• 国会委员会承担国会大多数工作

    Much of Congress 'work is done by Congressional committees.


  • 美国次级抵押业务提供商受到国会委员会的追查,贷款业务面临取缔

    America's "subprime" mortgage providers have been hounded by congressional committees and face regulatory clampdowns.


  • 美国国会委员会可以要求信息披露机构官员他们面前作证

    Congressional committees May demand disclosure of information and require agency officials to testify before them.


  • 一个国会委员会相继投票通过继续建造F - 22战斗机其他项目

    One congressional committee after another voted to keep building F-22s and other Bizarro projects.


  • 国会委员会周三召开听证会讨论足球运动损伤有关法律问题

    A congressional committee has called a hearing Wednesday to discuss legal issues related to head injuries in football.


  • 英国英格兰银行副总以及巴克莱董事长本周受到国会委员会谴责。

    In Britain, the deputy governor of the Bank of England and the chairman of Barclays were hauled over the coals this week by a parliamentary committee.


  • 里德提案设立一个12名众议院参议院议员组成的国会委员会考虑其他削减债务方案

    Reid's plan also would have established a congressional committee made up of 12 House and Senate members to consider additional options for debt reduction.


  • 数据库包括所有事务所记录——议会成员立法机构国会委员会这些数据在这都下载

    The database contains records for all offices of members of Congress, legislative offices (like the House Clerks office) and House committees and can be downloaded here.


  • 曾经笑傲各大杂志封面人物商业巨贾们,要么受到美国国会委员会的传讯,要么啷当入狱

    Business titans who once graced the covers of magazines have been hauled before congressional committees or carted off to prison.


  • 丰田NHTSA发生争执后两个国会委员会起草新的汽车安全法规可能拖延披露安全缺陷给予更严厉处罚

    In the wake of Toyota's run-in with NHTSA, two Congressional committees are drafting new car safety legislation that is likely to include stiffer penalties for delays in disclosing safety defects.


  • 实际上烟草批评人士经过半个世纪的努力,说服相关国会委员会立法形式允许美国食品和药品管理局将烟草列为药物。

    Indeed, it took tobacco critics half a century before the relevant committees in Congress had enough anti-tobacco members to pass legislation allowing the FDA to regulate tobacco as a drug.


  • 国会委员会开会讨论上周一国会专门小组发布简要报告,这份报告对太空总署载人太空飞行计划进行了评价。

    The House committee met to discuss a summary report released last week by a White House panel that reviewed NASA's human space flight programme.


  • 大卫·凯利这样一个温和,受到了国会委员会近乎野蛮折磨。 当发言时,他的声音如此以致关上空调才能听到他讲的内容。

    A modest man, David Kelly was savagely grilled by the Committee, and spoke in a voice so soft that the air conditioning had to be turned off so that his words could be heard.


  • 或许他们不必自己变成私家侦探国会小组委员会

    Perhaps they don't have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees.


  • 2005年,国会建立国家地面交通政策税收研究委员会

    In 2005 Congress established the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission.


  • 国会调查委员会检察官提交了针对特谢拉多达13项罪名的诉讼,其中包括挪用公款洗钱逃税但所有诉讼却遭停止。

    The congressional committee of inquiry passed on to the public prosecutor some 13 charges against him, including embezzlement , money laundering and tax evasion. All were subsequently dropped.


  • 舆论对于美国国会联合专门委员会的减少赤字计划最终流产普遍感到失望并未过于震惊。

    THE failure by Congress’s joint select committee to produce a deficit plan was greeted with widespread disappointment, but little shock.


  • 奇还是国会联合经济委员会成员

    Hinchey is a member of the Joint Economic Committee.


  • 尽管SEC商品期货交易委员会合并监管衍生品上确实有意义但是在国会权势巨大农业特别委员会可能阻碍这样变革。

    Though it would make sense to merge the SEC with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which regulates derivatives, Congress's powerful agriculture committee would probably block the move.


  • 新一轮立法争夺开始国会拨款委员会—-削减联邦支票的专家团- - -选举注意力转向太空计划时。

    A new round of legislative jockeying will commence when congressional appropriations committees-the panels that cut federal checks-turn their attention to the space program after the election.


  • 提交给国会超级委员会建议中,提议预计未来10年里削减多达3万亿美元财政赤字

    Such a proposal, among Suggestions to a congressional super-committee, is expected to result in up to 3 trillion dollars in deficit savings over 10 years.


  • 本月晚些时候华盛顿毫无疑问他将国会以色列事务委员会(aipac)演讲中重申这些。

    Later this month he is to fly to Washington where he will doubtless make it again in speeches to Congress and to the influential American Israel Public Affairs Committee, better known as AIPAC.


  • 依然内阁里任职财政大臣受到国会世纪银行补贴特别调查委员会的调查。

    Retaining her post as finance minister in the new administration, she came under fire from a House special committee investigating the Bank Century bailout.


  • 当前政策国会预算委员会认为如今gdp62%联邦债务,在2020年占到87%。

    On current policies the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reckons that the federal debt, now 62% of GDP, will hit 87% by 2020.


  • 国会“战时合同委员会”的负责人之一麦克尔·迪鲍尔特这个过程中存在着不少用钱不当的情况。

    The commission's co-chairman, Michael Thibault says not all of the money has been well-spent.


  • 许多人为国会超级委员会”没预算达成协议而扼腕叹息。

    Many people are lamenting the failure of the Congressional "Super Committee" to come up with an agreement on ways to reduce the runaway federal deficits.


  • 4月2日告诉国会委员会产量可能有大幅增长如果有,也是2008年上半年甚至还有可能小幅减产。

    On April 2nd he told a congressional committee that output was unlikely to "grow much, if at all, over the first half of 2008 and could even contract slightly."


  • 4月2日告诉国会委员会产量可能有大幅增长如果有,也是2008年上半年甚至还有可能小幅减产。

    On April 2nd he told a congressional committee that output was unlikely to "grow much, if at all, over the first half of 2008 and could even contract slightly."


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