• 神奇数据包组成法郎法郎法郎法郎法郎法郎” ,接着16日重复网络设备MAC地址

    A magic packet is data consisting of "FF FF FF FF FF FF" followed by 16 repetitions of the listening network device's MAC address.


  • 我们学习记忆或者爱的时候神经元集团如何形成功能网络?对于这一问题,我们依然没有有效研究方法,”Wenberger

    "We do not yet have a good way to study how groups of neurons form functional networks when we learn, remember, or do anything else, including seeing, hearing moving, loving," Weinberger said.


  • 现在年轻人社交网络这个东西有点年轻的时候首次别人讨论歌时就把当做那首歌的原版了。

    Listening to young people talk about social networking as a new phenomenon is a bit like hearing people talk about a remake of a famous song from my youth as though it was the original version.


  • 他们猜想这个年轻人节奏是因为大脑联接音乐节奏、节拍尺度的广大区域的网络出现了断裂。

    They hypothesize that the young man's beat deafness arises from disconnects in a widespread brain network involved in musical beat, rhythm and meter.


  • 但是不幸的是,不能在你收发邮件或者游戏的时候这些网络电台。

    Too bad you can't listen to that music while checking E-mail or playing games.


  • 本月初,百度宣布五月启动名为百度特许的音乐服务,将可能有着社交网络因素

    Earlier this month, Baidu announced that it would launch a licensed musicservice called Baidu Ting in May, and that it would have an element of socialnetworking.


  • 幽默大师们学习:下载的网络电影里加上更多的喜剧幽默片,或者乘公交车时幽默故事录音。

    Start with the professionals: Add more funny movies to your Netflix queue, or start listening to humorous books-on-tape during your commute.


  • 说过,您要是今天泄露五角大楼文件绝不会泄露媒体,您通过网络公布

    I've heard you say that if you were leaking the Pentagon Papers today, you wouldn't give them to the press, you'd simply put them up on the Internet.


  • 其中项内容已经被网络津津乐道,就是可以用来统计多少正在或者节目图像攫取术”。

    One element of the patent bandied about on the Web isan image capture device can be used to measure how many viewers are watching or listening to a broadcast.”


  • 初涉网海时,朋友提起网络复杂人事难辨

    Started his network of sea, the often heard friends mention network complexity, personnel difficult to distinguish.


  • 如果的是网络电台看看网络是否提供博客节目(数字广播技术,网络广播或类似的网络声讯节目),博客可以众实现倒退多次反复同一个片段的功能。

    If you're listening to Internet radio, see if the website has any shows as podcasts so that you can back up and listen to a segment several times.


  • 方案分为水阵列信号网络传输计算机集群处理两个部分

    The scheme has two parts: network transmission of the hydrophone array signal and cluster signal processing.


  • 通过网络学习提高自己能力

    Improve your listening and speaking abilities by learning on the Internet.


  • 网络广播电台-收音机

    Online radio Stations - Listen to radio!


  • 通过儿童歌曲宝宝能够感知歌曲旋律曲调,从而刺激大脑神经突触生长网络建立。

    Through listening to children's music, infants and toddlers are able to learn and feel the melody and the tone, thus stimulating the growth of neuron and neural connection.


  • 软件可以网络收音机网络电视使用比较方便画面简洁美丽

    The software on the network can listen to the radio, watching network television, the use of more convenient, simple and beautiful pictures.


  • 可以语言的同伴交谈阅读网络文章或者通过播客测试自己理解力

    You could have conversations with friends learning the same language, read articles online or listen to a podcast to test your comprehension.


  • 网络自助服务并不意味着只能面对计算机,我们客户服务人员仍然24小时,随时解决您提出问题

    Web self-service option does not mean that the client does rely only solely on the website; but our staff from the client's service center will stand by 24 hours to solve client's problems.


  • 网络自助服务并不意味着只能面对计算机,我们客户服务人员仍然24小时,随时解决您提出的问题

    Web self-service does not mean that the clients rely only on the website; our employees from the client's service center will stand by 24 hours to solve client's problems.


  • 网络自助服务并不意味着只能面对计算机,我们客户服务人员仍然24小时,随时解决您提出的问题

    Web self-service does not mean that the clients rely only on the website; our employees from the client's service center will stand by 24 hours to solve client's problems.


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