• 本区水资源匮乏地下水超采严重。

    Water resources in the area are deficient.


  • 山西省水资源严重短缺地下水超采严重

    Water resources shortage and groundwater over mining are serious in Shanxi Province.


  • 区域上的地下水超采引起全县范围内水位下降

    The regional groundwater overexploitation leads the water lowering throughout the county.


  • 目前,华北地区水资源短缺地下水超采日益严重。

    The water resources is short and groundwater is over exploited currently in Northern China.


  • 北方干旱、半干旱地区地下水超采严重,水资源供需矛盾突出。

    Groundwater overexploitation is very serious in arid or semiarid areas of North China.


  • 水资源短缺环境污染地下水超采水资源开发管理存在主要问题

    Water resource crisis is more serious than ever. Water shortage, pollution, and groundwater over adoption is the key problem of water resources management.


  • 随着我国城市化工业化进程加快部分地区地下水超采严重水位持续下降

    As China's urbanization and industrialization accelerates, serious over-exploitation of groundwater occurs in some areas, the water level keeps declining.


  • 分析气候变化地下水超采地表径流粮食产量变化等方面水资源影响

    The impacts of climate change, groundwater overdraft, surface runoff and food production changes on water resources are analyzed.


  • 本文论述了2002年运城市地下水超采状况及其引起环境地质一系列问题

    The article discusses the situation of groundwater overdrawn, which result in a series environmental and geological issues in the Yuncheng city in2002.


  • 有计划分步骤地关停地下水超采地区部分自备,同时对现有供水管网进行改造

    Self-supply wells in the groundwater over-extracted area will be phased out and the reconstruction and expansion of existing water distribution network will be completed.


  • 阐明佳木斯市地下水开发利用存在问题提出解决地下水超采对策和措施

    This paper expounded existing problems of underground water resource utilization in Jiamusi City, and proposed countermeasures to solve exceeding excavation underground water resource.


  • 地下水超采造成了一系列环境问题地下水限量开采井灌区急需解决的重要问题之一。

    The exploration of groundwater has caused a series of problem to environment. It is an important problem to be solved urgently to limit groundwater exploration.


  • 不合理开发利用出现了浅层地下水超采漏斗咸水入侵土壤盐碱化地下水污染环境问题

    Due to unreasonable exploitation and utilization, some environmental problems occurred in this area, such as over-mining funnels, salt water intrusion, soil salinization and underground pollution.


  • 城市生态环境用水城市湖泊环境用水、城市绿化用水、地下水超采恢复用水、城区道路洒水等方面进行分析

    According to analyzing water consumption of urban lake, green Spaces in urban area, recharge of ground water, urban street, calculates urban eco-environmental water consumption.


  • 因此我们必须节约用水控制地下水超采充分利用地表水及治理和回用废污水等多种途径提高利用率

    So we should try to improve the usage rate of water by saving water, control the overdevelop of underground water, make full use of ground water, fa-ther and reuse waste and polluted water.


  • 大雁塔倾斜原因长期超采地下水导致地面沉降1996年时最大倾斜超过1

    The leaning is due to ground subsidence caused by over-pumping of groundwater. In 1996, the amount of inclination surpassed 1m.


  • 如果生活某一地区,在这里也许没有消耗过多的地下水附近其他人却在超采他们的地下水他们最终不得不寻找其它水源

    If you are living in an area where maybe you're not depleting your groundwater but other people nearby are depleting theirs, eventually they are going to have to find other water.


  • 以多年来地下水开采数据揭示大量超采地下水造成地面沉降的主要原因。

    The data of groundwater exploitation posts that over- exploitation of groundwater is the most cause of ground settlement.


  • 体积互换关系描述的是非固结储水系统的形变量地下水超采之间的体积等量关系

    The volume exchange relation portrays volume equation relations between land deformation and groundwater ultra picks quantity in unconsolidated aquifer-system.


  • 沧州地区由于地下淡水严重超采地下水大幅度下降形成区域性降落漏斗

    Owing to the severe over-eatraction of the underground fresh water, the groundwater table lowers greatly, forming a regional drawdown funnel.


  • 通过分析济宁市地面沉降特点区域地质背景,认为济宁地面沉降主要由于集中超采地下水引起局部地段的沉降。

    Based on the analysis of the features and the regional geological setting of land subsidence in Jining City, land subsidence is mainly caused by overexploitation of groundwater.


  • 邢台市黑龙港平原区由于大量超采地下水,引起地面沉降、含水层疏干一系列地质环境问题

    Owing to groundwater overexploitation in the plain area of Xingtai of Heilonggang, a series of geological environment problems such as land subsidence, aquifer unwatering is occurred.


  • 利用GIS技术作为支持平台GIS技术应用于地下水平衡分析超采区的演变上,更充分地发挥了GIS技术强大的空间分析功能。

    Using GIS technology as supported platform, the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS.


  • 华北平原咸水水资源短缺深层地下水严重超采生态环境恶化

    The saline groundwater region of North China Plain is short of water resources, the deep groundwater has been overdrawn seriously and the eco - environment has deteriorated.


  • 华北平原东部水资源短缺深层地下水严重超采生态环境恶化

    The eastern part of North China Plain is short of water resources, the deep groundwater had been overdrawn seriously and the eco-environment had deteriorated.


  • 降水地表径流减少以及地下水严重超采引起地下下降主要原因

    The decrease of precipitation and surface water and over-exploitation are the main reasons that result in groundwater level decline.


  • 临沂城区地下水超采改变地下水动力条件引起地面塌陷,而且有进一步加强的趋势;

    The underground water is overtaken in the area of Linyi city, which changes the moving condition of underwater and caused the ground to sick.


  • 地下水资源长期大量集中开采形成区域性地下水位降落漏斗地下水超采引发了一系列环境地质问题

    Large quantity of continuously groundwater pumping in an area forms regional groundwater depression cone, and overexploitation leads to a series of environmental and geological problems.


  • 华北平原是世界超采地下水严重地区,也是地面沉降面积最大地区。

    The North China Plain has witnessed the most excessive pumping of groundwater in the world and covers the largest subsidence area on the planet.


  • 第三阶段实现需水量低于地下水系统补给资源量,使数十年超采造成储存资源亏空逐年得以偿还

    In the third step, the total water requirement should be less than the renewable resources to compensate for the loss of storage resources due to the exploitation in the previous steps.


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