• 城市地区工作的贫穷妇女积极寻求建立长期劳资关系

    Poor women working in urban areas actively seek to cultivate long-term employer-employee relations.


  • 只有少数几个回到附近地区工作

    Only a handful had returned to work in the immediate vicinity.


  • 世界上最荒凉原始地区工作过。

    I have worked in the wildest and most uncivilized parts of the world.


  • 当过兵且那时在这个贫困地区工作过?

    Who used to be a soldier and then worked in the poor region?


  • 2012年以来,他已经帮助了1900多名学生,并呼吁更多的教师到贫困地区工作,以提高教育质量。

    Since 2012, he has helped more than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas to improve the quality of education.


  • 南方沿海地区工作

    She works on the south coast.


  • 尤其重要因为这些机构经常偏远不安全地区工作

    This is particularly important since these agencies often work in remote and unsafe areas.


  • 我们世界很多敏感地区工作,我们工作地点遍及140多个国家。

    We do work in many sensitive parts of the world and we are in more than 140 countries.


  • 负责国内事务,他全世界任何一个地区工作过了。

    By the time he came back to domestic operations he had worked in every region of the world.


  • 橡胶园地区工作接近一年那里到处喷洒着橙剂,是一种有毒脱叶剂

    I had worked for nearly a year in a rubber plantation area sprayed with the toxic defoliant Agent Orange.


  • 建筑师义务优秀的建筑”冲突地区工作约旦河西岸。

    "Architects have a duty to do good things" he said, referring to working in conflict areas like the West Bank.


  • 卫生人员一般农村流动城市地区工作公立部门进入私立部门改善他们境况

    Health workers typically move from rural to urban areas and from the public to the private sector to try and ameliorate their situation.


  • 此外特别是国际公司等知名公司,他们有可能员工有机会不同地区工作

    In addition, renowned companies, especially international ones, are more likely to offer employees the opportunity to work in different places.


  • 地区一直在青年党的控制之下,在此之前他们一直拒绝希望进入地区工作国际救援机构入内。

    The area is under the control of al-Shabab, which had until recently refused permission for international aid agencies which wanted to work in the areas they hold.


  • 当时许多村民深受债务困扰而且由于金融危机曼谷地区工作亲戚往回汇款的次数数额都在日益减少

    At the time, many were struggling with debt problems and were receiving fewer and smaller remittances from relatives working in the Bangkok area because of the financial crisis.


  • 布鲁金斯研究所(Brookings Institute)地区工作人口的生产效率美国居于首位。

    The Brookings Institute calls the area's workforce the most productive in America.


  • 确保卫生工作人员得到培训采取奖励措施使他们留在地区工作方面做出努力一个强大卫生系统重要组成部分

    Efforts to ensure health workers can be trained, and have incentive to remain and work in their regions, is a key component of a strong health system.


  • 需要医生护士缺乏培训学校并且居住市区医疗专业人士不愿意前往农村地区工作,因而医生护士的可用受到限制。

    The availability of doctors and nurses is limited by a lack of training colleges in states with the greatest need as well as the reluctance of professionals from urban areas to work in rural areas.


  • 卡扎菲于200910月访问乌克兰时候巴林斯卡娅基辅护士学校毕业,家乡巴格尔·诺亚地区工作年。

    By the time Gadhafi visited Ukraine in October 2009, Balinskaya had graduated from nursing school in Kiev and been working in the area of her native Mogilnoye for three years.


  • 由于进入该地区需要官方的许可只有很少语言学家在这个地区工作而且关于地区语言从未形成一个可靠清单列表

    A permit is required to visit, few linguists have worked there and a reliable list of languages has never been drawn up.


  • 训练医生旷日费时而且许多医生根本愿意偏远地区工作,所以这样还不如训练当地社区医疗人员,让他们执行许多类似医生的医疗工作

    Training doctors takes time, and many of them do not want to work in remote areas.


  • 同时斯里兰卡有一批中东地区工作的人们,需要常年往返于工作之间,而我们新增加的航班运力也为这个新兴的市场群体提供了很大的便利

    At the same time the enhanced capacity offers convenient connections to Sri Lanka’s burgeoning expatriate population working in the Middle East and travelling home all year round.


  • 对于失去每份农场工作地区其它三个工作就会置于危险中。

    For every farm job that is lost, two or three other jobs in the area are put at risk.


  • 有些地区穷人感觉终身被套牢他们工作上。

    In some areas, the poor feel harnessed to their jobs.


  • 此项工作不会局限格拉斯哥地区

    The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area.


  • 此项工作不会局限格拉斯哥地区

    The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area.


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