• 国际救援组织也派遣了营救小组

    International aid groups dispatched relief teams.


  • 通常不到国际救援组织互相指责

    You usually don't hear international aid groups criticizing one another.


  • 由于国际救援组织的努力,人们仍然可以得到的供应。

    Water is available, thanks to international aid organizations.


  • 国际救援组织计划援助尼加拉瓜飓风灾民,一百五十万物资分配超过一千个家庭

    Aid organization International Plan supports hurricane victims in Nicaragua with 150 tons of additional supplies to be distributed to over one thousand families.


  • 猫雨俱乐部中国登山协会行业资质认证单位由SOS国际救援组织提供安全保障。详见附件照片

    C. R. Club is unit certified by the Chinese Mountaineering Association. SOS international relief organizations by providing security. See the annex photos.


  • 国际组织加强了他们活动寻找受害者协助救援工作

    International organizations intensified their activities to locate victims and assist with relief efforts.


  • 以色列表示每天暂停轰炸小时加沙居民得到基本生活物品国际组织寻求救援

    Israel says the three-hour daily bombing respite will allow the residents of Gaza City to acquire basic necessities and to seek aid from international organizations.


  • 国际货币基金组织华盛顿会议的报道显示一个雄心勃勃的欧元区救援计划已现轮廓。

    The outline of a large and ambitious eurozone rescue plan is taking shape, reports from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington suggest.


  • 概述了组织一最新紧急情况应对以及组织大规模国际国家救援努力有待开展的主要任务

    He also summarized WHO's response to this latest emergency, and the organization's remaining key tasks within the massive international and national relief effort.


  • 内部人士正是其反对国际货币基金组织希腊救援计划中起到作用的原因之一

    Insiders say this is one reason why he has opposed a bigger role for the IMF in rescue plans for Greece.


  • 受到罢工影响的还有恰逢讨论欧盟国际货币基金组织达成所谓中期救援计划学校医院也受到罢工影响。

    Also affected by a strike, timed to coincide with the debate on the so-called medium-term rescue plan agreed on with the European Union and the IMF, were schools and hospitals.


  • 西班牙国债价格昨天下跌,创下欧元区建立以来最大跌幅,欧盟国际货币基金组织救援爱尔兰没有缓解外界对欧元区债务危机蔓延的担忧。

    Spanish bonds fell yesterday by the most since the start of the euro era as a bailout for Ireland failed to assuage speculation that the debt crisis will spread.


  • 美国国际急救中心医疗救援主任,组织隶属于全球医疗救援反应安全公司

    Myles Druckman, a physician who is the vice President for medical assistance in the Americas for International SOS, the global medical emergency-response and security company.


  • 周四国际货币基金组织激活提供紧急救援贷款程序,将贷款提供给冰岛一样岌岌可危的国家,冰岛周四已经收编了该国最大银行

    On Thursday the International Monetary Fund activated a procedure to offer emergency loans to threatened countries, such as Iceland, which took over its largest bank on Thursday.


  • 国际货币基金组织官员透露可不是另救援乌克兰匈牙利拉脱维亚的方案,而是一笔未雨绸缪无条件透支——这笔透支提供给有着最良好的条件的债方。

    This was not a bail-out like those for Ukraine, Hungary and Latvia. It was a precautionary and unconditional overdraft offered only to top-quality borrowers, say officials.


  • 现在爱沙尼亚认为自己一个团结统一的北欧国家冰雪覆盖的邻居拉脱维亚,却需要国际货币基金组织领导的救援计划

    Estonia now sees itself as a solidly Nordic country, yet its snow-clad neighbour, Latvia, needed an IMF-led bail-out.


  • 这个福林[2]跌至历史最低点国际货币组织250亿的的一揽子救援计划也没能阻止下跌趋势。

    This month the forint hit a record low, despite a $25 billion rescue package led by the International Monetary Fund.


  • 最近份报告交到了国际贸易组织(WTO) 153个成员国的手上,这一组织理事长PascalLamy对于各国针对减轻经济危机国家救援计划提出警告

    In a recent report to the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) 153 member states, Pascal Lamy, the club's director-general, sounded a warning about state aid intended to mitigate the economic crisis.


  • 1988年发生亚美尼亚共和国地震造成250000人丧失,地震后,国际组织开展一项救援工作。在A。

    Following the earthquake in the Republic of Armenia in 1988, which resulted in over 250,000 deaths, efforts were organized by international agencies to develop an assistance program.


  • 签署这份报告的组织包括乐施会国际救援以及丹麦难民委员会

    Organizations that signed the report include Oxfam International, the International Rescue Committee and the Danish Refugee Council.


  • 今年4月,欧元区成员国国际货币基金组织1100亿欧元巨额救援计划达成协议,避免希腊债务危机引发的灾难性后果。

    Back in April, Eurozone members and the IMF agreed on a massive 110 billion euro recscue package to prevent a catastrophic run on Greek debt.


  • 曾一度视为最后根救命稻草国际货币基金组织现在采取了更加积极的行动采取救援措施。

    Once seen as a lender of last resort, it now acts pre-emptively.


  • 英国那些于1973年底购买了股票投资者们,虽然经历了1974年的每周开工三天[注7],1975年将近25%的通胀1976年颜面丢尽国际货币基金组织(IMF)救援

    In Britain those who bought equities at the end of 1973 suffered through the three-day week of 1974, inflation of nearly 25% in 1975 and the humiliating bail-out by the IMF in 1976.


  • 不久前欧洲一些国家出现主权债务危机中国坚定支持欧元区国际货币基金组织联手启动救援机制。中国没有抛售欧元资产,给欧元巨大支持。

    During the recent European sovereign debt crisis, China stood firmly behind the Euro Zone and the IMF as they worked together to launch an aid plan, by not selling its Euro assets.


  • 相反公司正在组织一场活动帮助美国公民自由联盟国际救援委员会计划两家团体捐赠25万美元。

    Instead, the agency is organizing an event to help the American Civil Liberties Union and the International Rescue Committee. It also has plans to donate $250,000 to the two groups.


  • 发生重大自然灾害时支持国内人道救援组织开展国际紧急救援行动。

    In time of major natural disasters, domestic humanitarian assistance organizations will be supported in conducting international urgent humanitarian assistance.


  • 发生重大自然灾害时支持国内人道救援组织开展国际紧急救援行动。

    In time of major natural disasters, domestic humanitarian assistance organizations will be supported in conducting international urgent humanitarian assistance.


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