• 赖斯科学计量学领域国际奖项

    The Derek DE Solla Price award is an international award in the field of scientometrics.


  • 授予许多国际奖项

    He was awarded many international prizes.


  • 汉斯格雅产品获得300多个国际奖项,800项专利技术

    Until now, Hansgrohe has won over 300 international awards and 800 patent technologies.


  • 汽车设计工业家具设计夺得了许多令人“觊觎”的国际奖项

    His automobile, industrial and furniture designs have won many.


  • 作品整体细部,从城市门把手都得到一致认真关怀,曾众多国际奖项

    From the whole to the detail, the works received equal serious concern no matter huge as city or tiny as door handle. Consequently it has won numerous worldwide awards.


  • 如今他们引以为豪是获得一连串国际奖项以及2007年开始爱丁堡艺术节中演出

    They now boast a string of international awards, and have performed at the Edinburgh festival since 2007.


  • 此外,亦安排于不同类型的推广活动宣传其得奖项目,及被协助参加其他国际奖项比赛

    Also, various promotional campaigns will be arranged to publicise the winners. They will be assisted in entering into other international awards and competitions.


  • 俄罗斯数学天才格里高利·佩雷尔曼年前拒绝有声望国际奖项,目前又面临再次接受一项奖金压力

    Russian maths genius Grigory Perelman, who declined a prestigious international award four years ago, is under new pressure to accept a prize.


  • IUPAP青年科学家始设2006年,针对年轻物理学最具权威的国际奖项之一,用于表彰全球物理学领域突出贡献更大发展潜力的青年学者

    Young Scientist Award of IUPAP was established in 2006, in order to honor young scholars with outstanding contributions to various fields in physics and a greater potential for development globally.


  • 表演美猴王获得国际顶级奖项

    He once got a top international prize for performing the Monkey King.


  • 好莱坞奖项分布近来比一年倾向国际这个晚会表演颁奖上,这种倾向分外明显

    Hollywood has been taking on more and more of a global tilt with each passing year, but on this evening it was especially evident in the show and in the awards themselves.


  • 釜山国际电影节导演金东浩,韩国这座海滨度假城市晚宴上,将奖项颁给这位77资深导演制片人

    Pusan International Film Festival director Kim Dong-ho presented the award to the 77-year-old veteran director and producer at banquet in the South Korean beach resort city late Friday.


  • 20世纪初期,英国罗兹威廉·哈克尼斯慈善家创立了学术奖项,以便促使国际更深层地学术交流。

    In the early 20th century philanthropists such as Cecil Rhodes and William Harkness established scholarships to foster deeper links between countries.


  • 一方面来说,同时又出版一百本书其中四十六本成为国内或是国际上的畅销书,我的书架上堆满了各种奖项作品三十种语言

    On the other hand, I also have 100 books published, 46 of which have been national or international bestsellers, I've got a shelf full of awards, and my work has been translated into 30 languages.


  • 昨天,菲利普·罗斯Philip Roth)问鼎曼氏布克国际文学奖theMan Booker International prize),该奖项颁发次,颁给作者成批著作不是小说

    YESTERDAY Philip Roth won the Man Booker International prize, given for a body of work rather than a single novel, and awarded every two years.


  • 25万美元可以供养很多数学家——或许他们的工作会填补很多数学领域的空白并问鼎未来国际数学家大会奖项

    A quarter million dollars could feed a lot of mathematicians-and probably fill a lot of place MATS with work leading to future ICM prizes.


  • VladimirVyatkin一位著名摄影师国际摄影展览大赛奖项达到160多个。

    Vladimir Vyatkin is a renowned photographer and winner of international photo exhibitions and contests. He has received more than 160 awards.


  • 这项国际电影界最高奖项组织者公布了参加最佳外语片角逐的影片名单,现在离正式宣布第78奥斯卡金项奖入围影片还有3个月时间

    Organizers of cinema's top awards unveiled the entrants for the 2006 Academy Awards' foreign movie section some three months ahead of the announcement of the nominations for the 78th annual Oscars.


  • 本届首尔国际电视节9月4-13日韩国首都首尔举行共有来自37个国家169部电视剧参与各个奖项角逐

    The 2009 event was held in the South Korean capital from September 4 to 13. A total of 169 soap operas from 37 countries took part in the annual event.


  • 一系列年度国际奖项,办法一年间取得里程碑式成就发现

    These prizes are a set of annual international awards given for landmark achievements or discoveries made during the preceding year.


  • 货币爱好者组成国际银行纸币协会IBNS)颁发了奖项这个纸币“无疑”2015年的“赢家”。

    The International Bank Note Society (IBNS), a group of currency enthusiasts who hand out the prize, said it was a "clear winner" for the 2015 contest.


  • 纪录片《移动物体》(1991)赢得众多国际电影节奖项

    His documentary "Moving Objects" (1991) has won several prizes at International film festivals.


  • 半年里,刘谦参加了一些国际赛事拿到了一些奖项

    During the speriod, Louis Liu attended some international competitions and won several awards.


  • 距离2002加拿大夺冠年之后,美国队击败卫冕冠军加冕国际足联20岁以下女足世青赛桂冠同时也包揽了个人团队的大部分奖项

    Six years on from their triumph at Canada 2002, USA defeated the reigning champions to take the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup crown, as well as the lion's share of individual and team accolades.


  • 今年一月,《少年时代》圣丹斯电影节首次亮相,赢得了数个奖项。同年二月柏林国际电影节授予林克莱特最佳导演银熊奖。

    Since its first outing at the Sundance Film Festival in January, Boyhood has won multiple awards. The Berlinale gave Linklater a Silver Bear for best director in February.


  • 张凡是一个具有国际思想领导者,传播学院高兴可以颁发这个奖项。张凡,祝贺你。

    Fan is a globally minded leader, and our Department is thrilled to honor her with this award. Congratulations Fan.


  • 张凡是一个具有国际思想领导者,传播学院高兴可以颁发这个奖项。张凡,祝贺你。

    Fan is a globally minded leader, and our Department is thrilled to honor her with this award. Congratulations Fan.


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