• 二连盆地具有形成岩性地层油藏良好条件

    Erlian Basin boasts the good formation conditions for lithologic and stratigraphic oil reservoirs.


  • 分析东营凹陷斜坡地区地层油藏条件

    The forming condition of stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir in the south slope of Dongying sag was analyzed.


  • 本文介绍了阳拗陷地层油藏及其形成条件

    This paper presents six types of stratigraphic oil pools in Jiyang depression and the conditions of their formation.


  • 探讨地层油藏勘探经验勘探部署重点关注问题

    The exploration experience of the stratigraphic reservoir and three important question which must be noticed in deployment were discussed.


  • 烃类沿地层不整合运移所留下各种痕迹揭示了稠油地层油藏成因机制

    Genetic mechanism of heavy oil reservoir is revealed by various traces left by hydrocarbons migrating along the stratigraphic unconformity.


  • 文章着重指出靠近主要生油层整合面上,是地层油藏的主要富集层位。

    It lays particular stress to the point that they lie mostly above and below the unconformity surfaces in proximity to the source beds.


  • 鲕状灰岩形成背斜油藏油藏地层油藏值得重视油气勘探后备资源潜力

    Oolitic limestone can form anticlinal reservoirs, fault block reservoirs and stratigraphic reservoirs, and is the important reserve resource potential of the oil and gas exploration.


  • 上新区域层中砂砾岩含量变化控制济阳坳陷南、北方向上第三系地层油藏类型及其油性变化。

    The variation of the sandstone and conglomerate content in the Miocene to Pliocene regional cap rocks governed the types of the oil reservoirs and their oil contents.


  • 针对地层油藏复杂,预测难度大等问题,从地层油藏构造特征分析出发,探讨了不整合构造陆相断陷盆地地层油藏关系

    By analysing the structural characteristics of the Jiyang Depression, the relationship between structures and stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs in the continental rifted basin is discussed.


  • 变形介质油藏开发保持原始地层压力前提,这样,才能得到较高采收率

    The initial formation pressure should be retained in deformed media reservoir development in order to obtain a higher recovery.


  • 基于格林函数体积方程层状地层一个油藏动态变化过程进行了瞬变电磁响应的正演模拟

    The volume integral equation method based on tensor Greens function is used to modeling the transient electromagnetic responses from a reservoir in a layered formation.


  • 结论变形介质油藏开发尽可能原始地层压力下开采,在合理生产差下开发。

    Conclusion The deformable medium reservoir should be developed by a reasonable presser, as possible as keeping original formation pressure.


  • 随着勘探程度不断提高,勘探难度地层岩性隐蔽油藏成为目前勘探首要选择

    Along with the deepened exploration degree continuously, the stratigraphic and lithologic subtle reservoirs with great difficulty in exploration are becoming the first choice now.


  • 为了改善渤海稠油油藏地层测试效果,提出了保温技术

    The insulation pipe technique has been developed for improving formation test effect of viscous oil reservoirs in Bohai Sea.


  • 牛庄凹陷第三系生油岩地层由于三角洲沉积作用形成了较多砂岩透镜油藏

    Many oil pools in the sandstone lenses are formed in the Eogene oil source beds in the Niuzhuang Depression as a result of deltaic deposition.


  • 针对高温油藏特点采用离子聚丙烯酰胺甲醛苯酚进行了地层条件下的性能研究。

    In allusion to the characteristics of high temperature reservoirs, nonionic polyacrylamide was used to react with formaldehyde and phenol form weak gel.


  • 如何经济有效地开采开发残留地层中的60 ~ 70%剩余油,已成为世界各国油藏工程专家努力攻关课题

    How to exploit the residual oil in the stratum efficiently after water flooding, which accounts for 60 ~ 70% reserves in place, is a main task of petroleum engineering experts the entire world.


  • 沥青油藏原油造成地层生产设备堵塞严重影响油田正常生产

    The flocculating setting of bitumen from crude oil in reservoir may plug formation and production facilities, seriously affecting normal operation in an oilfield.


  • 如果油藏流体流入另一地层,而不是地面这种结果称之为地下井喷

    If reservoir fluids flow into another formation and do not flow to the surface, the result is called an underground blowout.


  • 油藏最显著特点顶部存在残存地层

    Its obvious feature is that residual water exists in the too of reservoir.


  • 两个并排放置石英盘方解石盘中装入模拟地层水溶液,溶液的温度油藏环境中的一样,有时压力也和油藏环境中的一样。

    A droplet of the crude oil is suspended between two parallel plates of quartz or calcite inside a simulated formation water bath at reservoir temperature and sometimes at reservoir pressure.


  • 本文论述地层岩性油藏五个分带特征及其形成机制通过实例阐述了该类油藏勘探要领。

    This paper discussed the characteristics of five zonation of wedge-like stratigraphic-lithologic reservoir and its genetic mechanism and pointed its exploration procedure based on examples.


  • 油藏形成后,由于地质环境变化,储层往往会受到外部水系侵入从而造成原生水层地层水性质的差异

    Due to the variation of geologic environment reservoir is often invaded by external water, thus, resulting in the property difference between connate water and formation water.


  • 由于油藏构造流体性质影响地层压力纵向横向上呈现出多种有规律变化

    But because structure and fluid property have influence on reservoir, formation pressure presents varied regular change longitudinally and transversely.


  • 地层流向一个地层油藏流体流。

    The flow of reservoir fluids from one zone to another.


  • 冀中坳陷的多年勘探实践发现,地层岩性油藏存在异常油水分异现象

    Many years exploration practice in Jizhong Depression shows that there exists abnormal differential phenomenon of oil and gas in wedge-like stratigraphic-lithologic reservoir.


  • 油气演化程度,大多已进入高成熟成熟阶段,至今侏罗系发现油藏三叠系及其地层气藏

    Owing to its high evolution, high or over maturity, oil pools only have been discovered in Jurassic, in Triassic or even older beds only dis - covered gas pools.


  • 该项技术适合稠油超稠油开采过程油藏检测可以分析油井地层压力、蒸汽前缘表皮系数重要的油藏动态参数

    The guage is fit for well tests of viscous and super-viscous reservoirs exploitation, and its measured data may be used to analyse formation pressures, steam-front and skin factor, etc.


  • 该项技术适合稠油超稠油开采过程油藏检测可以分析油井地层压力、蒸汽前缘表皮系数重要的油藏动态参数

    The guage is fit for well tests of viscous and super-viscous reservoirs exploitation, and its measured data may be used to analyse formation pressures, steam-front and skin factor, etc.


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