• 地位消费指人们追求相对经济地位消费

    Positional consumption is the consumption for comparative economic status.


  • 飞利浦决心电子消费行业保持世界领先地位

    In the field of consumer electronics, Philips is determined to remain a world leader.


  • 兰德尔设计一系列对话”,谈话中,鼓励人们探索自己对待消费身份地位的态度。

    Randall designed a series of "carbon conversations" in which she encourages people to explore their attitude to consumption, identity and status.


  • 现在这家刚刚进入公众视线巨头希望建立一个消费商业品牌,打入苹果公司和思科系统主导地位市场

    Now, this giant the public has barely heard of wants to become a consumer and business brand, moving into markets dominated by Apple Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc.


  • 里维斯集团印度多数时髦牛仔裤引入“我的裤子我做主模式,以此保证公司在印度的高档地位扩大消费基础

    Levi Strauss has introduced a pay-as-you-wear model for its most fashionable jeans in India to preserve their upmarket status while broadening its customer base.


  • 了解了这种选择食品型号地位相关关系,有助于决策者采取有效措施打击过度消费

    Understanding and monitoring the size-to-status relationship of food options within an assortment is an important tool at the disposal of policy makers to effectively fight against over-consumption.


  • 然而召回仍在继续丰田消费质量调查中的地位开始持续下滑

    However, the recalls continued and Toyota started slipping in consumer-quality surveys.


  • 尼日利亚能源控制公司是该国处于垄断地位电力供应商,而消费的眼里,这家公司实际上就是大家预备好蜡烛”。

    The Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), the monopoly supplier, is known to consumers as Please Have Candle Nearby.


  • 周五苹果专卖店门口长长的队伍可以看出iPad2许多消费心目中有着较高的地位

    And with the long lines and sell outs of iPad 2 on Friday, it appears that many consumers think it's the best too.


  • 作为西方世界消费容易觉得品牌作用——影响消费者,给他们带来社会地位,建立其对商家的忠诚度——都是理所当然

    It is easy when you live in the West to take brands - their power, their ability to conjure up feelings of status among consumers, the loyalty they can generate - completely for granted.


  • 电台地位过去10年中出现戏剧性转变,的确戏剧性,即使它的消费没有报纸那样受到那么大的影响。

    There has been a dramatic change in the position of radio in the last 10 years, dramatic even though consumption has not been affected as much as newspaper consumption.


  • 这家公司引发了一场颇有意思争论通过观察它的几千个案例,人们思考消费炫耀地位方式是否正在发生改变

    But the company has also produced a fascinating argument, illustrated with thousands of examples, about the changing ways in which consumers seek to flaunt their status.


  • 然后戴尔又将业务向电子消费转移破坏了个人电脑专家地位

    Then Dell moved into consumer electronics, undermining its position as the "personal-computer" specialist.


  • 令人担忧食品消费增长趋势弱势群体尤其普遍比如说社会经济地位较低消费

    Even more worrisome, the increase in food consumption is particularly prevalent among vulnerable populations such as lower socio-economic status consumers.


  • 掌握着高端电视技术能够预知创造消费服务需求,这使它的地位坚不可摧

    What makes it almost unbreakable is Sky's grasp of TV technology and its ability to anticipate and create demand for services.


  • 纽曼表示,苹果公司消费电子领域主宰地位面临一系列竞争者挑战其中一些牵涉苹果公司有关的大型诉讼

    Newman says Apple's dominance in consumer electronics faces serious challenges from its competitors, some who are involved in a number of high-profile legal battles with Apple.


  • 所有一切丰田带来危险美国,丰田车的忠诚客户(多数情况下满意)长期以来一直认为公司与众不同,正是这点使丰田在消费者心目中更高地位

    The danger in all of this for Toyota is that its loyal (and mostly satisfied) customers in America have long believed that the firm was different from others and thus hold it to a higher standard.


  • 那些资格较老商家试图消费为代价保住自己优势地位

    Established businesses try to maintain privileged positionsat the expense of consumers.


  • 从现在来看,太阳报在周日出版用以替代世界新闻地位但是继承世界新闻报消费者依然是个问题

    Now, it seems the Sun will be published on a Sunday to fill the gap, but there will be a question mark over who will inherit the News of the World's audience.


  • 工作内容营销经理通过预测市场公司服务需求保证在其他公司竞争自己处于有利地位,同时确保消费需求得到满足。

    What they do: Marketing managers calculate a need for their company's services in order to stay competitive with other businesses and satisfy customer demand.


  • 有人可能会只是外在个人的消费也许能显示社会地位但是却显示他内心深处真正的东西。

    One might argue these are only the outside components of a person. What one consumes may show one's social status, but not whom one truly is deep down.


  • 中国世界上最大烟草生产消费大国,烟草工业国民经济中占据着举足轻重的地位

    China is a most country of tobacco production and consumer in the world. Tobacco plays important role in China economics.


  • 首先将业务个人消费偏移,破坏了商业电脑专家地位

    First Dell moved into consumer personal computers, undermining its position as the "business" PC specialist. ("Dude, you're getting a Dell.")


  • 这种消费已经渗透生活方方面面,鼓励人们自己享乐消费不是提高自己社会地位

    This is consumption which pervades ever more spheres of life and which encourages people to consume for their own pleasure rather than to enhance their social status.


  • 瑞典作为欧洲消费经济的前站,欧盟中的地位自是不容小觑。

    Swedish stood as a European consumption and economy, the position in the European Union is to be reckoned with.


  • 从现在来看,太阳报在周日出版用以替代世界新闻地位但是继承世界新闻报的消费者依然是个问题

    Now, it seems the Sun will be published on a Sunday to fill the gap, but there will be a question mark over who will inherit the News of the World's audience. "newspaper."


  • 从现在来看,太阳报在周日出版用以替代世界新闻地位但是继承世界新闻报的消费者依然是个问题

    Now, it seems the Sun will be published on a Sunday to fill the gap, but there will be a question mark over who will inherit the News of the World's audience. "newspaper."


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