• 基于这样一个哲学信仰断定互联网进化客观规律一定是实际存在

    On the basis of this philosophical belief, I exclaim the existence of objective laws of Web evolution.


  • 历史已然证明,弘扬哲学信仰人类实现正向自我超越必然选择

    History has testified that carrying forward philosophical belief is the inevitable choice to go beyond human being self.


  • 史学家专业素养教育传统认识旨趣以及哲学信仰科学史重构方法选择主体性影响因素

    And professional attainment, educational tradition, cognitive purport and philosophical belief are the subjective factors which affect historians when reconstructing the history of science.


  • 这种批判过程既是马克思不断廓清自己过去哲学信仰过程,也是不断走向历史的深处、建构科学唯物史观的过程。

    This process of criticism was both the process of cleaning up his philosophical beliefs and the process of going to


  • 哲学信仰概念如此宽泛好像雇主们打开了一个潘多拉盒子,而雇员则可能因此中‘头奖’,获得六七位数的巨额赔偿。

    "The concept of philosophical beliefs is so wide that it will open a Pandora's box for employers and give individuals a foothold to obtain six- and seven-figure 'jackpot' payouts, " Doran says.


  • 说,“Instagram哲学信仰一部分:让任何地方发布内容变得更加简洁-同时兴奋看到直到现在,我们做的整合都是有意义的,”他补充到。

    "Part of our philosophy is making it easier for you to broadcast your content anywhere - and I'm excited about all the integrations we've done so far," he continues.


  • 这种观点得到了他们关于宇宙起源结构哲学宗教信仰支持

    This view is also supported by their philosophical and religious beliefs about the origin and structure of the universe.


  • 信仰始于古代哲学家和道教的创始人老子,他大约生活在2500年前。

    This belief began with Laozi, the ancient philosopher and founder of Taoism who lived around 2,500 years ago.


  • 这些教会教导权威声明描绘了一个场景,对上帝信仰其中已经渗透中世纪文化并且带来某些哲学影响

    These statements of the teaching authority of the Church expressed an atmosphere in which faith in God had penetrated the medieval culture and given rise to philosophical consequences.


  • 奥地利学派哲学接触迫使重新思考曾经汉普顿旅社信仰一切

    Yet exposure to Austrian philosophy has forced me to rethink almost everything I once believed about Hampton House.


  • 奥古斯丁哲学核心相信唯有通过信仰才能获得理智

    At the heart of Augustine's philosophy is the belief that only through faith can wisdom be attained.


  • 研究表明我们是非判断力并非仅仅是基于教养信仰哲学——而是取决于我们大脑生物学

    The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on upbringing, religion or philosophy - but by the biology of our brains.


  • 尽管这种思维方式哲学还有可辩驳空间但是依然是宗教信仰进行哲学解释最为合理起点

    There is still room for philosophical disputes about this line of thought, but it remains the most plausible starting point of a philosophical case for religious belief.


  • 他们工作我们土著人民的信仰体系哲学连接起来;他们的工作捕捉了土著社区日常生活精神风貌

    Their work connects us to belief systems and philosophies; it captures both the daily life and the spirit of indigenous communities.


  • 深深地信仰宿命论以至于这种信仰差不多成了种毒害,消极方面简直就放弃哲学一样,和本华与雷奥巴狄的哲学出一源。

    His creed of determinism was such that it almost amounted to a vice, and quite amounted, on its negative side, to a renunciative philosophy which had cousinship with that of Schopenhauer and Leopardi.


  • 标准观点哲学赞同有关上帝论证使得观点与起初的信仰信仰者的信仰不相干

    The standard view is that philosophers' disagreements over arguments about God make their views irrelevant to the faith of ordinary believers and non-believers.


  • 当我人哲学罗素是否愿意为了信仰献身时,他答道:“当然不会

    Philosopher Bertrand Russell, asked if he was willing to die for his beliers, replied: "Of course not.


  • 比较哲学理论信仰哲学人们行为的话,你会发现这一点司空见惯。

    It is a commonplace to compare philosophical theories and the behavior of those who profess them.


  • 他们倾向信教研究哲学精神信仰建立生存意义,建立一种归属感。 而这是他们失去所爱之前从未经历过的。

    They tend to adopt religious, philosophical, or spiritual beliefs to create meaning in their lives and provide a sense of belonging that they either never h ad or lost when their loved one died.


  • 发现,自己2030岁间找到信仰成为人生哲学基石。这些早年经历,也能为所有人奠定成熟人生的丰厚基础

    I've found that the beliefs I've discovered in the 20 - to 30-year period can be the ground floor of my philosophy, and that these early years can be a fruitful basis for a mature life for everyone.


  • 位于密歇根州荷兰霍普学院心理学教授哲学博士大卫·麦尔斯表示多项研究表明,有强烈宗教信仰快乐,而且更好地应对危机

    In study after study, actively religious people are happier and cope better with crises, according to David Myers, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.


  • 早先盖瑞。加庭先生所发表的有关信仰则帖子:“哲学信仰以及达尔文无神论:我的应答后面所附的几百条评论当中,相当多数都是这种论调。

    Many of the several hundred comments that followed two earlier Stone posts "Philosophy and Faith" and "on Dawkins's Atheism: a Repsonse," both by Gary Gutting, took this stance.


  • 强调兼容性信仰理性的,他相信哲学知识可能来自理由

    He emphasized the compatibility of faith and reason but believed philosophical knowledge to be derived from reason.


  • 同时也越来越多的不同信仰哲学思想自然造成年轻人老年人持有不用的意见。

    Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is naturally the young who hold different opinions from the old.


  • 本尼迪克认为相对主义源于16世纪英国哲学培根进步中的信仰无神主义思想

    Benedict traces relativism back to 16th-century English philosopher Francis Bacon and his godless idea of "faith in progress."


  • 索伦克尔凯戈尔《信仰飞越》,19世纪哲学

    Soren Kierkegaard, the Great Leap of Faith, the nineteenth century philosopher.


  • 正好总结人生哲学信仰

    With these words, Walter DE la Mare sums up for me my philosophy and my belief.


  • 也许后者桑普拉斯感到骄傲,因为体现了他网球哲学:网球就是他的信仰

    It's the latter that Sampras might be proudest of, because it bespeaks an entire philosophy of the game, tennis as ethic.


  • 也许后者桑普拉斯感到骄傲,因为体现了他网球哲学:网球就是他的信仰

    It's the latter that Sampras might be proudest of, because it bespeaks an entire philosophy of the game, tennis as ethic.


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