• 数据资本(自造一个词汇)品牌资本一样重要

    Data equity, to coin a phrase, will become as important as brand equity.


  • 品牌资本价值回归一个缓慢却是相当稳定过程

    Value return of the trademark capital is a process that is slow but absolutely stable.


  • 品牌资本价值回归一个缓慢却是相当稳定的过程。

    The value regression of capital grade is slow, but very stable.


  • 他们期待衡量广告眼前影响而不是在一个真实价值构成附近稳步地打造品牌资本

    Instead of steadily building brand equity around a real value proposition, they expect to measure the immediate impact of every AD.


  • 与此同时国际资本流动伴随着具有附加价值品牌核心品牌资本输出替代了传统产品输出。

    Meanwhile, brand export, which core value is high add-on value along with global capital flow, has replaced traditional product export.


  • 他们创造自己具有国际竞争力品牌并且他们通过传统资本方式想依靠国家扶持

    They want to create internationally competitive brands of their own and they're going to do that both through traditional capitalist means, but also with the help of their state.


  • 认为上市可以收购募集更多资本创建自己品牌同时可以激励自己雇员

    Blackstone says its IPO will raise money to expand and make acquisitions, build its brand name, and give better incentives to employees.


  • 恰恰这个领域容易产生品牌,由于这些公司大众当中的认知度,可以比较容易的在股市转换为巨额资本

    It's exactly this segment of the economy that spawns big brand names, giving companies the kind of broad-based popular recognition that translates into big stock market capitalization.


  • 很显然公关带来了巨大收益增长公关资本帮助建立品牌关键成功因素

    Clearly the PR coverage came as a result of the tremendous viral growth, but capitalizing on that PR to help build brand was a key success factor.


  • 然而随着商业资本发展壮大,零售商开始创立自有品牌以期获得更大竞争优势更高利润

    But with the development of commercial capital, retailers began to create store brand to obtain bigger competition advantage and higher profit.


  • 公司意欲将来发掘其他资本密集度较低业务机会,以期中国利用各种其他渠道业务模式最佳发挥百思买品牌价值

    The company intends to explore other less capital intensive growth options in the future, where it can leverage Best Buy's valuable brand across alternative channels and formats in China.


  • 陶瓷不断通过对资本知识人才技术信息资源的整合运营,打造核心竞争力,向着国内一流国际知名品牌的目标奋进。

    Gani ceramics is trying to become the best domestic and international well-known brand after developing sustainably combined with capital, knowledge, talents, technology and information.


  • 亚洲熔炼了76%世界钢铁排放了44%的污染物但是掌握了十分之一最有价值品牌风险资本活动

    Asia smelts 76% of the world's iron and emits 44% of its pollution, but hosts only a tenth of its most valuable brands and venture-capital activity.


  • 但是对于同样建筑在某些特殊时候需要被精确定义,例如品牌资本募款或者获取委托时。

    Yet, for the same building there are instances when a more precise set of ideas are important to communicate, like branding, capital campaigns, or winning the commission in the first place.


  • 经济时代由传统的劳动密集技术密集、资本密集演进品牌知识密集。

    New Economic Age has developed into brand and knowledge denseness from labor force denseness, technology denseness and capital denseness.


  • 目前我国东南沿海地区加工业已品牌建设企业管理资本运作人才培育产业配套等方面积累了明显优势。

    At present, there are great advantages of processing industries in our southeast area including brand building, business management, capital operation, personnel education, industry supporting, etc.


  • Mark One筹集了数百万美元风险资本开发一款更加雄心勃勃的水杯据称其能够追踪杯中饮品种类品牌包括卡路里和咖啡因含量

    Mark One has raised millions of dollars in venture capital to develop a more ambitious cup that claims to track the type and brand of drink inside, including calorie and caffeine content.


  • 其实并不至于此,我们屡次观察到,只要能品牌故事呈现特定关键要素产生正面口碑,我们称这些要素口碑资本引擎

    What we've seen, time and again, is that positive word-of-mouth happens when a certain number of key factors are present in a brand story. We call these factors the engines of Conversational Capital.


  • 近年来,很多企业高举民族品牌大旗成了行业龙头后,成了外国资本囊中之物。

    In recent years, many domestic companies with national brand tags rose to leaders of their industries, but they ended up in acquisition and merger of foreign companies.


  • 拥有高度口碑资本品牌,表现一向胜过享有这项竞争优势品牌

    Brands which have high degrees of Conversational Capital always out-perform those which do not enjoy this competitive advantage.


  • 财务理念下品牌创造价值增值资本要素,而创造价值与增值是财务管理基本目标,从目标、实际操作、资本经营、风险以及财务关系层面分析品牌管理都应该以财务管理为导向。

    Based on the financial notion, brand in this thesis is defined as value-created and value-added capital element, and the primary objective of financial management should be creating and adding values.


  • 品牌权益企业营销关注核心,是品牌内在价值的全面体现,是企业发展壮大提升资本源泉

    Brand equity is the core of corporate marketing and the display of the internal value of brand. It is the source of enterprise development and expansion and upgrading of capital.


  • 随着国内服装企业品牌化道路深入资本运营已经成为必然趋势

    Along with the in-depth development of brand, domestic garment enterprises began to make use of capital operation, which has become an inevitable trend.


  • 随着国内服装企业品牌化道路深入资本运营已经成为必然趋势

    Along with the in-depth development of brand, domestic garment enterprises began to make use of capital operation, which has become an inevitable trend.


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