑桥大学修学博士学位时压根就没想到从事DNA相关工作。

    Crick's scientific career was delayed by wartime work designing mines, and at the time he was studying for his Ph.D. at Cambridge University and was not supposed to be working on DNA at all.


  • 克里克科学家生涯由于战时设计地雷耽搁,而且剑桥大学修学博士学位时压根就没想到从事DNA相关工作。

    Crick's scientific career was delayed by wartime work designing mines, and at the time he was studying for his Ph.D. at Cambridge University and was not supposed to be working on DNA at all.


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