• 澳大利亚商品分析人士鲁德必和必拓主要矿产产出创下记录。

    Australian commodities analyst Peter Rudd says BHP has set records for the production of key minerals.


  • 今年大部分大宗商品分析人士最初预计铁矿石价格将上涨30%。

    This year, most commodities analysts were initially expecting a price increase of about 30%.


  • 只要农业专家商品分析者们询问他们多数告诉你:投机活动物价里所扮演角色过分夸大了。

    But if you talk to agriculture experts and commodity analysts, most of them will tell you that the role of speculation in high food prices is overstated.


  • 但是麦格证券商品分析亚当·沃辛指出印尼正在建设燃煤发电站,其2011年之前消耗掉额外2千万左右的

    But Indonesia has coal-fired power stations under construction that will absorb an extra 20m tonnes or so of coal by 2011, points out Adam Worthington, a commodities analyst at Macquarie Securities.


  • 巴克莱投资银行(BarclaysCapital)商品分析SudakshinaUnnikrishnan说:“关键确实在于巴西印度问题主要是由恶劣天气情况引起的。”

    "The key premise has really come from Brazil and India," said Sudakshina Unnikrishnan, a commodities analyst at Barclays Capital. "the bulk of the problem lies in inclement weather conditions."


  • Flurry公司分析显示2010年间,手机应用主要收入来源已经发生了位置转换虚拟商品销售额已经广告成为应用的主要收入来源。

    Flurry's analysis revealed that, during 2010, there has been a shift away from advertising to virtual good sales as the major source of revenue for apps in these two categories.


  • 但是分析大宗商品价格前景那么有信心

    But analysts are less confident about the outlook for commodities prices.


  • 尽管这样分析大多仍抱着以下观点中国政策大宗商品价格影响,应该小于许多市场人士的担心

    In spite of that, the prevailing view among analysts is that Chinese policy will have a smaller effect on commodity prices than many in the market fear.


  • 价格或许不会走到很高位置,分析人士预计市场更加稳定意味着消费者对于主要商品的购买,比如石油产品食品,将不会增加很多

    Prices might not move much higher, but analysts predict the market will be more stable, which means what consumers pay for staples like gas and food will not increase much either.


  • 许多分析认为农业大宗商品的上涨刚刚开始

    Many analysts believe the rally for agricultural commodities is only just beginning.


  • 由于存在一些变数分析人士很难就此预测2009年商品期货市场走势。

    There are a number of variables that make it hard for analysts to predict much about the commodities market in 2009.


  • 从技术上来说份报告没有对投机者商品市场上的影响进行分析而是对指数跟踪资金在供应需要中起的作用进行分析

    Technically speaking, the report does not deal with the influence of speculators on commodity markets but with the role of index-tracking funds.


  • 大宗商品市场正在迎来大幅度的调整吗?许多分析以及一些银行家交易员都持相反观点。他们表示,市场变得过度消极了。

    Is the commodity market heading for a larger correction? Many analysts and some bankers and traders believe the opposite, saying the market has become unreasonably negative.


  • 1994年,名叫杰夫·贝索斯分析萌发了通过互联网销售商品念头网络空间构建一个商店实属突发奇想

    In 1994, when a financial analyst named Jeff Bezos hatched the idea of selling stuff over the Internet, the idea of building a store in cyberspace was fairly radical.


  • 个因素是,东海岸甚至墨西哥湾沿岸汽油价格走势布伦特原油价格变动变动。而分析师们把布伦特原油价格看做是个比纽约商品交易所指标更好全球性的价格指标。

    For one, gasoline prices on the East Coast and even in the Gulf Coast track the price of Brent crude, which analysts view as a better indicator of global prices than Nymex.


  • 行业分析家们相信尽管竞争,但芭比任然是一种畅销商品长盛不衰的符号

    Industry analysts believe Barbie will remain a bestselling and lasting icon regardless of competition.


  • 但绝大多数分析人士预计由于全球对于基础原料需求持续下降商品价格仍然将处于此种压力之下

    Most analysts expect prices to remain under pressure as worldwide demand continues to wane for basic materials.


  • 汇丰银行分析认为工业产出大宗商品价格联系几年开始逐渐降低

    That may no longer be so. Economists at HSBC say that the correlations between industrial output and commodity prices began to fall apart a few years ago.


  • 这个系统采集记录分析数据,并数据进行有关问题商品服务销售

    The systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services.


  • 本文根据我国商品住宅建设实际情况分析取消毛坯房对各方面的影响。农地住;农舍。

    According to actual status of merchandise dwelling house construction in our country, this paper analyses the effect of abolishing roughcast house.


  • 一个店铺室内设计首先该店商品形态性质作出分析,目的是利用各种人为的设计元素突出商品的形态和个性不能喧宾夺主

    A shop interior design must first form and nature of the sale of goods store to analyze, to use all sorts of human design element to highlight the product form and personality, but not overwhelming.


  • 美国通用福特公司报告6月销量并没有达到分析预估消费者们关心失业问题,不去购买大件的商品

    In the U.S., GM and Ford Motor Co. reported June sales that fell short of analyst estimates as consumers concerned about unemployment and the economy avoided large purchases.


  • 正如摩根大通一位权益分析Bill Shope认为的,音乐商店仅仅促进iPod销售的廉价商品仿佛唱片存在就是为了销售唱片播放机

    As Bill Shope, an equity analyst at JPMorgan, puts it, the music store is a "loss leader" that serves only to boost sales of the iPod. It is as if record stores existed only to sell record players.


  • 最近有位分析,“Android一个大宗商品平台竞争需要规模。”

    An analyst said recently, "Android is a commodity platform, and to compete, you need scale."


  • 最近有位分析,“Android一个大宗商品平台竞争需要规模。”

    An analyst said recently, "Android is a commodity platform, and to compete, you need scale."


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