• 结论:前延期再植促进脊髓前角运动神经元存活再生

    Conclusions: Delayed reimplantation of avulsion ventral root can enhance motoneuron survival and regeneration.


  • 失效吸收循环回能关系和循环滞回能的循环变化性质有关。

    The relationship between the total absorption energy and the cyclic hysteresis energy is affected by the cyclic variation in cyclic hysteresis energy.


  • 失效吸收循环回能关系循环滞回能的循环变化性质有关。

    With cyclic hysteresis energy vs lifetime and total absorption energy vs lifetime relationships in fatigue failure process dete…


  • 失效吸收循环回能关系循环滞回能的循环变化性质有关。

    With cyclic hysteresis energy vs lifetime and total absorption energy vs lifetime relationships in fatigue failure process determined...


  • 失效吸收循环回能关系循环滞回能的循环变化性质有关。

    With cyclic hysteresis energy vs lifetime and total absorption energy vs lifetime relationships in fatigue failure...


  • 失效吸收循环回能关系循环滞回能的循环变化性质有关。

    With cyclic hysteresis energy vs lifetime and total absorption energy vs lifetime relationships in fatigue failure process determined theoretically and experimenta…


  • 发条回能装置结构简单损失适合轻型电动车上使用。

    The spring resilience device has the advantages of simple structure, little energy loss and light weight, and is applicable to light-duty electric vehicles.


  • 实用新型涉及一种储存车辆刹车释放利用发条回能装置属于载运工具技术领域

    The utility model relates to a spring resilience device for storing the braking energy and releasing the energy for utilization, pertaining to the technical field of carrying tool.


  • 基于新的执行注释用户清楚地规定网络处理器中的调函数应该线程模式执行还是多线程的模式执行。

    Based on the new execution annotations the user can define if the call back methods of his network handler should be executed in single threaded mode or multithreaded mode.


  • 不过认识储存的必要性,证明技术可行性则另一

    Still, recognizing a need for energy storage is one thing, but proving that storage technologies can work is another.


  • 因为我们协议没有数据库保证提交(参阅步骤12)一点,所以数据库可以执行任何写人操作

    It might not perform any write operations, because we haven't gotten to the point in the protocol where the database guarantees being able to commit or rollback (see step 12).


  • 异步编程有时候非常麻烦,明白开发人员有时候忽略引用是否只是控制更加直截了当一些

    Asynchronous programming can sometimes be a hassle and I understand if developers sometimes omit the callback references just to keep the control flow more straight-forward.


  • 要求解决一个问题时,你各种假设限制条件吗?

    When you're asked to solve a problem, do you push back on assumptions or constraints?


  • 应当通过添加防范措施来提升MOM策略他们产生预期结果时,应该管理操作

    MOM policies should be improved by adding safeguards that would roll back management operations when they do not produce expected results.


  • 没有佩蒂特或者科斯蒂尼亚的情况下安排到那个位置,我们还是宁愿自己的位置

    With no Petit or Costinha around, Pepe has been deployed there, though I would prefer to see him back in his natural role.


  • 尽管记住八个单独文本部分,对进行对比显,但清楚我所设计及其接口之外程序的意义。

    While I can keep eight separate sections of text in my mind and contrast and echo them, I can't make sense of a program beyond the classes I design and their interfaces.


  • 信用评级,但要真正找到替代信用评级更好标准又是另一了。

    It is one thing to identify the shortcomings of ratings, quite another to find alternative standards that are clearly better.


  • 上周五欧洲交易西班牙意大利国债收益率小幅调,原因是市场指望法国德国拿出有效的方案收拾当前烂摊子

    Spanish and Italian bond yields rallied slightly in European trading on Friday on the hopes that France and Germany will come up with some sort of solution to the current imbroglio.


  • 这种活动似乎促使人们扫除有害垃圾的统一没有多大帮助。

    Such campaigns seem to prompt them to have a clear-out but they often do not make it to the collection point.


  • 方法句柄应用程序,这样,应用程序继续处理其他消息不必响应消息

    The callback method returns the handle back to the application so that it can keep processing other messages without having to poll for the response message.


  • 如果双方希望和平的话,措施会其效果,但前提权利过协商而非简单宣称

    If a desire for peace really existed on all sides, that approach might possibly work-but only if it were accepted that the right of return is something to be negotiated, not simply asserted.


  • 安装智后,户主容易地把利用风力太阳所发的“卖”电网

    The meters make it easier for householders to sell power they generate through wind and solar back to the grid.


  • 日元汇率保持高位一个原因保险公司支付索赔资金汇日本

    Part of what's keeping the yen high is the flow of funds back into Japan for the payment of insurance claims.


  • 袭击再次发生的时候,希望办法莫桑比克

    When the fighting starts again, he wants to find a way back to Mozambique.


  • 我会继续尝试,最好有现在来帮帮,过几个小时一趟墨西哥城!

    I'll keep trying, but if anyone can help in the meantime, I've got to get to Mexico in a few hours!


  • 洛杉矶度过青少年时期在1995年首尔,希望打入嘻哈流行乐坛。

    After spending his teenage years in Los Angeles, he returned to Seoul in 1995, hoping to break into the hip-hop scene.


  • 以后,每当阿拉经过费尔南多大教堂的时候都要找找克劳德是不是那,有一天上车,他去阿拉莫。

    From then on I still look for Cloud when I'm passing by the San Frenando Church on my way back to the Alamo, and hopefully I'll pick him up again someday and take him to the Alamo...


  • 为什么上网闲逛朋友邮件让人恢复活力呢?

    Why is Web-surfing more restorative than, say, responding to a friend's email?


  • 阿莱克西斯·桑切斯确实个难得天才,希望他们在南非绷紧神经坚定信念,潇洒走一

    Alexis Sanchez is indeed the genuine article and I hope that with all the nerves jangling they have the courage of their convictions and really give it a go.


  • 阿莱克西斯·桑切斯确实个难得天才,希望他们在南非绷紧神经坚定信念,潇洒走一

    Alexis Sanchez is indeed the genuine article and I hope that with all the nerves jangling they have the courage of their convictions and really give it a go.


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