• 主要服务商业诉讼审计税务会计、注册成立公司公司秘书

    Services include litigation support, audit assurance, HK and overseas company formation, taxation, accountancy, secretarial service and business advisory.


  • 专家正在预测大堆有关商业方法诊断方法以及其他发明诉讼的结果,评判它们是否抽象以至于不具专利性。

    Experts are predicting a lot of litigation over whether business methods, diagnostic methods, and other inventions are too abstract to be patented.


  • 尽管大部分法律分析师表示惠普赢得这场官司可能性极小,但这起诉讼还是另家公司商业关系紧张了起来

    Although most legal analysts said H.P. had had little chance of winning its case, the lawsuit immediately strained the business relationship between the two companies.


  • 尽管大部分法律分析师表示惠普赢得这场官司可能性极小,但这起诉讼还是另家公司商业关系紧张了起来

    Although most legal analysts said H. P. had had little chance of winning its case, the lawsuit immediately strained the business relationship between the two companies.


  • 虽然澳大利亚外交官要求旁观审判胡先生整个诉讼过程,但是法院还是决定闭门审理这些商业间谍的控诉。

    The part of the trial dealing with these allegations will be conducted behind closed doors, despite Australian diplomats' requests to be allowed to observe the entire proceedings against Mr Hu.


  • 因为如果检方根据“精确账目条款提起诉讼,那么贿赂行为是否商业动机”就无足轻重了,因为“精确账目”条款中并不包含这种限定性语言

    Whether the bribes had a "business purpose" is irrelevant to a charge brought under the books and records provisions, they say, which contain no such limiting language.


  • 去年民事诉讼宗卷中,摩托罗拉控告以及其他13人和家公司阴谋盗用商业机密其他非法行为。

    In a civil lawsuit filed last year, Motorola accused Jin, 13 other individuals and two companies of conspiracy, misappropriation of trade secrets and other alleged misdeeds.


  • 第二惠普加利福尼亚州向赫德先生提起诉讼,企图阻止进入甲骨文公司,理由不可避免的东家透露惠普的商业机密。

    The following day HP launched a lawsuit in California against Mr Hurd, seeking to block his move to Oracle on the ground that he would inevitably disclose HP's trade secrets to his new employer.


  • 各大企业产品有着假定无危害权益——没有错的,商业惩罚市场(通过法律诉讼方式)来定夺的。

    Companies enjoy a presumption of innocence for their products: should this prove mistaken, punishment is provided by the market (and a barrage of lawsuits).


  • 我们一批富有经验美国律师精通商业商法诉讼各个方面

    We are experienced American attorneys with expertise in various aspects of business and commercial law and litigation.


  • 惠普9月7控告赫德违反合同指控盗用商业秘密法律专家表示,惠普诉讼面临着艰难的胜

    HP sued Hurd on September 7, alleging breach of contract, and threatened misappropriation of trade secrets, but legal experts said the company faced an uphill battle in its lawsuit.


  • 坦率地说由于普通信件没什么商业价值那些对此提起诉讼的人通常不会得到赔偿的,如果法律上站得住脚最好事先征得邮件发送人的同意。

    Frankly, somebody who sues over an ordinary message would almost surely get no damages, because the message has no commercial value, but if you want to stay strictly in the law, you should ask first.


  • 它们越来越多受到商业利益轰击,商业利益经常法律诊所诉讼目标

    Increasingly, they are being attacked by business interests, which are often the targets of clinic lawsuits.


  • 律师监督代表客户处理财产转让公司商业法律、基金、遗嘱遗嘱认证和诉讼事务。

    Acts for and on behalf of clients in the areas of property transfer, company and business law, trusts, wills, probate and litigation under the general supervision of a Barrister or Solicitor.


  • 商业秘密诉讼可能进行得非常之快一些案例商业经营造成了破坏。

    Trade secret litigation can be extremely fast-paced and in some cases disruptive of business practices.


  • 协商仲裁诉讼中国解决商业争端三种主要方式

    Negotiation, arbitration, and litigation are the three primary ways to resolve commercial disputes in China.


  • 公司可能商业决策诉讼风险方面提供建议,并提供业务实践相关的预防法律风险的咨询

    Advising the Company on the litigation risks of possible business decisions, providing preventive counseling with respect to the legal risks associated with business practices.


  • 公司一旦商业成功,有可能美国准备应对这样诉讼时机-现在

    If companies become successful, they face a strong chance of being sued in the United States.? The time to prepare for such lawsuits is NOW.


  • 因此商业秘密侵权诉讼不能实行举证责任倒置

    Therefore, the principle of inverted evidential burden can not be applied to the litigations over trade secret infringements.


  • 这份无明确赔偿金额诉讼要求施贵宝公司笔虚假处方支付1万美元罚款偿还通过这些商业贿赂所得的全部收益

    The suit seeks unspecified damages that include a $10,000 fine for each prescription obtained through fraud and repayment of any profit the company made from the alleged scheme.


  • 针对这个问题笔者提出设立行为保全制度完善商业秘密民事诉讼保障体系

    In order to settle the problem, the essay suggests set up custody of act system and perfects litigation security system.


  • 针对这个问题笔者提出设立行为保全制度完善商业秘密民事诉讼保障体系

    In order to settle the problem, the essay suggests set up custody of act system and perfects litigation security system.


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